James Roguski on Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 12
joesansoneJosephSansone.Substack.com JamesRoguski.Substack.com James Roguski stops by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone to to discuss the upcoming changes to the WHO Treaty. James give background information and explains in great detail how the conflicts at WHO are between nations trying to get a bigger cut of the action from the international crime syndicate. James also highlights the importance of reading the documents and spreading the word about why it is important to reject these changes and to get out of the WHO and the UN. James directs people tot he following Web Pages. ExitTheWho.com StopTheGlobalAgenda.com StopTheTreaty.org163 views 1 comment -
Lawyer Lisa (Miron) on Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 13
joesansoneJosephSansone.Substack.com LawyerLisa.Substack.com Lawyer Lisa stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone to to discuss 15 minute cities, the Covenant of Mayors, WHO, and WEF. Shockingly food consumption is targeted to be reduced down to 40% of current levels. Clothing is to be rationed down to three items. Automobiles are to be eliminated. The importance of watching your local county and municipal governments was discussed.227 views 1 comment -
Dr. Joseph Sansone Submits Emergency Petition in Florida to Stop the Covid Shot
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