GitmoTV - TRIBUNALS for JUSTICEPFIZER --->>> https://rumble.com/v4i22xw-pfizer.html - 🇺🇸 ☣️🇺🇦 U.S BIOLABS - Russian General reveals PFIZER & Australian Doherty Institute in UKRAINE 🇺🇦☣️ --->>> https://rumble.com/v4ho72i--u.s-biolabs-russian-general-reveals-pfizer-and-australian-doherty-institut.html - 💥EXPLOSIVE 💥 Pfizer contract EXPOSED --->>> https://rumble.com/v4blh4f-explosive-pfizer-contract-exposed.html - - 💥💥💥TOP SECRET PFIZER DOCUMENT INCLUDING SIDE EFFECTS LEAKED ONLINE - IT'S THE CRIME OF CENTURY - GENOCIDE OF HUMANITY IN THE WORLD --->>> https://rumble.com/v1n6rjg-top-secret-pfizer-document-including-side-effects-leaked.html - DARPA responsible mRNA vaccines - TRANSHUMANISM IS GENOCIDE - The US government, DARPA (the military industrial complex) is responsible for the introduction of messenger mRNA vaccines, not Pfizer, not Moderna, not operation warp speed. - It’s pretty clear President Trump was NOT advised properly. "I think we already knew that though" --->>>> https://rumble.com/v27yuym-darpa-responsible-mrna-vaccines-transhumanism-is-genocide.html - DR. ELENA BISHOP: PFIZER IS NOT A VACCIN - THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY and GENOCIDE --->>> https://rumble.com/v1n6scc-bqqm-dr.-elena-bishop-pfizer-is-not-a-vaccin-this-is-experimental-gene-ther.htm - also watch 🔥GENOCIDE BY PFIZER EXPOSED🔥 --->>> https://rumble.com/v1opqhy-genocide-by-pfizer-exposed.html - ANDERSON PEDO COOPER 360 - BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER - 🔥NEVER EVER FORGET: TRUMP'S VACCINE WAS IVERMECTIN!!! THE REAL VIRUS ARE PEDO BASTARDS >>> --->>> https://rumble.com/v25om16-anderson-pedo-cooper-360-brought-to-you-by-pfizer.html7.38K views 20 comments