Project Aurora & Project Ukaz: The Keys to Financial Freedom (QSI Wed Panel clip from May 10, 2023)
QSILearn the importance of self-banking, automated-trading, and earning compound interest to create residual/passive income using AIML algorithms on the Stellar Networking to create Financial and Time Freedom for you and your family! See the full episode of QSI Weekly Wednesday Panel Call - Stellar: The Keystone of the QFS & Q Plans (May 10, 2023) here: Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2n43wa-qsi-weekly-wednesday-panel-call-stellar-the-keystone-of-the-qfs-and-q-plans.html?mref=1sxsd6&mc=6etlk YT (captioning available): https://youtu.be/vBHLvfkHnWo This call discusses the QFS Plan, how it relates to the Q Plan, goes more in depth on some of the assets/matrices, how they relate to GESARA and Stellar Protocol 20, and how it affects not just us who are studying Stellar and who have become quite proficient investors, but more importantly how it impacts the rest of society, but especially those who are unfamiliar with blockchain, investment, and wealth management Topics: - What’s been transpiring behind the scenes such as NDAs and secret alliances inside Stellar? - How does Stellar give power back to the people? - Self-banking, auto trading, auto staking (Project Aurora, Project Ukaz, BlackRock, SPIA AIML) - Passive income & Compound Interest Assets - BRICS oil and gas projects - Most XRP investors have a “get rich quick mentality” vs “sustainable financial and time freedom mentality” - None of the XRP gurus study Stellar, but all of us in Stellar study XRP - Stellar = wealth transfer, wealth creation, wealth perpetuation, and UBI assets for GESARA - Aqua = cabal, LDEX partnered with white hats that have tokenized commodities and precious metal companies - For info on “securing Stellar on & offramps” listen to our Immersive & MasterCard call (link below) - Stellar is about Simplicity, Ease of Use, Global Adoption, Global Governance, and Universal Utility “It’s almost as if the blockchain is an uninterrupted energy transfer from one sovereign to another, that’s it! So you don’t have any breaks in it, it’s fluid... Everything that’s been a pain the ass for the last thousands of years, it’s just going to go!” - JasonQ In particular, watch out for potential passive income assets from: BlackRock https://t.me/blackrockholdings LumenDex https://t.me/lumendexchannel SPIA https://t.me/StellarSwitzerland StellarRussia https://t.me/stellarrussia Rewatch these 3 calls for greater context: Introduction to QFS and Stellar: https://rumble.com/v2bl9a6-the-war-on-qfs-and-stellar-debunking-the-nwos-cbdcs-with-jasonq-emily-and-n.html May 3 Wednesday Panel on Pysops, Q Plan, and FUD: https://rumble.com/v2lyufk-qsi-weekly-wednesday-panel-call-psyops-q-plan-and-fud-may-3-2023.html Immersve & Mastercard, the future of Stellar Offramping: https://rumble.com/v2mxs5o-closing-the-qfs-chasm-with-immersve-and-mastercard-may-9-2023.html?mref=1sxsd6&mc=6etlk Join us here: Connect with QSI Global here: Official Telegram Channel: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative Beginners Training Course: https://t.me/QSIWelcome Document Library: www.QSIResources.com Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@quantumstellarinitiative2 Official QSI Assets on Stellar ✅ QSI.xmint.io Yazka: https://odysee.com/@yazkalove:7 https://twitter.com/yazkalove?lang=en18.3K views 15 comments -
QSI - Biglier Bomb Stellar End Game part1of3 (March 8, 2024)
QSIThe original call is over 4hr long, so the recording is broken down into a series of 3 videos: Part 1 - Biggest Stellar Declasses of 2023 that are imperative to understand WHY Stellar is and has always been The Chosen Blockchain of the QFS (QSFS) Part 2 - IBM's critical role in the White Hat Q Plan for RV, GESARA, and Stellar: we will review the features of IBM's z/OS & OPSYN, how Quantum Security works, and why the Cabal is powerless to stop the Q Plan #NCSWIC (like to Part 2: https://rumble.com/v4i33n6-qsi-biglier-bomb-stellar-end-game-part2of3-march-8-2024.html) Part 3 - Biglier Sneakier Ninja Bomb after Bomb Declas PROVING EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE & ALL ROADS LEAD TO STELLAR (link to Part 3: https://rumble.com/v4i3bpi-qsi-biglier-bomb-stellar-end-game-part3of3-march-8-2024.html) Link to slides: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/36503 More info on BDT: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/35916 https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/35940 https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/36180 https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/36349 https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/36486 https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/36487 "That was great. That was basically the whole WH blueprint laid out for us. It aligns perfectly with how the WH would operate. Least resistance possible with no alarm bells going off. That my friends is how the Art of War is executed." - James "Wow! What a presentation! Thank you Emily for always going the extra mile. I think many of us often wondered when we did certain ICOs how they were WH controlled? Well now I understand how it was done and I'm sure there are many more companies under their control than we've ICOd. zOS is astonishing! How it's been around so long and how it's been used over time to infiltrate and be hijack so willingly by the Cabal. So much to regurgitate. Thank you so much for this huge declass!💕" - Janet's 2cents "This call was four hours long and felt like it was nothing, because of the so many ah ha moments that there were for me. I have had such a hazy understanding of how all of this takeover of the whole financial system could actually happen, and now I have a great little puzzle coming together in my head. This is a call that I will listen to a few more times. I really appreciate all of you and the many hours you put in to trying to get to get this message across to us who get bogged down by the negative energy from those around us calling us crazy. I feel that I have so much more confidence now after listening and can defend what I am doing at least to myself. I absolutely love the Q connections. I felt lit up by Q back in the day, and dug like crazy every chance I had. It is all coming together now in my head. Thank you all." - DRS Join us here: Connect with QSI Global here: Official Telegram Channel: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative Beginners Training Course: https://t.me/QSIWelcome Beginners Training iTunes: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/qsi/id6447522381 Beginners Training GooglePlay Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.konversed.sa_konversed_sa_gp_00001.k11542504.and_m15fc4031_b364_4123_b4d7_057ffa8733eb&pcampaignid=web_share Document Library: www.QSIResources.com Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@quantumstellarinitiative2 Official QSI Assets on Stellar ✅ QSI.xmint.io Yazka: https://odysee.com/@yazkalove:7 https://twitter.com/yazkalove?lang=en https://t.me/merirosvoradio Yazka.com17.4K views 10 comments -
Ready For Lobstr, QFS, and Currency School? Basics Tonight With Emily & Cranker, QSI Team
TheAngelWarriorNetworkThe Angel Warrior Network is beyond excited to have special guest from Quantum Stellar Initiative: Emily and Jim Cranker with us to share more information about the money of the future. We are diving into basics on all of this. Last week we started tipping our toes into the water, this week it's the shallow end. Get your pencils and paper, let's roll! Lobstr, QFS, Stellar, Tokens, Currency, RV we will cover a little of it all. Hopefully they will be back to cover even more! Disclaimer: When scheduling guests, TAWN, will continue to remain unbiased in our individual beliefs. The topics covered on this channel are our own opinions. We are in no way liable, nor responsible for any outcomes, actions, or investments of anyone. We are an entertainment based info channel. Not professionals, just presenting information and facts for individuals to make their own decisions. We will never dm for investments on anything. 😇 TAWN - Where we can be found: https://linktr.ee/theangelwarrior TAWN Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheAngelWarriorNetwork TG Main Channel: https://t.me/theanglewarriornetwork TG Chat Channel: https://t.me/+Stlr8CbX-cY3ZGY5 **There are some affiliate links in this description** 💰 💰 💰 Miles Franklin Precious Metals - info@milesfranklin.com use this link for purchasing precious metals. Subject: Referred by Trina or CJ 💰 Money Metals (Best for Smaller purchases) - https://shrsl.com/3aajc THE CBD GURUS - https://www.thecbdgurus.com/trina-wholesale-2/ Password: anirt ***You Must Click SHIPPING WHOLESALER during check out & choose TRINA, please*** CBD oils, gummies, capsules, chocolate, powders and more. IMMUNITY Caps/Oil info - Oregon State University Study: https://today.oregonstate.edu/news/oregon-state-research-shows-hemp-compounds-prevent-coronavirus-entering-human-cells 🟣 DO YOU MAKE AMAZON PURCHASES? 1) Click Here! https://redneckrhapsody.com/ 2) SAVE on your toolbar/favorites/homepage 3) Then Click on Amazon Bar on Top of Page 🟣 Health Impact / ACN - Welch Family Ent., LLC - welchwayne01@gmail.com 🟣 Stem Cell Patch - healing technologies pre med bedhttp://lifewave.com/Redneckrhapsody 🏡 https://www.airbnb.com/c/trinaw1880 Health Suggestions: ☀️ https://cardiomiracle.myshopify.com/discount/CJWELLNESS ☀️ Ascent Nutrition: Trina - https://bit.ly/3JG3Yta ☀️ My Patriot Supply - https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=6661203.0c684d MMS/Chlorine Dioxide, Water Treatment Systems, Prepper Food Supplies and Emergency Accessories ☀️ LifeVantage Health Products - http://trinawelch.lifevantage.com/ ☀️ Nature’s Sunshine Nutritionals - https://www.naturessunshine.com/?referrer=70754392&offer=NSP ☀️ Health Ranger Store - https://bit.ly/36wtWQa ☀️ http://christiefisher.lifeactivated.com ☀️ https://daily-harvest.com/r/RE-4KAL6AG ☀️ https://thedrardisshow.com/ Discount Code: Warrior10 ☀️ http://drstellamd.com/ Discount Code: WARRIOR For More Information: 🔥 Follow Trina - Redneck Rhapsody All of my blog & social media links are here - https://redneckrhapsody.com/good-stuff/ 🔥 Follow CJ H20 Wellness Network https://linktr.ee/cjsh2owellnessnetwork https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu3zvDdlfZsYw1azCClSUEg 🔥 Follow Luke: https://t.me/LUKEPATRIOTINTHEPARK 🎨 http://www.jeffpreston.net/ ERC Care Recovery Act Info - Email: tawnpatriots@yahoo.com https://www.jornscpa.com/snap/?refid=11450697 QSI Locations: https://www.youtube.com/@quantumstellarinitiative https://t.me/QSIWelcome https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative http://qsiresourses.com24.3K views 114 comments -
QSI Weekly Wednesday Panel Call - Stellar Khazarian Mafia Debunked & Exposed! (May 24, 2023)
QSIThere have been lots of rumors and unsubstantiated claims swirling around that Emily Tang (founder of QSI) has been money laundering $USD Billions by creating a giant matrix of Stellar assets for a ponzi. However, this call will prove that not only is this illegal defamation, but that the Deep State Cabal aka Kharzarian Mafia is the actually group that created and perpetuated these false narratives and are also the ones behind all the defamatory "Scam Warnings" on 3rd party Stellar applications, such as the Lobstr wallet, stellar.expert public ledger, and sdexexplorer.com. In the process of debunking the Khazarians, we also debunk and expose Q/QFS PAY-triots like Greg "Cryptobrownie" aka "quantumbrownie" Brown, Lobstr Tom, and Wolverine, provide evidence of their pay-to-play schemes, and prove that Lobstr Tom whose real name is Tom von Eitzen is the actual ponzi scammer and has been involved in multiple ponzi scams, including ZeekRewards, which was found guilty of a $900 Million Ponzi Scheme according to the Department of Justice (https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdnc/pr/former-zeekrewards-ceo-sentenced-more-14-years-operating-900-million-internet-ponzi) We will also prove that Stellar Horizon (the official HTTP API server for the Stellar Development Foundation) does not show any scam warnings at all, that the SDF themselves debunked the scam narrative, and that these Khazarians -- by their own confessions -- do not believe in Q, QFS, GESARA, white hats, military operations, or even ISO20022 (which is actually already well-known publicly). Instead, the Khazarians continue to promote Bitcoin and Ethereum because those are the preferred coins for real criminal activity and attack everyone who does believe in the QFS/GESARA and tries to convince them to switch sides and attack QSI. Further, we will also prove that the same people attacking Emily and QSI are actual satanists and criminals in bed with child traffickers in Ukraine! Why are these people STILL pushing the same false narratives on people over 1 year later? Because this is the Cabal's last attempt to TRY and thwart the QFS. But unfortunately for them, NCSWIC!!! Enjoy the show :) Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQzetSct331mU-L3ZStOYESgghT_mAwd3iw0F5dWEU2ypVn3qS1CpwCpiPHE5wPRWYirK3pKZ0sczBX/pub Join us here: Connect with QSI Global here: Official Telegram Channel: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative You must pass our Training Course before joining our Chat channel Beginners Training Course: https://t.me/QSIWelcome Beginners Training iTunes: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/qsi/id6447522381 Beginners Training GooglePlay Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.konversed.sa_konversed_sa_gp_00001.k11542504.and_m15fc4031_b364_4123_b4d7_057ffa8733eb Document Library: www.QSIResources.com Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@quantumstellarinitiative2 Official Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuantumStellarInitiative Official QSI Assets on Stellar ✅ QSI.xmint.io13.1K views 54 comments