Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies Live Video Chat With Dr. Lee Merritt
YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For PatriotsSpecial guest Dr. Lee Merritt joins Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies to discuss how to cleanse the body of parasites for the win. The healthcare system does not talk about parasites because they are not out to cure anything. In fact good luck with any help from your controlled Doctor with wanting help you to remove parasites. This means it is up to you to learn how to detox yourself. We are witnessing so many people detoxing parasites on Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies and we wanted to hear what Dr. Lee Merritt had to say based on her years if experience. We are learning we have Parasites and don’t even know it. Left unchecked by not detoxing leads to so many chronic painful symptoms and they have so many named diseases for and so many named big pharma drugs that only creates more toxins, diseases and more prescriptions for the win for the globalist. Many people on Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies are successfully detoxing these parasites, poisons and toxins for the win. Once the temple is cleansed the body is amazing at healing. You can detox your Doctor as well. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies to follow these amazing health journeys. It just may motivate you to detox yourself to witness healing in a toxic world. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies Join Chlorine Dioxide Live Audio Chat: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat Follow Dr. Lee Merritt: https://www.drleemerritt.com/ https://rumble.com/c/c-1646615 https://rumble.com/user/CriticallyThinking https://www.brighteon.com/new-search?query=Dr%20lee%20merrit&page=1&uploaded=all&duration=all&sort=best_result&type=all&quality=all&channelPage=1 https://t.me/FreedomDoc119.8K views 58 comments