The Deep State Purge Intensifies (Ep. 2439) - 03/11/2025
VINCEFor show notes, visit https://bongino.com/ep-2439-the-deep-state-purge-intensifies Check out our Clips channel for video highlights https://rumble.com/BonginoClips Sign up to receive Dan's daily newsletter at https://bongino.com/newsletter/ In this episode, I cover the Trump administration's latest moves to dismantle the deep state, this time shaking up the intelligence community. Plus, a brilliant new idea could be a game-changer for deportations. The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy-to-read format to assist the public in getting accurate information. https://bonginoreport.com/ Find official Dan Bongino Show merch at https://store.bongino.com Please subscribe to the podcast at: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t... Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dan-bongino Join Dan on Twitter @dbongino Truth Social @dbongino Follow him at: Facebook @dan.bongino Instagram @dbongino Locals @dbongino Email us at info@bongino.com1.23M views 2.79K comments -
The Left Can't Meme And Can't Win (Ep. 2438) - 03/10/2025
VINCEFor show notes, visit https://bongino.com/ep-2438-the-left-cant-meme-and-cant-win Check out our Clips channel for video highlights https://rumble.com/BonginoClips Sign up to receive Dan's daily newsletter at https://bongino.com/newsletter/ As a wise person once said, the left can't meme. And lately, it can't win either. In this episode, I cover the latest social media fiasco from the Democrats, who are still picking up the pieces after an optics disaster at Trump's speech to Congress last week, and how JD Vance masterfully embraced a hostile meme. The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy-to-read format to assist the public in getting accurate information. https://bonginoreport.com/ Find official Dan Bongino Show merch at https://store.bongino.com Please subscribe to the podcast at: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t... Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dan-bongino Join Dan on Twitter @dbongino Truth Social @dbongino Follow him at: Facebook @dan.bongino Instagram @dbongino Locals @dbongino Email us at info@bongino.com1.41M views 4.1K comments -
USAFrontlineDoctorsRFK JR.: THE DEATH KNELL FOR PHARMA ADS? Watch the :The Art of The Surge Series Episode “One: The Art of the Surge" on X - Episode One: We'll Make It Happen! Cool.. https://rumble.com/v5kvmbb-the-art-of-the-surge-on-x-episode-one-well-make-it-happen-cool....html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Episode Two: Art of the Surge: In the Bullseye- Episode 2 https://rumble.com/v5kt1nt-art-of-the-surge-in-the-bullseye.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Episode Three: Art of the Surge: It’s a Dangerous Job — Episode 3: A Rare Look Inside the Risky Path to the Presidency https://rumble.com/v5mkhkq-art-of-the-surge-its-a-dangerous-job-episode-3.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Episode Four: Art of the Surge | There's Something Wrong There · Ep 4 https://rumble.com/v5mkkl2-art-of-the-surge-theres-something-wrong-there-ep-4.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Episode Five: Art of the Surge | DebateGate 2024 · Ep 5 https://rumble.com/v5mkpbh-art-of-the-surge-debategate-2024-ep-5.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Episode Six: Tucker Carlson's Art of the Surge: Finale Episode 6 https://rumble.com/v5mkr6k-tucker-carlsons-art-of-the-surge-finale-episode-6.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop WATCH: Pres. Donald Trump FULL SPEECH at Madison Square Garden in NYC- 10/27/24 https://rumble.com/v5kg004-pres.-donald-trump-full-speech-at-madison-square-garden-in-nyc-102724.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop WATCH: Sen. Johnson Roundtable: “American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion” https://rumble.com/v5gh9zx-sen.-johnson-roundtable-american-health-and-nutrition-a-second-opinion.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop REMEMBER: SEPTEMBER 15, 2024 ANOTHER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT JULY 13, 2024 6:11:33-REMEMBER THIS DAY! Former President Donald Trump was the target of an apparent assassination attempt Saturday at a Pennsylvania rally, days before he was to accept the Republican nomination for a third time. A barrage of gunfire set off panic, and a bloodied Trump, who said he was shot in the ear, was surrounded by Secret Service and hurried to his SUV as he pumped his fist in a show of defiance WATCH: ALTERNATE ANGLE: ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT FORCES TRUMP OFF STAGE AT RALLY IN BUTLER, PA - 7/13/24 https://rumble.com/v56zhh1-alternate-angle-assassination-attempt-forces-trump-off-stage-at-rally-in-bu.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop WATCH:Oversight Of The Biden Covid-19 Administrative State Response https://rumble.com/v54bcw2-follow-the-science-oversight-of-the-biden-covid-19-administrative-state-res.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Study SHOWS 74% Causal Link Between COVID What? & Death! BRUTAL:Sen. Ron Johnson Confronts Doctor He Claims 'Engaged In A Cover-Up' With Fauci https://rumble.com/v52cwto-brutalsen.-ron-johnson-confronts-doctor-he-claims-engaged-in-a-cover-up-wit.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop MORE DEATHS IN VACCINATED(21 Deaths) THAN UNVACCINATED(17 Deaths) IN PFIZER TRIALS PFIZER TRIALS S: 21 DEAD FROM VAX AND 17 FROM COVID-19 https://rumble.com/v52h9p0-more-deaths-in-vaccinated21-deaths-than-unvaccinated17-deaths-in-pfizer-tri.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop IS A CLIMATE LOCKDOWN ON THE HORIZON? https://rumble.com/v4t6z96-is-a-climate-lockdown-on-the-horizon.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop “A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be CORRECT.” This includes, but is not limited to: • COVID came from a lab • Ivermectin worked • Masks offered no benefit and were harmful • Should have never kept kids out of school • Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity • Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax • Hospitals murdered COVID patients • COVID fatality rate and death count were highly inflated • Unvaccinated were scapegoated for the failure of the shots • Early treatment was suppressed to make way for a “vaccine” • Risks of the jab were intentionally hidden from the public • Vaccine mandates are wrong • More shots = more risk of infection • COVID shots are neither safe nor effective BREAKING: “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Roundtable https://rumble.com/v4fw6qu-breaking-federal-health-agencies-and-the-covid-cartel-what-are-they-hiding-.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Tucker and Putin(Full Interview) https://rumble.com/v4cd0xl-exclusive-tucker-carlson-interviews-vladimir-putin.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Their Real Plan for Illegal Immigrants: https://rumble.com/v49wgzc-their-real-plan-for-those-illegal-immigrants.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Watch Tucker on USA Invasion: https://rumble.com/v49vudr-tucker-carlson-reports-on-texas-border-crisis-includes-greg-abbott-ken-paxt.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Watch Tucker Carlson and Dr Joseph Ladapo Florida Surgeon Speaks Out Why the Covid-19 mRNA Jabs MUST Be Stopped https://rumble.com/v47f1q6-tucker-carlson-and-dr-joseph-ladapo-florida-surgeon-speaks-out.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Watch: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Hearing On Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries (11/13/23)PART 1: https://rumble.com/v46rsz9-congresswoman-marjorie-taylor-greene-holds-hearing-on-covid-19-vaccine-inju.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Congressional Hearing: Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines:Full, Unedited Hearing)(1-12-24) PART 2: https://rumble.com/v46s1bo-congressional-hearing-injuries-caused-by-covid-19-vaccines-part-2-full-uned.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING-COVID LOCKDOWN TRUTH:GLOBAL WARNING 2023 and BEYOND: https://rumble.com/v3zevqq-this-is-really-happening-covid-lockdown-truthglobal-warning-2023-and-beyond.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop See also: Denis Rancourt Sounds The All-Cause Mortality Alarm At International Crisis Summit 4 https://rumble.com/v3xoina-denis-rancourt-sounds-the-all-cause-mortality-alarm-at-international-crisis.html Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination https://react19.org/science War On Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions And Could Have Ended The COVID Pandemic https://amzn.to/3Jn9QZX ............. Dr. Pierre Kory Website: https://drpierrekory.com/ Dr. Pierre Kory On Substack: https://pierrekory.substack.com/ Dr. Pierre Kory on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PierreKory Get help from Dr. Pierre Kory: https://drpierrekory.com/pricing FLCCC Website: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ FLCCC on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Covid19Critical FLCCC Alliance on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/FLCCCALLIANCE Dr. Pierre Kory videos featured on this Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=sunfellow%20-%20Pierre%20Kory ............. Ivermectin: Wonderdrug https://drturner.substack.com/p/ivermectin-wonderdrug Everything They Don't Want You to Know About Ivermectin https://vigilantnews.com/post/miracle-drug-everything-they-dont-want-you-to-know-about-ivermectin Ivermectin: The Untold Story Of A "Miracle Drug" https://rumble.com/v2ciuvm-ivermectin-the-untold-story-of-a-miracle-drug.html https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-untold-story-of-a-miracle-drug_4952578.html All About Ivermectin: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/ LINKS TO INSTANTLY SHOW PEOPLE THE DANGERS OF VACCINES DR. RYAN COLE & DR. RICHARD URSO TESTIFY BEFORE TENNESSEE HOUSE HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE https://www.bitchute.com/video/GvdTIhQMYaD6/ https://www.brighteon.com/a02b1413-704d-4131-829f-1e8f2c1af2e2 - eternal life inside a computer AI!!!! The resulting study, recently published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences—“Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues”—builds on key questions that the team probed as part of anearlier preprintposted onbioRxiv, in their attempts to find a solution to this mystery. Using three independent sequencing approaches, Jaenisch and his team showed the presence of human–viral chimeric transcripts in infected human HEK293T cells in culture and patient-derived tissues to demonstrate that DNA copies of fragments of SARS-CoV-2’s genomic RNA sequences can integrate into the human genome and can be transcribed into RNA. Are hospitals making thousands off this dangerous and ineffective COVID drug https://cqrcengage.com/causeaction/app/document/36607798;jsessionid=node051ivfp0xcv6ully311azxtho1121342.node0 Mike Adams: ISO Labs find Vaccines Full of Toxic Heavy Metals: https://rumble.com/v1lf52h-mike-adams-laboratory-analysis-of-one-of-the-death-shots-full-of-toxic-heav.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpo Tucker Carlson and Mattias Desmet: Mass Formation Psychosis: https://rumble.com/v1jicxa-must-watch-mattias-desmet-and-tucker-carlson-discuss-mass-formation-psychos.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Dr. Mike Yeadon https://rumble.com/v1bui3t-dr-michael-yeadon-former-pfizer-vp-and-chief-scientist-a-final-warning-to-h.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop See Tucker Carlson and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: https://rumble.com/v1a2ma5-tucker-carlsons-explosive-interview-with-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop See Tess Lawrie: https://rumble.com/v1958mp-a-letter-to-dr-andrew-hill-dr-tess-lawrie.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop See Plandemic Part 1 here: https://rumble.com/v16gbht-plandemic-part-1-documentary.html?mref=ckuol&mrefc=14 See Plandemic Part 2 here: https://rumble.com/v16ga0h-plandemic-2-indoctrination-documentary-covid-19.html?mref=ckuol&mrefc=12 Please view these MUST SEE DOCUMENTS: Pfizer vaccine data. Of particular interest is page 30. There Are 9 Pages Of Adverse Events Medical Conditions Excpected That People Can Get From The "Vaccines" For "Covid-19" https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf FULL Report:https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/ Court ordered Pfizer docs show Pfizer paying the FDA over $2.8 million dollars to fast track the vaccine.👇 Court ordered documents can be seen here, https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/125742_S1_M1_cover.pdf Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MARCH 20, 2022 https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/20/gov-canada-data-triple-vaccinated-have-a-i-d-s/ Life Insurance Companies Not Paying Out On Covid-19 "Vaccination" Deaths As It Is Considered Suicide Due To The Experimental Nature! https://rumble.com/vy9fmn-march-23-2022.html Poison Control Cautions About Toxic Substance in Many Rapid At-Home Antigen COVID Tests March 1, 2022 https://healthnewshub.org/poison-control-cautions-about-toxic-substance-in-many-rapid-at-home-antigen-covid-tests/ Triple vaccinated Ontarians are catching COVID at a greater rate than the double vaccinated or the not vaccinated at all. On the link below, there's a separate graph wherein the rates of death across vaccination status are beginning to merge. Source: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data So They Say OnThe Fake News Media That Ivermectin Is Horse Medicine Right? READ THIS: (from the N.I.H) Website:https://search.nih.gov/search?affiliate=nih&query=ivermecton+and+cancer Please view these MUST SEE videos: Pfizer release list of adverse side effects link: (go to page 30-38) https://t.co/b23dEPrAzh Link to FDA’s List of Pfizer’s 1,290+ Known Adverse Side Effects for Its Experimental COVID19 “Vaccine”: https://granitegrok.com/blog/2022/03/fdas-list-of-1290-known-adverse-side-effects-from-the-pfizer-covid-vaccine Pfizer FDA’s list of known side effects: https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/ Face Masks: https://www.aier.org/article/medical-journal-warns-about-maskss-potentially-devastating-consequences/451 views 3 comments -
Watch Bari Weiss' Face When Mike Johnson Finally Shares Ugly Details of Biden’s Health
The Rubin ReportDave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of his talk with co-host Sage Steele about Speaker of the House Mike Johnson telling the Free Press’ Bari Weiss his frightening story of a meeting with President Biden and his not remembering the signing of dangerous executive orders. Watch Dave Rubin's FULL DIRECT MESSAGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mDxNNGvWzY&list=PLEbhOtC9klbDG22n--rCDbv02-n8l6agL&index=1&t=3110s&pp=gAQBiAQB WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Contagion Emergency Kit - This prescription Contagion Emergency Kit from The Wellness Company provides you with a carefully selected assortment of effective medications for bird flu, COVID-19, and other respiratory illnesses. Rubin Report viewers save $48 at checkout PLUS free shipping when they use code: RUBIN. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN ---------- #RubinReport #Biden #pardon #presidentialpardon #Fauci #DaveRubin The Direct Message segments of the Rubin Report are a chance for Dave Rubin to directly address current events, political news and the topics of the day. Whether it’s encouraging critical thinking, defending free speech, or fending off political correctness, it’s only by having calm rational conversations about these issues that can help de-escalate the political polarization and help heal our democracy. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEbhOtC9klbDG22n--rCDbv02-n8l6agL To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJdKr0Bgd_5saZYqLCa9mng?sub_confirmation=1 Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube. Dave allows his guests to speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves. New videos every week. The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations: https://rubinreport.com/support ****** Join Dave's Locals community: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Order “Don't Burn This Country” the follow up to Dave Rubin’s New York Times bestselling “Don’t Burn This Book” here: https://daverubin.com/book/ Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is available at: www.dontburnthisbook.com LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast See Dave LIVE: https://daverubin.com/events/ Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a week: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://rubinreport.myshopify.com/ All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet. Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html ****** Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport Follow The Rubin Report on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rubinreport Follow Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin Follow Dave on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubinreport/?hl=en About Dave Rubin: http://daverubin.com/43.9K views 79 comments -
Trump holds court for 48 minutes!!! Let the sharpie roll!
RedpillUSAPatriotsTrump holds court for 48 minutes!!! Let the sharpie roll!5.32K views 7 comments -
Aaron Siri: Everything You Should Know About the Polio Vaccine, & Its Link to the Abortion Industry
Tucker CarlsonThe New York Times claims the evil Bobby Kennedy wants to ban the polio vaccine and paralyze children. That’s an absurd lie, explains his lawyer Aaron Siri. Follow Tucker on X: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson Paid partnership: Jase Medical: Use promo code “Tucker” for an extra discount at https://Jasemedical.com #TuckerCarlson #AaronSiri #BobbyKennedyJr #DonaldTrump #vaccines #COVID #polio #abortion #health #science #prolife #NewYorkTimes #news #politics 0:00 The Establishment’s Attempt to Discredit Bobby Kennedy Jr. 8:18 The Vaccine Religion 18:57 Did Anyone Protest This Polio Vaccine? 21:04 How the Government Protects Vaccine Developers 30:51 The New York Times vs. Bobby Kennedy Jr. 50:31 Why Is Nobody Lobbying Against This? 55:03 How Profitable Is the Vaccine Industry? 1:06:22 The Perversion of Science 1:10:47 Siri Risked Everything to Speak Out 1:25:57 The Dark Link Between Abortion and the Vaccine Industry 1:43:39 Will Bobby Kennedy Jr. Be Confirmed?1.07M views 2.33K comments -
Redacted NewsGround News: Go to https://ground.news/Redacted to see through mainstream media narratives. Subscribe through my link for 50% off unlimited access to Ground News this month. ...................... Bunkr Life (YT clip): Download BUNKR from the AppStore or PlayStore and use Code “Redacted” to get your first year FREE AppStore (iOS/iPhone) - https://bit.ly/3WR8Vb0 PlayStore (Android) - https://bit.ly/4bPNAmA Visit the BUNKR website for more information and to download the desktop app: https://bunkr.life55.7K views 137 comments -
Kamala Resurfaces Looking Cooked & Drunk While Her Campaign Remains In Free Fall | Drew Hernandez
The Gateway PunditFailed VP Kamala Harris has resurfaced since her humiliation concession speech after losing the 2024 election in a landslide to Donald J. Trump in a viral video posted on social media. She appeared 10 years older, slurring her words and completely deflated. This comes as her campaign is in panic mode after spending $2 billion dollars on her campaign and still losing, leaving the campaign about $20 million dollars in debt. Mega donors are complaining as DNC staff gets fired having to start go fund me accounts in order to survive the aftermath. Trump won, Trump broke them all and now they are completely lost, good. Watch as Drew Hernandez breaks it all down. Follow Drew on X: https://x.com/DrewHLive Follow Drew on Rumble: https://rumble.com/DrewHernandez34.9K views 67 comments -
Walmart CANCELS DEI, Woke Is BROKE, Liberals In Denial
TimcastIRLWalmart CANCELS DEI, Woke Is BROKE, Liberals In Denial SUPPORT THE SHOW BUY CAST BREW COFFEE NOW - https://castbrew.com/ Sign Up For Exclusive Episodes At https://timcast.com/ Merch - https://timcast.creator-spring.com Hosts: Tim @Timcast (everywhere) Phil @PhilThatRemains (X) Brett @PopCultureCrisis (YouTube) Kellen @KellenPDL (everywhere) Guest: Nick Sortor @nicksortor (X) Podcast available on all podcast platforms!45.9K views 42 comments