Video Notice of Immediate Status Correction
TruthTornadoA Notice demanding that all Trustees, Servants, Agents (All Government Officials) and Bar members are to immediately stop blocking and interfering with the People's Inherent Rights and to return this Nation back to a Republican form of Government. This is a powerful Notice using Bill and Declaration of Rights, the highest laws of the land and Maxims of Law which are the fundamental principles of law. This notice is going out to 600 government officials across America. To participate in sending out this Notice click this link: https://form.jotform.com/222878093978173 (updated: this link is no longer active) This Notice was created using the Dave Jose Method by the People within his law groups. To learn more go to www.Restoremyrepublic.com or @DaveCaresForYou on telegram.345 views 2 comments