Roses Have Thorns (Part 6) The Odessa Massacre
Christopher Todd NolanRoses Have Thorns is a comprehensive 17-part series covering the war in Ukraine from the start of the Euromaidan protests late 2013. Events are presented without commentary in chronological order, relying solely on raw footage, news reports, witness interviews and official statements. Part 6 covers events in Odessa on May 2, 2014 and was first released on July 16, 2014. Full series: https://www.watchdogmediainstitute.com/p/blog-page.html See also: 8 Months in Ukraine (a revised and condensed version of Roses Have Thorns) https://www.watchdogmediainstitute.com/2017/07/8-months-in-ukraine-euromaidan-mh17.html85 views