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Mark Taylor Playlist

26 videos
Updated 14 days ago
Lt. Mark Taylor, Retired Firefighter and Prophetic Voice brings his personal experience to viewers related to the church and the spiritual significance related to today's events unfolding from a biblically sound and insightful perspective.
  1. 'Why Is Repentance A Dirty Word? More Exposure of Satan's Tricks and Lies To Deceive the People' Lt. Mark Taylor & Jerin Bynum: The Michelle Moore Show (Mar 3, 2025)
  2. 'Prophecies Coming To Pass, Well Known Pastor Threatening Lawsuits, and more' Guest, Lt. Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (Feb 24, 2025)
  3. '7 Mountain Mandate and Churches Involved in Project 2050' Guest, Lt. Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (Feb 17, 2025)
  4. 'Cover-up and Exposure: 4 a.m. Talking Points Roll Out in the Church System' The Michelle Moore Show (Feb 3, 2025)
  5. 'Beware of the Deception From False Prophets...Who Is Really For President Trump and Who Is Working Against Him?' Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (Jan 27, 2025)
  6. 'California Firestorm and Direct Energy Weapons...What is Going On?' Guest, Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (Jan 13, 2025)
  7. 'Prophetic Signs, Jimmy Carter, Lightning Strikes, President Trump and Election Certification, Fog Warfare, MK Ultra Institutions' Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (Jan 6, 2025)
  8. The Pope and Portals, President Trump on Autism, Louisiana Takes a Stand Against Covid & Flu Shots' Guest, Lt. Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (Dec 23, 2024)
  9. Guests, Mike Fuljenz and Lt. Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (Dec 16, 2024)
  10. 'Psychic Mesmerization VS. True Prophetic, Nancy Pelosi's Fall A Prophetic Sign? Deputized Citizens & Drones' Guests, Mike Fuljenz and Lt. Mark Taylor: The Michelle Moore Show (Dec 16, 2024)