The Silver Bullet & The Silver Shield by Chris Duane
AlchematronChris Duane Website https://chrisduanesilvershieldcoins.com Complete epic documentary on silver by Chris Duane. His most important statement on silver. Over 8 hours in length. Chris Duane is a former US Marine veteran who became disillusioned with the Iraq war. He did extensive research on the corruption by the globalist cabal, and discovered how silver has been suppressed of its value. The globalists enslave humanity with debt and war through their worthless fiat currency. “I will use positive and negative motivation on why you should buy physical silver. I will appeal to your rational and irrational desires. I will give you the financial, historical, political, geological, mathematical, legal, intellectual, emotional and even spiritual reasons why you should be buying physical silver. Buying physical silver is by far the greatest act of wisdom and rebellion any American can and should be doing right now! It is both a silver bullet to rebel against the elite’s corrupt system, and a silver shield to protect your family and wealth in a post-dollar world. Buying physical silver is non-violent, non-compliant resistance.” Chris Duane Related Videos Silver vs The World by Chris Duane https://rumble.com/v4rkkih-silver-vs-the-world-by-chris-duane.html Freedom: Take Back America by Dr KL Beneficiary https://rumble.com/v4n3es5-freedom-take-back-america-by-dr-kl-beneficiary.html Prepper Information Guide PDF https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:b46cb4da-4978-414f-ad65-fdf4dab21c242.68K views 11 comments -
Why in the World are They Spraying? Documentary
Truth Seekers Worldwide"Why in the World are They Spraying?" Documentary People around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather. In this documentary you will learn how the aerosols being sprayed into our sky are used in conjunction with other technologies to control our weather. While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth's natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet. Directed/Produced by Michael J. Murphy Produced/Edited by Barry Kolsky Written by Michael J. Murphy & Barry Kolsky. Asthma, A.D.D., Alzheimer's, Autism, all diseases related to aluminum or particulate inhalation. Why are these ailments going off the charts with no apparent explanation? Why has respiratory mortality in the continental United States gone from eighth on the list to third in six years? To learn more and follow Dane Wigington & GeoEngineering Watch: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org Follow Dane on X: https://twitter.com/RealGeoEngWatch Thanks to all you amazing patriots for joining us on this journey and for your support and faith in this biblical transition to greatness. With your continued support, Truth Seekers Worldwide may continue sharing the most compelling videos of what's truly happening in our world. Any way can support is truly appreciated; a donation via a cup of coffee ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/LeslieO Join us at Truth Seekers Worldwide Private FB Group ➜ https://www.facebook.com/groups/227520826040332 Website ➜ https://TruthSeekersWorldwide.com Thank you for joining us on this journey! God bless! Leslie GeoEngineering, Weather Warfare, Covering Our Planet in Poisons, Asthma, A.D.D., Alzheimer's, Autism, 200 other disease,1.03K views 3 comments -
SPLINTERING BABYLON. The Documentary. The Most Banned Movie in America
TheWarAgainstYouSPLINTERING BABYLON. The Documentary. The Most Banned Movie in America - THE MOST BANNED MOVIE IN AMERICA - 9,660 views October 6, 2024 SplinterBabylon 261 followers - "Splintering Babylon" documentary film exposes the truth about the United States and Western governments' infiltration post-WWII by the fifth and final kingdom in the Book of Daniel 2:35, and the MK-Ultra Monarch mind control program to usher in the transhuman agenda for the global elites. - In an unprecedented moment in cinematic history, The Most Banned Movie in America, “Splintering Babylon,” the film the critics won’t watch and politicians will avoid for its radioactive content, has become the first movie to receive the highly controversial ‘T’ for Truth rating from the newly-formed FEMA Rumor Response unit. - The Verdict: SEE IT (If You Can). Limited screenings of The Most Banned Movie in America will be held in undisclosed locations, with showtimes posted in invisible ink. For those unable to attend, worry not—bootlegged digital files are circulating on the black market (but be careful, it’s rumored they’re being tracked). - DON'T WORRY. THIS IS A LEGITIMATE RELEASE DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE * James Grundvig On-location with the film crew at the Rockefeller Cottage on Jekyll https://rumble.com/v51qxx8-jekyll-island-interviews.html * PSA Targeted Censorship - https://rumble.com/v5a81ql-psa-targeted-censorship.html - Dr. Lee Merritt explains how the Censorship Industrial Complex is targeting--not shadow banning--patriot voices and researchers with the spiking of channels that are removed from them, but their neighbors can pull. * FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://rumble.com/user/SplinterBabylon11.9K views 32 comments -
One shot changed everything, but we won't back down...
Steven CrowderOn 07/13/2024, an attempt was made on President Donald Trump’s life. The internet has been flooded with conspiracy theories. Some warranted, some not. Today, we are sifting through the madness and bringing you everything we know about the terrifying incident, the alleged shooter, the tragic loss of life and how something like this could have happened. Trump's Deputy Director of Communications, Caroline Sunshine, joins us. GUEST: Caroline Sunshine Join Mug Club with Promo Code HERO for $10 off. All proceeds to be donated to Corey Comperatore’s family! https://mugclub.rumble.com/support/promo/HERO SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-july-15-20241.73M views 3.58K comments