In 1965, On ABC, a Scientist Claimed the Moon is A Plasma Hologram...
The Aquarius Bus1965 scientist claims the moon is plasma, landing on it won’t be possible and he turned conventional science on it's head with a live interview. Among R. Foster’s theories was that the moon was in fact made of plasma, not rock, and that landing on it would not be possible. Mr Foster claimed that once his ‘profound and decisive’ investigations were proven, a complete re-investigation of the laws of nature would be necessary. The ABC has been unable to confirm Mr Foster’s identity beyond the entry in the production notebook from 1965: “People – Int Tasmanian Professor (FOSTER)”. We have also been unable to find any documentation of his work. For an UNCUT version of this interview click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhIwZuPGfss&t=0s3.2K views 2 comments -
Santos Bonacci Exposes The Orsini Family Black Nobility, The Rothschild's, Rockefellers and More
TheWarAgainstYouSantos Bonacci Exposes Pepe Orsini - The Grey Pope, The Rothschild's, Rockefellers and More - Santos Bonacci: "The Rothschild's claim to go all the way back to Nimrod. How? Through the ORSINI Bloodline" - (Please Note: I cannot confirm that the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's are Related to the Orsini Black Nobility Bloodline, but it would not be that surprising) - Santos is an arrogant asshole, but he is a very impressive researcher - First published at 23:45 UTC on November 15th, 2022 - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/patriot-vibes-1q7/13.4K views 14 comments -
FDA Labled Orgone Accumulators a Sham but Turns Out They Cured Cancer!
The Aquarius Bus"The Orgone Accumulator is the most important single discovery in the history of medicine, bar none." - Theodore P. Wolfe, M.D. • The Orgone Accumulator is a device that was invented by Wilhelm Reich, a research scientist and physician, in 1940. The device is a six-sided box constructed of alternating layers of organic and metallic materials. The organic materials attract orgone energy, while the metallic materials radiate the energy towards the center of the box. Patients would sit inside the accumulator and absorb orgone energy through their skin and lungs. The accumulator had a healthy effect on blood and body tissue by improving the flow of life-energy and by releasing energy-blocks. Wilhelm Reich's discovery of orgone began with his research of a physical bio-energy basis for Sigmund Freud's theories of neurosis in humans. Reich believed that traumatic experiences blocked the natural flow of life-energy in the body, leading to physical and mental disease. Reich concluded that the libidinal-energy that Freud discussed was the primordial-energy of life itself, connected to more than just sexuality. Orgone was everywhere and Reich measured this energy-in-motion over the surface of the earth. He even determined that its motion affected weather formation. Not everyone liked the theories Wilhelm Reich suggested. Wilhelm Reich's work with cancer patients and the Orgone Accumulators received two very negative press articles. Journalist Mildred Brandy wrote both "The New Cult of Sex and Anarchy" and "The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich". Soon after their publication, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) sent agent Charles Wood to investigate Wilhelm Reich and Reich's research center, Orgonon. In 1954, the FDA issued a complaint about an injunction against Reich, charging that he had violated the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by delivering misbranded and adulterated devices in interstate commerce and by making false and misleading claims. The FDA called the accumulators a sham and orgone-energy nonexistent.1.37K views