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Reptilians Videos

43 videos
Updated 1 month ago
The Beings That Call Themselves Demons, Demonic, Evil, Devil's, Zeus, Archons, Dragons, Snakes🐍 Or The lighted ones... These Beings Was Controlling Humanity For Many Years... They Are interdimensional, Underground, Low 4th Dimensional Frequency Beings... Some Are Manevolent And Some Are Benevolent... The Where Created by The Annunaki Melanated Race Of Beings... The Annunaki Reptilian 🐲 Race Came To Planet Kai As We Know As Earth 🌍 To Mines Gold And Other Materials... But They Created A New Species So They Can Do There Work Of Mining ⛏️ Materials... And These Beings Is Called Humans... Know The World 🌎 Is Rising In Frequency... We Are Now In The Age Of Aquarius ♒ Now The Reptilian's 🐲 Can't Hide 🫥 Anymore In The Low Frequency....
  1. Alien 👽 Leaked Interview With Being They Found In Stasis... "UAP"🥚Egg #VishusTv 📺
  2. It's Time For The Frequency Reveal Them... #VishusTv 📺
  3. WAR With The Reptilians "Part:2" #VishusTv 📺
  4. The Draconian Reptilians... #VishusTv 📺
  5. WAR With The Reptilians "2025" #VishusTv 📺
  6. Stewart Swerdlow: The Illuminati Human Reptilian History On Coast To Coast Am #VishusTv 📺
  7. Alex Collier Message For Year 2025... #VishusTv 📺
  8. Countdown: New Year's Fake Alien 👽 Invasion... "U.S. Military 🪖 Man Message" #VishusTv 📺
  9. I'm A "SPECIAL FORCES" Operator Tasked With Killing Monsters... (REPTILIANS)🦎 #VishusTv 📺
  10. What Kind Of Creature Is This? 🤯 #VishusTv 📺