Recoding The Brain - Part 4 (The Ghost In The Machine)
Gary Carpenter MinistriesIf Jesus Walked on the water as God then we are disqualified. If He opened the blind eyes as God, we are disqualified. No, He did those things because He was a man, bord of God, anointed by the Holy Ghost who's just like you. We just have to grow up and mature in HIM. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/Znvor_MHl08116 views 1 comment -
Recoding The Brain - Part 3 (Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord?)
Gary Carpenter MinistriesI don't care what your circumstances are, I don't care what pain you might be in, I don't care what the doctors diagnosis is, I don't care what your financial situation is. I'm asking you, is ANYTHING too hard for the Lord? No, NOTHING is too hard for Him. Now, are you willing to say what God says about you? YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/tUftgUpRiJw156 views 1 comment -
Recoding The Brain - Part 2 ( Having Not Seen - Yet Believing)
Gary Carpenter MinistriesThe brain is a very valuable tool, something God gave us to navigate this earth with but it is not to be our lord. It's supposed to be the servant, the helper to the spirit-man on the inside. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/nFeNvCvanPY174 views 1 comment -
Recoding The Brain - Part 1
Gary Carpenter MinistriesStart training yourself now; stop calling things the way they are. Start speaking the end result. Say about yourself what God says about you. You know what the first thing He says? He loves you. He truly loves you! YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/gsZhkVwOVkg239 views 1 comment -
What Believing Really Is
Gary Carpenter MinistriesThere's stuff in your brain that needs to go. There's stuff you're believing that's just not true. There's stuff you need to believe that we're going to put in there. And when we're done with this process, your brain will be recoded and you're gonna think like God thinks. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/liKJrP4S4Cs172 views -
Angels And Words
Gary Carpenter MinistriesWhen you say what God says there is life in it, there is Spirit in it and the angels harken to the voice of God's word coming out of your mouth. There is a connection between your words and angels. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/NXqM9eD4f54154 views 2 comments -
Become One With The Word
Gary Carpenter MinistriesWhen you're struggling with your will against God's will, know we have a High Priest who knows what that is. Jesus was tempted in every way. He has already shed his blood for you, even when you struggle between your will and God's will. Spend time with Him. He will help you. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/ekT07ktsDzY152 views -
From Knowledge To Knowing
Gary Carpenter MinistriesJesus says, when you and my word become one, that's when you know the truth, and the the truth will make you free. The word is never going to change. We are the ones that must change by spending time with Him and in His word. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/X3zlPIYaYRg132 views 1 comment -
Knowledge Alone Is Not Enough
Gary Carpenter MinistriesKnowledge alone is not a renewed mind. A renewed mind is when you change based on the knowledge you have received. A renewed mind will change your walk. And be ye not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2 KJV YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/QGTbtbJxVvQ118 views 1 comment -
The Power Of Change
Gary Carpenter MinistriesWe have to come to the place where we are presenting our bodies holy so they will be acceptable for His use. Otherwise, we will always just be used in the gifts. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. Romans 8:13 KJV YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/5CdeVfNBkq4115 views