ElijahForceJulie Smith will be hosting Jane Hamon on April 10, 2024 at 9am PT/12pm PT. Jane will be teaching six key areas of discernment that every believer has access to including discerning the Spirit of God, times and seasons, angels and demons and more! Be ready to be inspired and activated! Join us on April 10, 2024 with Jane Hamon! Websites: www.tomandjanehamon.com www.schooloftheprophets.us/ www.christianinternational.com Email: vcci@visionchurchci.org Order Jane’s Books: tomandjanehamon.com/shop Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA19.4K views 42 comments -
ElijahForceJoin Julie Smith and Johnny Enlow on Monday, April 15 at 9am PT/12pm ET as Johnny acknowledges the seers, intercessors and their prophetic gifting, plus how what you “see” can change a nation! Don’t discount your gifts, but rise into them…increase is here! You won’t want to miss this time of encouragement and impartation. Join us on Monday, April 15, at 9am PT/12pm ET! Websites: http://restore7.org FOLLOW US! Be a part of our ElijahForce Community! We want you to feel like you are “at home” and your voice and gifts are powerful. You are a FORCE to be Reckoned With! Please "FOLLOW" ElijahForce on RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce Please "LIKE" and "SHARE" ElijahForce on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElijahForceShow Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA20.7K views 39 comments -
ElijahForceJoin Julie Smith as she hosts Andrea Hobart on April 17 at 9am PT/12pm ET. Andrea will be discussing how she received the name “ELIJAH FORCE” for our new show, share different examples of forces God raises up, and how He has prepared us for “such a time as this” to stand and fight! Join us to be inspired to become a Force to be reckoned with! Websites: Connect with Andrea at www.instagram.com/andreahobart/channel https://www.facebook.com/andrea.hobart https://www.sierracaresfoundation.org Support Sierra Cares Foundation here: https://donorbox.org/scf-donations REPORT TRAFFICKING: Website: https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en Hotline phone number: 1-888-373-7888 FOLLOW US! Be a part of our ElijahForce Community! We want you to feel like you are “at home” and your voice and gifts are powerful. You are a FORCE to be Reckoned With! Please "FOLLOW" ElijahForce on RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce Please "LIKE" and "SHARE" ElijahForce on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElijahForceShow Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA19K views 18 comments -
ElijahForceApostle Jane Hamon shares what God has to say about ElijahForce! Please "FOLLOW" ElijahForce on RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce Please "LIKE" and "SHARE" ElijahForce on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElijahForceShow Be a part of our ElijahForce Community! We want you to feel like you are “at home” and your voice and gifts are powerful. You are a FORCE to be Reckoned With!11.2K views 3 comments -
ElijahForceCalling all prayer warriors! Tune in on April 22 at 9am PT/12pm ET as Julie Smith welcomes Rebecca Greenwood to Elijah Force. Discover powerful insights on praying from His presence, understanding Spiritual Mapping, unlocking your prayer assignments and more! Becca’s Websites: https://christianharvestintl.org (main website) https://beccagreenwood.com/partners/mentoring (be mentored by Becca and Greg) https://span.teachable.com/p/home (Spiritual Warfare Online School) To Order Becca’s Books: “Glory Warfare: How the Presence of God Empowers You to Destroy the Works of Darkness” https://christianharvestintl.org/product/glory-warfare/ “Authority to Tread: An Intercessors Guide to Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare” https://christianharvestintl.org/product/authority-to-tread/ “Discerning in the Spirit Realm” https://christianharvestintl.org/product/discerning-the-spirit-realm-pre-sale/ FOLLOW US! Be a part of our ElijahForce Community! We want you to feel like you are “at home” and your voice and gifts are powerful. You are a FORCE to be Reckoned With! Please "FOLLOW" ElijahForce on RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce Please "LIKE" and "SHARE" ElijahForce on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElijahForceShow Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA16.9K views -
ElijahForceSharon Ngai joins Julie Smith for an unforgettable episode on April 24, at 9am PT/12pm ET. Sharon is a prayer warrior and an advocate of Justice in Hollywood, Thailand, Nepal, and the nations. Join us to get an inside look in these locations, lives being transformed, and how you can be part of God’s army against human-trafficking. Rise up warriors and be a Force of Justice in the land! Connect with Sharon at http://www.justicespeaks.org and www.RadianceInternational.org If you wish to donate to the Thailand Project https://www.justicespeaks.org/give For large donations, please contact Sharon by email at: info@justicespeaks.org Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA10.8K views 9 comments -
ElijahForceJoin Julie Smith and Kat Kerr on April 24 at 9am PT/12pm ET, as they talk about pets and answering questions that we’ve all wondered about our animals. Do they go to Heaven? Do they see and discern in the spirit realm? You don’t want to miss this special episode about pets with Kat Kerr! Websites: Connect with Kat at www.revealingheaven.com and www.katkerr.com To Buy Kat’s books or photos: https://www.revealingheaven.com/shop FOLLOW US! Be a part of our ElijahForce Community! We want you to feel like you are “at home” and your voice and gifts are powerful. You are a FORCE to be Reckoned With! Please "FOLLOW" ElijahForce on RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce Please "LIKE" and "SHARE" ElijahForce on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElijahForceShow Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA19.7K views 38 comments -
ElijahForceJoin us on ElijahForce on May 1 at 9am PT/12pm ET as Julie Smith interviews Andrew Whalen! Andrew will be sharing the power of prophetic keys over your region, dealing with warfare and territorial spirits and he’ll be releasing a breaker’s anointing to our viewers, and more! Websites: https://www.vanquishpw.com/ Dreams Masterclass: https://www.vanquishpw.com/arsenal/p/dreams-101-masterclass Book Links: “Dreams to Save a Nation” https://www.vanquishpw.com/arsenal/p/dreams-to-save-a-nation-e-book “Prophetic Warrior: Basic Training” https://www.vanquishpw.com/arsenal/p/prophetic-warrior-basic-training?fbclid=IwAR0bwSBpwMYAo-Z5MLEJ1IaDyndOwx0_b3DCbUEoErx0LzH5OXzHqMFBQhA FOLLOW US! Be a part of our ElijahForce Community! We want you to feel like you are “at home” and your voice and gifts are powerful. You are a FORCE to be Reckoned With! Please "FOLLOW" ElijahForce on RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce Please "LIKE" and "SHARE" ElijahForce on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElijahForceShow Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA24K views 49 comments -
ElijahForceJoin us on May 6 at 9am PT/12pm ET for a heartfelt and fiery episode, as Julie Smith interviews Barry Wunsch. Barry shares his personal journey of redemption and God’s divine intervention which led to his calling! Join them as they explore the realms of prophecy, trance encounters, and the fiery manifestations of God's presence. Websites: www.thecanadianhammer.com FOLLOW US! Be a part of our ElijahForce Community! We want you to feel like you are “at home” and your voice and gifts are powerful. You are a FORCE to be Reckoned With! Please "FOLLOW" ElijahForce on RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce Please "LIKE" and "SHARE" ElijahForce on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElijahForceShow Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA29.6K views 78 comments -
ElijahForceDan McCollam joins Julie Smith on May 8 at 9am PT/12pm ET. This is a must-watch episode with foundational training for seers, mystics and discernment, as you gain powerful insight into how to partner with the Holy Spirit in these giftings! You won’t want to miss this episode! Websites: www.propheticcompany.com www.propheticcompany.com/prophetic-finders www.facebook.com/PropheticFindersGroup Dan's Books "Finding Lost Things" https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Lost-Things-Supernatural-Missing/dp/B08KH3T5JF "Bending Time" https://www.amazon.com/Bending-Time-Accessing-Heavenly-Realities/dp/172702639X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1FIYAZ31Z25MV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lJaXmSoml7FvvBP5THjAIb2VmIR8uLEe5ITmjZbRTEkP5dSTfECQFgpBGcfz_bn2f2NvbiyIvdVy6ZLZNwVjU0qKK6wJCZW12uFWm2smPRJpu1M1OgrgPIhS888vwYQ-4ux1pLGyEjMqQ4mScQ82EPKH5vmFKQ-kGPHeV9o1pWffQGpdBl5-ybXRWp2dgb4oKLuxCsDrU2IEY5jNT_yDyzVfnbTaEsKMjqCJwoLVDJ4.5zNg4QGITWIBlfC7YIOojnGwg01bmsVlxG5_ife6IUc&dib_tag=se&keywords=bending+time&qid=1715121827&s=books&sprefix=bending+time%2Cstripbooks%2C205&sr=1-1 FOLLOW US! Be a part of our ElijahForce Community! We want you to feel like you are “at home” and your voice and gifts are powerful. You are a FORCE to be Reckoned With! Please "FOLLOW" ElijahForce on RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ElijahForce Please "LIKE" and "SHARE" ElijahForce on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElijahForceShow Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA17.5K views 27 comments