soiritragnarokhttps://allnewspipeline.com/Deagel_Depopulation_War_Upon_Humanity.php Opensourcetruth.com Preventgenocide2030.org Theconsciousresistance.com Thegreaterreset.org NaturalNews.com geoengineeringwatch.org HumansareFree.com WhatonEarthisHappening.com Activistpost.com divinealliancellc.com Evelorgen.com/wp veilofreality.com Stopthecrime.net Toxicsky.org corbettreport.com HumansareFree.com WakingTimes.com HowtoexittheMatrix.com Montalk.net zeeemedia.com lightonconspiracies.com https://annuanki.blogspot.com/2020/08/nothing-in-this-matrix-is-as-it-seems.html?zx=30d7d82ee3a9b1c8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV3QHG2B3B0 https://www.bitchute.com/video/htj-o9m-Yjs/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/iuH8JtamdrGH/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTZrTLgAsDc https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sf5cJUN2nVo&t=122s https://rasera786.blogspot.com/2011/06/new-world-order-feudal-enslavement.html https://archive.org/details/dolores-cannon-keepers-of-the-garden_202202/page/123/mode/2up https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/2023/09/08/alien-sexual-manupulation/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/VGPlyj8YjVmH/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/t1YFVPvgffq3/ https://truthunedited.com/videos/jehovahs-witnesses-for-the-new-world-order/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/B6YuyU0ZgqCn/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/DfKj7uJI7ECm/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/cpvzOewNkzCf/ AGENDA 21 POPULATION CONTROL JIM MARRS TRILLION DOLLAR CONSPIRACY https://www.bitchute.com/video/AveahAacy4kM/ https://freedomplatform.tv/dr-rashid-buttar-hosts-a-doctors-covid-19-roundtable-1000-voices-strong/ https://thewebmatrix.net/disclosure/1947.html http://www.puppstheories.com/ LOVE DOES NOT EXIST TRY TO SURVIVE TIL U EXIT THIS MATRIX https://theserapeum.com/the-black-plague-poison-2-0-covid19-was-a-jewish-depopulation-plan/ https://odysee.com/@FTC-NL:0/AGENDA-2030-21 See the track & trace via vaxnanochip patent at this link!^s They Censor Us Because They Know People Are Waking Up 🚫👎- Judy Mikovits https://rumble.com/user/soiritragnarok veteranstoday com/2021/04/30/35-things-the-ruling-cabal-does-not-want-you-to-know/ https://annuanki.blogspot.com/2020/08/nothing-in-this-matrix-is-as-it-seems.html https://m.youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles/videos http://www.lopezcarlos.nl/dwtf/Nieuwemap/links.html#services https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/02/the-strange-world-of-energy-vampires/ TRUST NO ONE https://kateofgaia.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/babylon-is-fallen-by-kate-uv-kaia.pdf htttps://celestialreport.com/pages/soulcatcher Death cures all hatreds in time all grow old and will Die In time regardless ur beliefs race religion status wealth looks all your baggage resentments judges hatred laid to rest stay humble no one gets out alive https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/toxic-by-design-big-pharma-experts-speak-out Matrix resurrectio The Risn quote " As long as the mind controlled sheeples believe in fear they will be always be easily manipulated and controlled governed by the SYSTEM https://archive.org/details/2005083101201501240157 views -
Pt. 1: Biodigital Convergence Series: Sabrina Wallace & Juxtapostion1
Juxtaposition1Techno-Enslavement Systems: (aka: Biodigital Convergence) https://www.anab-whitehouse.com/Devil's-Dictionary.pdf Glossary of Terms: GIG: Global Information Grid (Sentient World Simulation) Sensors, SMART DUST, META Materials Under the Skin Bio-Surveillance Sensors (Mosaic) CDC term for Cognitive War: Anomalous Health Incident Net Centric Warfare (hunt the target via GPS sensors) (Mosaic) Drone over your Home Human Activity Recognition Radar Cross Domain Biology, (Dominion or Empire) Blood clotting weaponry Havana Syndrome CEW Cognitive Electronic Warfare United Nations (Geneva) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Economic_and_Social_Council ITU International Telecommunications Union (Geneva Switzerland) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Telecommunication_Union IEEE Institute of Electronics, Electrical Engineering (NYC) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_of_Electrical_and_Electronics_Engineers FCC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Communications_Commission https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrum_(brand) FDA NIH CDC Synthetic Biology (Graphene, plastics, nanotechnology) Polymorphism Maritime Law, Admiralty Law, Military Law, Marshall Law, Marshall Rule https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Admiralty_law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrister PAVE PAWS Phased Array Warning System, Pulsing Array Weapons System https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAVE_PAWS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartdust DUST Networks, SMART DUST https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_Networks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristofer_Pister https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_sensor_network https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microcontroller https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_area_network https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/100248297.3K views 70 comments -
Urine Therapy, Snake Venom, Parasites, 5G & Bioweapon Detox w/ Dr. Edward Group | 545 | Luke Storey
LukestoreyDr. Edward Group is a healer and alternative health advocate, an industry leader and innovator in the field of natural health. As the founder of Global Healing (visit https://lukestorey.com/globalhealing use code LUKE for 15% off), Dr. Group shares his mission and vision through best-selling books, media appearances, and a YouTube channel with over 25 million views. Dr. Group's fundamental belief that our bodies are their own healers, once we remove the obstacles in their way, is both validating and motivating for those of us striving for peak health. His work bridges the gap between science and spirituality, leveraging our body's systems and quantum energy to create products and protocols with real impact. In today's episode, we unpack the historical and scientific context of a budding wellness protocol – urine therapy. We explore how to use it, reveal why it’s beneficial for your overall health, dispel myths, and learn about Dr. Group’s tried and true system. We also touch on groundbreaking discoveries, like Tesla’s prediction that the gut is the source of all health and disease, which has informed Dr. Group's work with Global Healing products. We don’t pull punches when discussing the supplement industry’s transparency problem and how to identify truly trustworthy products. Dr. Group also shares his essential supplement and detox cleanse recommendations and offers practical tips on combating the effects of 5G and EMFs in your home. By the end of this episode, you’ll learn how to fight against bioweapons and nanotechnology, as well as how to reactivate your body's self-healing mechanisms. This conversation is nothing but fuel for the great awakening – so, sit back, open your mind, and get ready to learn from one of the brightest minds in the field. For more info, visit: https://www.lukestorey.com/lifestylistpodcast/545 Subscribe to The Life Stylist Podcast on Your Preferred Podcast App: - Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-life-stylist/id1121467751 - Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3LXqtYWmzDfTA4SwALoXhI?si=7cac22bb54574233 Chapters: 00:00:00 — 1: Opening 00:00:05 — 2: Alternative Oncology, Exposing Bioweapons & Nanotechnology 00:18:57 — 3: The Scientific & Historical Context for Urine Therapy 00:38:48 — 4: Tesla’s Gift: Uncovering the Power of Gut Health & Quantum Energy 01:02:47 — 5: Holistic Healing: Curing Disease Through Detoxification & Mindfulness 01:26:49 — 6: Exposing the Supplement Industry’s Transparency Problem 01:39:58 — 7: How to Reduce the Impact of 5G & EMFs at Home The Life Stylist is produced by Crate Media.5.99K views 16 comments -
TruthStream #248 Dr Robert Young: Part 2 of 2:Top Reseacher & Clinical Scientist, Nutritional Microscopy & Live blood analysis, Graphene Oxide, MasterPeace
TruthStream with Joe and ScottMasterPeace product https://bit.ly/tsmasterpeace TruthStream links https://linktr.ee/truthstream https://www.drrobertyoung.com/ Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology, whose principle—if proven—could revolutionize the biology and medicine worlds." Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D. Former Head of Research for John Hopkins University. Over the past two and a half decades, Robert O. Young has been widely recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the World. Throughout his career, his research has been focused at the cellular level. Having a specialty in cellular nutrition, biochemistry and microbiology, Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of "disease," subsequently developing "The New Biology™" to help people balance their life. In 1994, Dr. Young discovered the biological transformation of red blood cells into bacteria and bacteria to red blood cells. He has since documented several such transformations. Dr Robert Young's Zoom Meeting Wed. Mar 27, 2024 Summary: Dr. Robert Young presented a unique perspective on disease, emphasizing the role of the body's internal environment and the interstitium in maintaining health. He challenged traditional medical teachings on the largest organ of the human body, asserting that the interstitium is often overlooked. Dr. Young provided a detailed account of his personal journey, including his strong beliefs in an "alkalarian lifestyle" and his skepticism towards the medical system. He also delved into his philosophical views on life, emphasizing the significance of contrast and the choice to respond with love. Dr. Young passionately discussed the dark side of medical doctrine, drawing connections to the biblical story of Cain and Abel and the propagation of lies. He emphasized the manipulation and control of individuals through the harvesting of energy from the human biofield and the use of technology. Dr. Young also discussed the theory of monomorphism and pleomorphism, challenging the conventional belief that germs cause disease and advocating for a shift towards a holistic approach to health. Dr. Young delivered a detailed presentation on the presence of graphene oxide in COVID-19 vaccines, outlining its potential effects on the human body, including pathological blood clotting and targeted delivery to specific organs. He also discussed the pervasive presence of harmful substances such as nano and micro plastics in the environment, emphasizing their impact on water, air, and food. Dr. Young underscored the need to uncover the truth about international crimes involving pollution and questioned how the perpetrators are able to escape accountability despite controlling the agencies that restrict testing. Dr. Young discussed the profound impact of technology on human health, focusing on the dangers of graphene biochips and nanotechnology poisoning from 4G and 5G radiation. He emphasized the control exerted over individuals through digital identity and offered solutions to counteract these health risks, including the use of specific products and natural remedies to neutralize toxins and improve overall health. Additionally, he delivered a comprehensive presentation on the benefits of alkaline water and the critical role of managing pH levels in the body. Chapters & Topics: Introduction and Background of Dr. Robert Young Dr. Robert Young presents himself as an internal environmentalist and challenges the traditional medical model by asserting that disease is not a cellular problem but rather a result of internal environmental fluid toxicity. He explains the significance of managing the body's fluids to address symptoms labeled as diseases and shares insights from Dr. Alexis Corral's work on the eternal nature of human cells. * The nature of disease as a fluid problem Discussion on the Interstitium and Body Fluids Dr. Robert Young presents his extensive background in studying the interstitium and its impact on the body's health. He explains the composition of body fluids, emphasizing the significance of interstitial fluid and its role in determining health imbalances. Dr. Young challenges conventional medical teachings on the largest organ of the human body, highlighting the need for a deeper understanding of the interstitium's role in physiology. * The Importance of pH Balance in the Body Dr. Robert Young's Life and Philosophy Dr. Robert Young discusses his diverse experiences, from his career in tennis to his family life and his daughter's battle with brain cancer. He also expresses his skepticism towards the medical system and shares his philosophy on life, emphasizing the importance of contrast and the choice to respond with love over hate. Dr. Robert Young's Life Journey and Future Dreams Dr. Robert Young recounts his experiences of helping individuals in need, including a cancer patient whom he trained and employed. He also reflects on his early aspirations in music and tennis, as well as his family's legacy in architecture. Additionally, he shares his future dream of building non-5G cities as a safe haven away from harmful technology. Dr. Robert Young's Books and Influences Dr. Robert Young shares insights into his books, The pH Miracle and The Truth Versus Deception series, highlighting their significance in understanding health and nutrition. He also reflects on the influence of Tony Robbins and Neil Solomon, and his involvement with the United Nations in educating children about health and hygiene. Dr. Robert Young on the Causes of Disease Dr. Robert Young explains the concept of pleomorphism and its connection to the development of bacteria, yeast, and mold in the body. He highlights the book The Cycle of Imbalance as a valuable resource and challenges the conventional understanding of cancer as a disease caused by germs, instead attributing it to a polluted internal environment. Dr. Robert Young's Presentation on Medical Science and Health Dr. Robert Young passionately challenges the foundation of modern medicine, asserting that it is based on a fraudulent theory. He questions the existence of viruses, including COVID, HIV, and polio, attributing symptoms to chemical and radiation poisoning. Additionally, he discusses his research on undisclosed vaccine ingredients and emphasizes the importance of alkalinity in maintaining health and preventing diseases. * The impact of chemical and radiation poisoning on the body The Dark Side of Medical Doctrine and Technology Dr. Robert Young delves into the dark side of medical doctrine, drawing parallels to the biblical story of Cain and Abel. He also discusses the harvesting of energy from the human biofield and the manipulation of individuals through technology, emphasizing the need for people to become aware of these issues that are affecting their lives. * The role of electromagnetic fields in health and disease Discussion on the Theory of Monomorphism and Pleomorphism Dr. Robert Young presents the theory of monomorphism and pleomorphism, arguing that germs do not cause disease and emphasizing the importance of the body's interstitial fluids in maintaining health. He criticizes the profit-driven nature of the medical industry and advocates for a focus on lifestyle and nutrition for health improvement, referencing historical scientific work to support his claims. * Germ Theory vs. Pleomorphism Presentation on Graphene Oxide and its Effects Dr. Robert Young provides a comprehensive overview of the presence of graphene oxide in COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting its ability to self-assemble into biochips and its potential impact on the body, such as pathological blood clotting and targeted delivery to specific organs. He also emphasizes the use of radioactive isotopes to track the movement of graphene oxide in vaccinated individuals and references other scientists who have identified similar findings. * The presence of graphene oxide in vaccines and its effects on the body Environmental Contamination and International Crime Dr. Robert Young raises concerns about the widespread presence of harmful substances in the environment, particularly due to a train accident in Ohio that led to pollution spreading across the East and reaching Europe. He expresses frustration with the restrictions on testing for nerve agents by the EPA and CLIA, and emphasizes the need to uncover the truth about the international crime involved in the incident. Discussion on Technology, Health, and Solutions Dr. Robert Young delves into the detrimental effects of technology on human health, particularly the dangers of graphene biochips and nanotechnology poisoning from 4G and 5G radiation. He emphasizes the control exerted over individuals through digital identity and offers solutions to counteract these health risks, including the use of specific products and natural remedies to neutralize toxins and improve overall health. * Health Solutions and Antidotes Alkaline Water and pH Management Presentation Dr. Robert Young discussed the advantages of alkaline water and the significance of maintaining proper pH levels in the body. He highlighted the need for a purification system that eliminates toxins from water and emphasized the importance of testing and managing urine pH to support overall health. Dr. Young also provided information on where to find additional resources and materials related to the topic. Dr. Robert Young's Contact Information and Closing Remarks Dr. Robert Young provides his contact information and highlights the urgency of spreading vital information. The host expresses appreciation and plans to share the provided links for the audience's benefit. Dr. Young emphasizes the importance of knowledge and protecting sovereign rights. Action Items: * Dr. Robert Young will share the PowerPoint presentation with attendees. * Dr. Robert Young will collaborate with other scientists and researchers to further investigate and validate findings. * Attendees will read and review the articles provided by Dr. Robert Young. * Dr. Robert Young will provide free access to the article "Who had their finger on the magic of life: Antoine Béchamp or Louis Pasteur?" * Dr. Robert Young will continue testing and monitoring the efficacy of natural solutions for health challenges. * Conference Room will edit and insert the audio mentioned by Dr. Robert Young into the video recording. * Dr. Robert Young will research and publish more on the effects of graphene oxide and its antidotes. * Dr. Robert Young will share the article "Scanning and transmission electron microscopy reveals graphene oxide" with attendees. * Dr. Robert Young will develop and promote the use of pH Miracle Watermark for water purification. * Dr. Robert Young will promote the use of pH testing strips for monitoring urine pH levels. Key Questions: * What is the role of the interstitial fluid in maintaining health and preventing disease? * How do chemical and radiation poisoning impact the body's internal environment and contribute to disease? * What is the relationship between the body's biofield and its physical health, and how is this affected by external factors? * How do germs relate to the cause of disease? * How does the presence of graphene oxide in vaccines affect the body and contribute to health issues? * What are the effects of graphene oxide on the body? * Why is maintaining pH balance important for overall health?10.5K views 14 comments -
Documentary: The Whole Chessboard - Understanding How We Got Here. Our Corrupt Reality
TheWarAgainstYouDocumentary: The Whole Chessboard - Understanding How We Got Here. Our Corrupt Reality - I DO NOT NECESSARILY AGREE WITH THE CONCLUSIONS OF THIS MAKER - BIG CLAIMS ARE MADE YET LACKING PROOF. Much may be obviously correct. But wild claims require Proof... Opinions are one thing, but facts are another. - August 23, 2023 The Rundown of Our Reality - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/5W3JeLwUJbPp/7.44K views 7 comments -
Part 24: (CRISPR Gene Editing, Hydrogel, & Mind Control) 2022
My InvestigationIntroducing Dr. Charles Morgan * Introducing Jennifer Doudna * Dr. Ventners work paired with CRISPR * Germ cell vs Somatic cell editing * DREADDS - Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs * Ex-vivo vs In-vivo gene editing * Super soldiers & Designer babies * Gene drives, genetically modified mosquitos, Oxitec & Gates * Fluorescent marker genes for I.D, & DNA encryption * “Humans are now hackable animals” * The French experiment * Hydrogel * Subliminal messaging * ‘Direct brain to brain connection’ * The possession experiment * WEF annual meeting 2020 * Introducing Klaus Schwab * Tom Wheeler (FCC) (2016) * “The human-drone technology standpoint” * Teslaphoresis & carbon nanotubes * Pierre Gilbert (1995) * The findings of La Quinta Columna646 views 2 comments