Holocaust Thought Crimes: Ernst Zündel Interviews David Irving
tailgunnerjimHolocaust Thought Crimes: Ernst Zündel Interviews David Irving First published at 09:07 UTC on August 15th, 2022. #holocaust #davidirving #revisionism Secret-Agent German born Ernst Zundel interviews David Irving, going over his work as an author, his influence, archival work, his controversy inducing publication about Hitler, involvement with holocaust revisionism and the subsequent legal, physical and professional persecution by Jews of his thought crimes and questioning the Jewish holocaust narrative (1994 / 27 min).14.3K views 19 comments -
Never Slacken! Never Tire!
waterlimeHitler's famous 1933 Nuremberg Rally speech. "The most precious possession you have in this world is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith" Original German: "Der kostbarste Besitz der Welt aber ist das eigene Volk. Und für dieses Volk, und um dieses Volk, wollen wir ringen, und wollen wir kämpfen, und niemals erlahmen, und niemals ermüden, und niemals verzagen, und niemals verzweifeln"113 views