Among Us: Shenanigans
Pissy McGuinnessthe last video I made had a max of 3 people per clip and the subtitles took me a whole day to do. this video has a max of 6 people per clip and the subtitles took me a whole week. I don't remember what grass looks like and I think i'm allergic to sunlight now. I fear for my life the day we get a game of 10 people. If I decide life is meaningless I'll make another one of these. For the record, we're trying to get a consistent group of 10 but it's been rather difficult due to us having no friends. in case it matters, this was still made in blender. subtitles: white = me green = Wild_Wing/mike yellow = phantom/brendan/desantola orange = mistake/christian brick = ya boi/blake aqua? teal? bright blue = meeeeee/mia songs: campfire night - Hunter Quinn by the riverside - Lindsey Abraham defiant age - Stationary Sign dragon king - Jo Wandrini Sep 27, 20205 views