Science & The Bible | Introduction: Is Science The True God? 1/11
Evidence 4 FaithDownload the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/sciencetruegod/ Welcome to the first video in an 11 part series titled “Science & the Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. This introduction addresses the claim that “science is the true god” and the problems associated with this claim. Science is a process of discovering how the world works but we seldom stop to think on the actual process and its limitations. Science has changed and even flip flops its stance on a regular basis. There are also some areas of science which take on more philosophical approaches as complex theories become impossible to test with the traditional scientific method. Science and faith seem to mix a lot more often than we think! And if science is the new religion, how does it stack up to the God of the Bible? You can find the full series and download resources at our learning site: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/sciencetruegod/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ Ali Maah, amosfromstockphotos.com, Gerald Schombs, Girl with Red Hat, Ivana Cajina, Joshua Earle, Kris Mikael Krister, Michael Matlon, Mukul Wadhw, National Cancer Institute, Phillipe Spitali, Redd, Salam Habash, Sigmund, Timothy Eberly, Tingey Injury, Tony Sebastian, Vlad Tchompalov Other Photo Credits: Fossil Mall: http://www.fossilmall.com/Stonerelic/trace%20fossils/DD413/DD413.htm NASA: https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/File:PlanetMars-VallesMarineris-VikingOrbiter-1980.jpg Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/ Find us online: Website: https://evidence4faith.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/evide... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evidence4fa... YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuT... Contact: Evidence 4 Faith 5821 Bear Trail Rhinelander WI 54501 info@evidence4faith.org My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-349 views -
Science & The Bible | Session 1: God The Creator 2/11
Evidence 4 FaithDownload the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/godthecreator/ Welcome to the second video in an 11 part series titled “Science & the Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. This second lesson highlights the case for intelligent design within the scientific community, the scientific probability problems of evolutionary theory, the scriptural problems with the theistic evolution and God’s nature as a Creator based on descriptions from scripture. The popular narrative is that evolutionary theory is widely accepted as fact among scientists and even among Christian where theistic evolution is becoming more prominent. However there are many scientists, including atheists, who, when considering the mathematical probability and complexity of the universe, admit life is nothing short of a miracle and the existence of an intelligent designer is possible. Theistic evolution runs into conflict with Old and New Testament descriptions of God as a Creator. Evolutionary Theory runs into conflict with mathematics and scientific probability. The Bible is not a science textbook but it is essential for us to recognize when it is describing the natural world and the processes God has designed that we observe as physics, biology, meteorology and others. These descriptions are correct and will be explored in more detail in the following lessons. You can find the full series and download resources at our learning site: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/godthecreator/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ Denis Degionni, James Coleman, ThisisEngineering, Denes Kozma, Yang Shuo, Kaysha Other Photo Credits: Pearson Education (2012), Department of Biology Penn State (2002), Madeline Price Ball, Kuhlmann/MSC, Mauroesguerroto, Messiah University Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/ Contact: Evidence 4 Faith 5821 Bear Trail Rhinelander WI 54501 info@evidence4faith.org My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3 Stock Photos: https://unsplash.com/86 views -
Science & The Bible | Session 2: Physical Science 3/11
Evidence 4 FaithDownload the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/physicalscience/ Welcome to the third video in an 11 part series titled “Science & the Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. This third lesson explores Physical Science, the historical development of evolutionary theory and Catastrophism, the Biblical ties to Physical Science and these theories and finally the importance of the first and second law of thermodynamics. The theory of Uniformity developed in the 18th century by a Scottish geologist is what eventually gave birth to the theory of Evolution and the idea of an old earth with a long Geological Time Scale. Uniformity cannot be tested because of its long time scale. In contrast Catastrophism, a much older and easily observable geological view, takes the perspective that the earth is not as old and is geologically shaped by catastrophes such as floods, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. How do these two views change our interpretation of evidence like the Grand Canyon? How do these theories stack up against Physics and laws of thermodynamics? You can find the full series and download resources at our learning site: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/physicalscience/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ James Coleman, Matt Botsford, Jaser Cervantes, Sonaal Banger, Benjamin Davies Other Photo Credits: National Park Service Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/ Contact: Evidence 4 Faith 5821 Bear Trail Rhinelander WI 54501 info@evidence4faith.org My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3 Stock Photos: https://unsplash.com/311 views -
Science & The Bible | Session 3: Meteorology 4/11
Evidence 4 FaithDownload the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/meteorology/ Welcome to the fourth video in our 11 part series titled “Science & the Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. This lesson examines the history of and development of Meteorology as a science and evidence of the hydrologic cycle in Scripture. Download the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/meteorology/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ Arto Marrttinen, Tom, Barrett, Johannes Plenio, NOAA, Ali Zahdhan, Tanner Mardis, NASA, Ian Dooley, Ryan Loughlin, Gary Meulemans Other Photo Credits: Justus Sustermans, Brendann, Lorenzo Lippi, Johann Kerseboom, Johann Kerseboom, Bernard Palissy, Carle Delange, C. Borneman, Henry Wyndham Phillips Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/ Contact: Evidence 4 Faith 5821 Bear Trail Rhinelander WI 54501 info@evidence4faith.org My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3 Stock Photos: https://unsplash.com/48 views -
Science & The Bible | Session 4: Geology 5/11
Evidence 4 FaithDownload the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/geology/ Welcome to Session 4 in our 11 part series titled “Science & the Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. This lesson examines more closely the field of Geology, its historical development and the geological descriptions that can be found in the Bible. The Bible does not have much to say on geology but the little it does is striking. For instance, Isaiah describes the earth as if he’s describing the theory of Isostasy. The nature and location of fossils across the globe from aquatic creatures in the Himalayas to jelly fish in central Wisconsin point to evidence of a worldwide catastrophe, mirroring the account of Noah’s flood. This lesson also addresses the problems with Flat Earth theory being embraced by some Christian leaders and the misuse of scripture. Download the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/geology/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ Alain Bonnardeax, Christoffer Engstrom, Colin Lloyd, Dan Meyers, Dan Vives, Denise Hans, Divjot Ratra, Gary Meulemans, Jacqueline Martinez, Leon Liu, Michael Behrens, Robert Thiemann, Solen Feyissa Wikimedia Commons Photo Credits: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page SrimadhavEarth, Kelvinsong, Gaianauta, Trekky0623, Morgan & Kidd, IslandsEnd Other Photo Credits: Answers In Genesis, GeologyIn Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/ Contact: Evidence 4 Faith 5821 Bear Trail Rhinelander WI 54501 info@evidence4faith.org My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3 Stock Photos: https://unsplash.com/226 views 1 comment -
Science & The Bible | Session 5: Oceanography 6/11
Evidence 4 FaithDownload the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/oceanography/ Welcome to session5 in our 11 par series “Science & The Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. This lesson covers the field of Oceanography and how we came to map currents and the seafloor in addition to some questions regarding the “Sea Monster” from the book of Jonah. Many do not know that what inspired American Navy Captain Matthew Maury to sound the ocean floor and map current was a Bible study. Some of the oldest texts of scripture refer to mountains, currents and springs in the ocean while the science of the time taught something entirely different. We know now that the biblical descriptions of the sea were correct all along! Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ Gatis Marcinkevics, Jeremy Bishop, Mark Basarab, Echo Wang, Rian Shin, Francisco Jesús Navarro Hernández, Pmarshal, David Clode, Wikimedia Commons Photo Credits: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Joseph Duplessis, Brendann, C.King, NOAA, W.R. Normark, Dudley Foster, Oliver E. Demuth Other Photo Credits: Dr. R.Ballard photo from Nautilus Live Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/ Contact: Evidence 4 Faith 5821 Bear Trail Rhinelander WI 54501 info@evidence4faith.org My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3 Stock Photos: https://unsplash.com/64 views -
SCIENCE & THE BIBLE | Session 6: Astronomy 7/11
Evidence 4 FaithDownload the full lesson and Power Point at: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/astronomy/ Welcome to session 6 in our 11 part series “Science & The Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. This lesson covers the field of Astronomy and how the science has changed over the centuries. Our ideas about the universe, even as early as the 20th century, might seem very silly to us today, thanks to new knowledge obtained by satellites, probes, and advancements in telescopes. How does the Bible stack up to our modern understanding of the universe? This lesson also covers the debate among some Christians on whether scripture supports a geocentric or heliocentric model. Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ Tengyart, Gaëtan Othenin-Girard, Sanni Sahil, Bryan Goff, Casey Horner, Taneli Lahtinen, Ross Sneddon, Neven Krcmarek, Vedrana Filipović Wikimedia Commons Photo Credits: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Thomas Murray, Lumos3, Theodor De Bry, Bartolomeu Velho, ibiblio.org, Mariluna, Eduard Ender, Rursus, After Lysippos, John Collier, Lemuel Francis Abbott, Smithsonian Institution from United States, Harman Smith, Laura Generosa, Beinahegut, Pearson Scott Foresman, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Mouser, Sanu N, Till Credner Other Photo Credits: NASA, imagesurgery.com, blinklearning.com166 views 1 comment -
Science &The Bible | Session 7: Human Anatomy 8/11
Evidence 4 FaithWelcome to session 7 in our 11 part series “Science & The Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. In this lesson we will look at what the Bible has recorded about Human Biology. The Bible does not have a lot to say about this topic but does give us a solid foundation of information, namely around the nature of blood. Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: Jesse Orrico, Grant Whitty Wikipedia Commons: US Air Force, Ohne Angabe, Daniël Mijtens, GlebK, Gilbert Stuart, Saugato Biswas, Trupti Surana, Abhishek De, Falguni Nag, Leonardo Da Vinci Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/7 views -
SCIENCE & THE BIBLE | Session 08: Medicine 9/11
Evidence 4 FaithWelcome to session 8 in our 11 part series “Science & The Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. In this lesson we will look at what the Bible has to say about Medicine. From the principles of quarantine to garbage disposal, physical fitness and even dealing with poop, it turns out the Bible has a lot to say about staying healthy and living healthy. Tune in to find out how God instructed His people to live and why these instruction were incredible and important, even for our modern lives! Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: Madison Agardi, Bermix Studio Chandler Cruttenden, Mélissa Jeanty, Jiawei Chen, Simon Arthur, the blowup, Michael Schiffer, Sandy Millar, Valeria Smirnova, Ritesh Raj, Josh Duke, Karoline Vargdal, Vadim Sadovski, Jimmy Dean, Volodymyr Hryshchenko, Diana Polekhina Wikimedia Commons: Pierart dou Tielt, Jenő Doby - Benedek, István, Mayo Clinic Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/12 views -
SCIENCE & THE BIBLE | Session 09: Nutrition 10/11
Evidence 4 FaithWelcome to session 9 in our series “Science & The Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. In this session we will explore the topic of Nutrition. The Jewish diet based on the Mosaic Law is known for its dietary restrictions. It was completely different from any other ancient diet we know of. Why would God have such strict dietary rules? It turns out there are some scientific and medical reasons behind it. Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: Jimmy Dean, Diana Polekhina, USGS, engin akyurt, Eiliv-Sonas Aceron, Ana Cernivec, Sam Carter, Peter Lloyd, Benjamin Raffetseder, Diana Parkhouse, Daniel Quiceno M, Jeremy Hynes, Fabian Burghardt, SURYA DEEPAK, Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash, George Filatov, Jennifer Uppendahl, Dušan veverkolog, Tahoe, Linnea Sandbakk, Marcus Ganahl, Dan Renco, Mike Bergmann, Jane, Edoardo Cuoghi, Jeremy Bezanger, Gregor Moser, Désirée Fawn, William Moreland, Tyler Donaghy, Hans Veth, Apollo Reyes, Björn Antonissen, Dana Davis, Alfred Kenneally, Joe Cory, David Clode, Jeremy Bezanger, Timothy Dykes, Rick van Houten, mohamed hassouna, Mariana Ibanez, Maksim Shutov, Solen Feyissa, Tor Stryger Wikimedia Commons: DPDx Image Library, Foto von Joachim Bäcker, Rasbak Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/53 views