ADAM—Real Man, Myth, or Legend? | Guest: Randy Guliuzza
Christ in ProphecyWas Adam in the book of Genesis a real man, a myth, or a legend? Find out with guest Dr. Randy Guliuzza along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy! DR. RANDY GULIUZZA Institute of Creation Research - https://www.icr.org/randy_guliuzza/ RESOURCES Everlasting to Everlasting Conference (DVD) - https://lamblionresources.com/category/dvds/conference-dvds/everlasting-to-everlasting-conference-dvd-album Lamplighter (Magazine) - https://christinprophecy.org/lamplighter/ SALVATION What Must I Do to Be Saved? - https://christinprophecy.org/articles/what-must-i-do-to-be-saved/ HOW TO PARTNER Prophecy Partner Program - https://christinprophecy.org/donate/ CONNECT Website: https://christinprophecy.org Blog: https://christinprophecyblog.org Resources: https://lamblionresources.com Podcasts: https://christinprophecy.org/podcasts/ App: https://www.lamblion.mobi FOLLOW US Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lamblionministries Twitter: https://twitter.com/christnprophecy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinprophecy Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/proclaimJesus SUMMARY Was Adam in the book of Genesis a real man, a myth, or a legend? For more episodes of "Christ in Prophecy" subscribe to this channel, and please visit us at https://christinprophecy.org/. #RandyGuliuzza #ICR #BookofGenesis847 views -
EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS to God's Glory | Speaker: Tim Moore
Christ in ProphecyWhat eyewitness accounts exist that declare God's glory? Find out with guest Dr. Randy Guliuzza along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy! DR. RANDY GULIUZZA Institute of Creation Research - https://www.icr.org/randy_guliuzza/ RESOURCES Everlasting to Everlasting Conference (DVD) - https://lamblionresources.com/category/dvds/conference-dvds/everlasting-to-everlasting-conference-dvd-album Special Offer #1002 - https://lamblionresources.com/category/specials/offer-1002-everlasting-conference-bundle-2-dvds-1-study-guide-1-book Lamplighter (Magazine) - https://christinprophecy.org/lamplighter/ SALVATION What Must I Do to Be Saved? - https://christinprophecy.org/articles/what-must-i-do-to-be-saved/ HOW TO PARTNER Prophecy Partner Program - https://christinprophecy.org/donate/ CONNECT Website: https://christinprophecy.org Blog: https://christinprophecyblog.org Resources: https://lamblionresources.com Podcasts: https://christinprophecy.org/podcasts/ App: https://www.lamblion.mobi FOLLOW US Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lamblionministries Twitter: https://twitter.com/christnprophecy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinprophecy Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/proclaimJesus SUMMARY What eyewitness accounts exist that declare God's glory? For more episodes of "Christ in Prophecy" subscribe to this channel, and please visit us at https://christinprophecy.org/. #RandyGuliuzza #ICR #ColTimMoore737 views 3 comments -
What Do We Have to LOOK FORWARD To? | Speaker: Tim Moore
Christ in ProphecyWhat wonderful future do Christians have to look forward to? Find out with guest Dr. Randy Guliuzza along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy! DR. RANDY GULIUZZA Institute of Creation Research - https://www.icr.org/randy_guliuzza/ WATCH THE ENTIRE CONFERENCE Institute for Creation Research (ICR) YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay1bVkLnlOU RESOURCES Everlasting to Everlasting Conference (DVD) - https://lamblionresources.com/category/dvds/conference-dvds/everlasting-to-everlasting-conference-dvd-album Special Offer #1002 - https://lamblionresources.com/category/specials/offer-1002-everlasting-conference-bundle-2-dvds-1-study-guide-1-book Lamplighter (Magazine) - https://christinprophecy.org/lamplighter/ SALVATION What Must I Do to Be Saved? - https://christinprophecy.org/articles/what-must-i-do-to-be-saved/ HOW TO PARTNER Prophecy Partner Program - https://christinprophecy.org/donate/ CONNECT Website: https://christinprophecy.org Blog: https://christinprophecyblog.org Resources: https://lamblionresources.com Podcasts: https://christinprophecy.org/podcasts/ App: https://www.lamblion.mobi FOLLOW US Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lamblionministries Twitter: https://twitter.com/christnprophecy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinprophecy Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/proclaimJesus SUMMARY What wonderful future do Christians have to look forward to? For more episodes of "Christ in Prophecy" subscribe to this channel, and please visit us at https://christinprophecy.org/. #RandyGuliuzza #ICR #ColTimMoore700 views 3 comments