What If They Are Both Lies?
Column17 Collaboration CenterWhat If They Are Both Lies?🌍🌎🔨 ➡️ Is the globe as we know it a lie? ➡️ Has flat earth been inserted into our history to mislead us? ➡️ What if there was a third option? ❓Why do we have SO MANY submarines on this planet? ❓Where do they go? ❓If you were the dark how would you escape the matrix? https://t.me/+4Yoq83nEoz5kNmMx http://column17cc.com/ http://ForTheLoveOfQ.com https://forthepeople.space/ https://forthespirit.space/704 views 1 comment -
Column17 Collaboration CenterQ disclosed our portion of the earth being flat and the earth being bigger than we are told! He also talked about beings on the surface of the planet, outside of the ice wall, which are higher frequency beings. This is what is beyond the ice wall!!!! We do not have much interaction with them as they are too high of a frequency for us to be able to understand them. They live through their hearts and, understandably, see us as cavemen. Q also discussed Hollow Earth. (Have you ever noticed descriptions of Hollow Earth make it seem like it it bigger than the surface of the planet? The bigger planet explains a lot doesn't it?) Hollow Earth and let's call them "the lands beyond" can all be in different frequencies & realities than we are here. Q explains our plant holds multiple dimensions / densities / frequencies. https://t.me/+4Yoq83nEoz5kNmMx http://column17cc.com/ http://ForTheLoveOfQ.com https://forthepeople.space/ https://forthespirit.space/842 views 5 comments -
The BIG Truth To End All Lies!
Column17 Collaboration CenterThe BIG Truth To End All Lies What if there was one truth SO BIG, it ended the entire matrix, and woke everyone up in an instant? While we are all distracted with "flat earth" vs "globe", they believe we will never discover option C, the real truth. The disclosure to end it all... GAME OVER dark! Prior Posts/Videos on Earth Shape: ⚪️Shape of Earth Disclosure, January 2023 (https://t.me/Column17CollaborationCenter/3610) ⚪️Shape of Earth Disclosure Video, December 2023 (https://t.me/Column17CollaborationCenter/3613) ⚪️What If They Are Both Lies? January 2023 (https://t.me/Column17CollaborationCenter/3614) Resources: ⚪️Antarctic Treaty (https://www.nsf.gov/geo/opp/antarct/anttrty.jsp) ⚪️Geophysical Year (https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/johnson/65-years-ago-the-international-geophysical-year-begins/) ⚪️Russia’s Antarctic Military Base (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vostok_Station) ⚪️NSF Grant for “Multidimensional Communication” (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1823304&HistoricalAwards=false) ⚪️1513 Piri Reis Map Translated (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/Piri_Reis_Map_Translated.svg) ⚪️Wiki 1513 Piri Reis Map (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piri_Reis_map) ⚪️Antarctica Disclosure, Rumble (https://rumble.com/v4fb940-antarctica-disclosure-robert-sepehr.-nazi-ufo-and-secret-research-infiltrat.html) column17cc.com fortheloveofq.com bbsradio.com/projectreviewwithq bbsradio.com/beinginspiredwithq2.01K views 9 comments -
[MIRROR] Antarctica Breakaway Civilization > History & Timeline
Juan O Savin SITREP* The Global Antarctic Treaty * The Nazi Antarctic Expeditions And Advanced Secret Technologies *49.6K views 118 comments -
Antarctica Disclosure - Robert Sepehr. Nazi UFO & Secret Research, Infiltration of U.S. Gov. 2-23
TheWarAgainstYouAntarctica Disclosure - Robert Sepehr. Nazi UFO & Secret Research, Infiltration of U.S. Gov. 2-23-2024 - 24,708 views Feb. 23, 2024 4 hours ago Robert Sepehr - Antarctica is the site of the South Pole and the southernmost continent of the planet governed under a series of recognized guidelines and agreements called the Antarctic Treaty System. New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) was a territorial claim made by Germany in the late 1930's. About 40% larger than Europe and virtually (allegedly) uninhabited, Antarctica continues to be a topic of great mystery and ongoing controversy. This presentation attempts to analyze and disclose still classified events pertaining to the region and how they may still be covertly influencing humanity today. Voyage to the Inner World •VoyagetotheInnerWorld-ROBERTSE... Antarctica and the Odin Departure •AntarcticaandtheOdinDeparture-R... Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony •InvadingAntarctica:SecretSouthPol... The People of Other Worlds •ThePeopleofOtherWorlds-ROBERTS... Origins of the First Europeans •OriginsoftheFirstEuropeans-ROBE... Out-of-Africa Theory Debunked •Out-of-AfricaTheoryDebunked-ROBER... Subversive Origins of Communism •SubversiveOriginsofCommunism-ROB... Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author (books also available through other book outlets) http://amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00... Thank you for supporting Robert Sepehr! http://buymeacoffee.com/robertsepehr Robert Sepehr Links https://linktr.ee/RobertSepehr Support Robert Sepehr on Patreon: /atlanteangardens - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@818encino8.92K views 19 comments