Mobile Content
26 videos
Updated 3 days ago
in this playlist is all of the videos that I create just using a Samsung a54 5G, it's through ee and I have 2 mobiles for recording reasons I don't do my f2p accounts on this phone but my other phone is just for recording purposes
"Search the chest in the Duke of lumbridge's bedroom" EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM)(MOBILE)(OSRS)
Starky_RShello there guys my name is Starky and in todays video we will be doing the Easy clue scroll step "Search the Chest in the Duke of lumbridge's bedroom" you will need to go to the North bedroom on the second floor of lumbridge Castle and search the chest on the south wall! please consider leaving a like and a follow! also go check out my YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@starkyrs?si=rQjGvux1SbgmUx39 also if you are interested in getting some cool artwork for touraelf for any and all of tour need please go check out my friend ladyunknown her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown Thankyou all! I hope you are doing well and looking after yourself's much love, see you all in the next video15 views 1 comment -
"Talk to the Mother of a basement dwelling son" EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM)(MOBILE)(OSRS)
Starky_RSHello there guys my name is Starky and in todays video we will be doing the Easy clue scroll step "Talk to the mother of a basement dwelling son" you will need to go to the western house from the bank at edgeville and speak with Doris in the house with the cooker, Well guys that will be another easy clue scroll step done for the channel! I do hope you have been enjoying my content! please consider leaving a like and a follow for more oldschool runescape content in the future! if you are interested in getting some artwork for any of your needs speak to my friend ladyunknown who will create you a one off piece of art! her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown16 views -
"I'd like to hear some music, on the shore EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MOBILE) (MEMBERSHIP)
Starky_RShello there guys, my name is starky and in todays video we will be completing the easy clue scroll step "I'd like to hear some music, come see me at falador Park and play on the shore" clue step requirements: completion of the corsair curse (F2P) You will have to come speak to cecilia on the bridge in falador Park and play the song "on the shore" congratulations we have completed another easy clue scroll step for the channel! if you are interested in getting some artwork done for yourself please see my friend ladyunknown She is a talented individual who will customise your likes and interests into a one off customised piece of art for you, her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown Also please consider leaving a like, a follow for more oldschool runescape content in the future! MUCH LOVE GUYS! 🫶18 views -
Level 50 Firemaking on the Channels Main (F2P) (OLD-SCHOOL RUNESCAPE) (MOBILE) (OSRS)
Starky_RSHello there guys, In today's video I get the channels main accounts firemaking to level 50 burning willows and maples at 45 firemaking, I didn't have a rumble account at the time of making any of my accounts but you can see all of my progress videos, every free to play quest guide and now jumping into membership content with clue scroll guides! If you are interested in getting some artwork like mine please speak to my talented friend lady unknown she will take all of your likes and interests and compile it all into a one off design fit for you and your needs! her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown If you have enjoyed my content please consider leaving a like and follow the channel for more old-school runescape content, you could also check out my YouTube channel: Starky RS12 views -
"Bow outside the Legends guild equip IP, AN EA AND AN OL" EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM,MOBILE,OSRS)
Starky_RShello everybody, in this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "Bow outside the Legends guild equip iron platelegs, an emerald amulet and an oak longbow" The fairy ring code to the Legends guild is "BLR" if you haven't unlocked fairy rings then go to seers village and run south or from ardougne its east out of the town and then it will be north east of the Eastern exit of ardougne, There is a STASH UNIT just east of the Legends guild entrance, remember STASH UNITS take 2 normal planks around 50 nails to be sure and a hammer and saw. If you have enjoyed my content please consider leaving a like and a follow it really helps the channel! also if you do like my new artwork for both my channels gp check out my friend ladyunknown She is an awesome artist who will take your likes and interests and makes it fit to you specifically and personally her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown THANKYOU ALL AND TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELVES!! 🫶16 views -
Search the Boxes infront of the Armour Shop in East Ardougne Easy clue scroll step (OSRS) (MOBILE)
Starky_RSin this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step, search the boxes infront of the Armour shop in East Ardougne, the Armour shop is located in the south western part of the Ardougne market, the ardougne teleport is locked behind some quests which we will cover later down the line for all of my free to play content check out my YouTube channel: Starky RS This is my first video on rumble but I am planning on making alot more videos for rumble!165 views -
Speak to Rusty North of Falador Easy Clue Scroll Step (OLDSCHOOL RUNESCAPE) (MOBILE) (OSRS)
Starky_RSIn this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step, speak to rusty North of falador, we are going to start in falador and walk towards the dwarven mines but go west as you go up the steps towards barbarian village! and that is another easy clue scroll step done for the channel! for all of my free to play content check out my YouTube channel: Starky RS but I am happy to be starting membership content with you all! there is alot of fun stuff to do on old-school runescape and there is alot of history to this game over its 20+ year span!156 views -
Talk to the Barber in falador barber shop Easy Clue scroll step (MEM) (MOBILE) (OSRS)
Starky_RShello there guys my name is starky and in this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "Speak to the barber in falador barber shop" you will need to go to falador and it is located north west of the northern enter/exit to the city speak to the hairdresser and this will be another clue scroll step in the bag for the channel! thankyou so much for your time and interest in my videos! I don't know alot about the members side of the game but j have had it for a few months and I'm really enjoying my time online! but guys I hope to see you all in the future on my channel! peace and love guys!! 🫶 (OLDSCHOOL RUNESCAPE) (OSRS) (MEMBERSHIP) (MOBILE)262 views -
Al Kharid Mine Easy Clue scroll Dig spot (MEM) (OSRS) (MOBILE) (OLDSCHOOL RUNESCAPE)
Starky_RSIn this video I show you all how to complete this easy clue scroll digspot map, if you get this map you will need to come ro Al kharid mine and two steps away from the first central rock formation dig and this will be another easy clue scroll step thankyou everyone I hope you have a good day and lots of clue hunting, for all beginner clue scroll guides please check out my YouTube channel which has every single free to play quest guide and every beginner clue scroll steps!,243 views -
I wonder how many bronze swords he has handed out [Easy Clue scroll step] (MEM) (MOBILE) (OSRS)
Starky_RSin this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "I wonder how many bronze swords he has handed out" you will need to head to edgville and climb beneath and search for slayer master vannaka speak to him and this will be another easy clue scroll step completed! Well guys I hope your all looking after yourself and ill see you all in the next video! [Oldschool Runescape]258 views