Space Fence & Mind Control – Conversation with Elana Freeland - TSS 52
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhDIn this interview, we discuss the Geoengineered Space Fence around the earth. Militarized manipulation of the ionosphere and magnetosphere to change the natural Schuman Resonance that the natural humans brainwaves are frequency specific and in tune to. Elana explains how geoengineering operations include weather engineering, chemical/ electromagnetic engineering, planetary and geophysical engineering, directed energy weapons, surveillance/ neural manipulation, nanotechnology, digital synbio, transhumanism, cloaking, obscuration, detection of exotic propulsion craft, and plasma lifeforms. Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, lecturer, storyteller, and teacher who researches and writes on Deep State issues, including the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, and invasive electromagnetic weapons. She is the Author of several books. Her newest publication is “The Geoengineered Transhuman. “Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, under and Ionized Sky and Geoengineered Transhumanism – How the Environment has been weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician with a PhD in Pathology and over 25 years of clinical experience. She is the President of AM Medical LLC, an anti-aging clinic dedicated to the reversal of all diseases and the decontamination of self-assembly nanotechnology. She is the Award-winning Author of the book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity” Dr. Mihalcea wrote the bestselling books TransHuman – The Real COVID 19 Agenda Vol 1 and TransHuman – Overcoming the Depopulation Agenda Vol 2. She is also the founder of Tru Blu Medical, developer of Blue Light Wellness wraps You can reach her website for research updates and treatments at https://www.dranamihalcea.com Dr. Mihalcea writes Humanity United Now Substack Newsletter – discussing topics like dangers of Technocratic Transhumanism, C19 injectables, Long Covid, vax injury reversal, self-assembly nanotechnology and more https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/. Her research field is C19 vaccine shedding, therapeutic approaches including metal detoxification and disabling self-assembly nanotechnology. This research was used for the Ban the Jabs resolution passed in 11 GOP counties, was part of 25 National ARM Grand Jury Petitions for Crimes against Humanity and evidence for Dr. Joseph Sansone’s Writ of Mandamus Florida Court Filing declaring COVID19 injections as weapons of mass destruction and requesting immediate removal from the market. She has a show called Truth, Science and Spirit. Her Rumble channel is https://rumble.com/c/HumanityUnitedNow. She is an advisory board member for the National American Renaissance Movement https://nationalarm.org/board/. She is also an Advisor for Targeted Justice https://www.targetedjustice.com/ Dr Ana recommends EDTA and Vitamin C for detoxification of heavy metals and the lipid nanoparticles. https://go.globalhealingcenter.com/c/5134689/2173944/5534 For full nutritional support Dr Tennant’s Restore: https://www.dranamihalcea.com/supplements/tennant-products4.56K views 15 comments -
Is Leana Wen a Propaganda Criminal? 04
Alice Springs To MindLeana Wen aka 温麟衍, claiming that some "conspiracy theories" of covid were true. The effects of mRNA on female fertility have been horrific. Learn about the harms to female reproductive health: https://dailyclout.io/23-percent-of-vaccinated-mothers-fetuses-or-neonates-died/ and https://dailyclout.io/bombshell-pfizer-and-the-fda-knew-in-early-2021-that-the-pfizer-mrna-covid-vaccine-caused-dire-fetal-and-infant-risks-they-began-an-aggressive-campaign-to-vaccinate-pregnant-women-anyway/ and https://truth613.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccines-the-impact-on-pregnancy?r=o0ti7&triedRedirect=true Wen's "public health" advice makes absolutely zero sense. If she is a qualified public health physician as it is claimed then she knows she is lying. So what is her purpose in life? Could it be to impose a biosecurity state upon fearful populations? According to Wikipedia (itself a tool of propaganda), "Wen became involved in U.S. and international health policy during medical school, serving in Geneva, Switzerland, as a fellow for the World Health Organization and in Rwanda as a fellow for the U.S. Department of Defense". Her Wikipedia entry does not mention her connection to the World Economic Forum, except via an external link to her bio https://www.weforum.org/people/leana-wen/ which includes a paragraph on her various pathways to propagandist: A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Wen has received recognition as one of Governing's Public Officials of the Year, Modern Healthcare's Top 50 Physician-Executives, World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, and TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People. It is clear that Wen is a puppet of the globalist agenda. She is low hanging fruit but nevertheless she needs to face justice for her crimes against humanity. VIDEO SOURCE:https://x.com/ianmSC/status/190107875926624671082 views 2 comments -
Is Leana Wen a Propaganda Criminal? 03
Alice Springs To MindLeana Wen aka 温麟衍, pushing for bird flu testing and vaccines near the end of the Biden administration. Viruses exist in nature. From the moment of our birth, which happens at the perineum so that immediate exposure to maternal pathogens offers a safe challenge to the baby's immune system, we are exposed to potentially deadly pathogens. We inhale them, digest them and they sit on our skin and mucous membranes transiently throughout life. 20% of humans have pneumococcus bacteria (which can - but usually does not - cause pneumonia, ear infections, blood infections and meningitis) in their upper respiratory tract at any one time. Same for meningococcus - which can cause meningitis and blood infection. Many other similarly pathogenic organisms are around us constantly. If we tested ourselves, then by Leana Wen's calculations we could then count as "cases" when in fact we are perfectly healthy. Wen's "public health" advice makes absolutely zero sense. If she is a qualified public health physician as it is claimed then she knows she is lying. So what is her purpose in life? Could it be to impose a biosecurity state upon fearful populations? According to Wikipedia (itself a tool of propaganda), "Wen became involved in U.S. and international health policy during medical school, serving in Geneva, Switzerland, as a fellow for the World Health Organization and in Rwanda as a fellow for the U.S. Department of Defense". Her Wikipedia entry does not mention her connection to the World Economic Forum, except via an external link to her bio https://www.weforum.org/people/leana-wen/ which includes a paragraph on her various pathways to propagandist: A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Wen has received recognition as one of Governing's Public Officials of the Year, Modern Healthcare's Top 50 Physician-Executives, World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, and TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People. It is clear that Wen is a puppet of the globalist agenda. She is low hanging fruit but nevertheless she needs to face justice for her crimes against humanity. VIDEO SOURCE: https://x.com/Ryansikorski10/status/1874717373565210950/video/178 views 2 comments -
Is Leana Wen a Propaganda Criminal? 02
Alice Springs To MindLeana Wen aka 温麟衍, claimed that "when unvaccinated and vaccinated are mixing", masks were a necessary "public health" intervention. Her "public health" advice made absolutely zero sense. If she is a qualified public health physician as it is claimed then she knew she was lying. So what is her purpose in life? According to Wikipedia (itself a tool of propaganda), "Wen became involved in U.S. and international health policy during medical school, serving in Geneva, Switzerland, as a fellow for the World Health Organization and in Rwanda as a fellow for the U.S. Department of Defense". Her Wikipedia entry does not mention her connection to the World Economic Forum, except via an external link to her bio https://www.weforum.org/people/leana-wen/ which includes a paragraph on her various pathways to propagandist: A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Wen has received recognition as one of Governing's Public Officials of the Year, Modern Healthcare's Top 50 Physician-Executives, World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, and TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People. It is clear that Wen is a puppet of the globalist agenda. She is low hanging fruit but nevertheless she needs to face justice for her crimes against humanity. VIDEO SOURCE: https://x.com/goddeketal/status/166584173080397004865 views 1 comment -
Is Leana Wen a Propaganda Criminal? 01
Alice Springs To MindLeana Wen aka 温麟衍, crisis acting at the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. According to Wikipedia (itself a tool of propaganda), "Wen became involved in U.S. and international health policy during medical school, serving in Geneva, Switzerland, as a fellow for the World Health Organization and in Rwanda as a fellow for the U.S. Department of Defense". Her Wikipedia entry does not mention her connection to the World Economic Forum, except via an external link to her bio https://www.weforum.org/people/leana-wen/ which includes a paragraph on her various pathways to propagandist: A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Wen has received recognition as one of Governing's Public Officials of the Year, Modern Healthcare's Top 50 Physician-Executives, World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, and TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People. What are the chances that she would have access to mainstream news channel at such a high profile event, prior to becoming a legacy media "expert" seven years later, appearing out of nowhere? Perhaps the changes are quite high when you are a propagandist for the criminal establishment? Is it possible that the Boston bombing, rather than an "Islamist terror" event, was in fact an establishment terror event? What other terrorism blamed on cultural groups are in fact occurring by powers who divide and conquer in order to maintain their power and impoverish their citizens? VIDEO SOURCE: https://x.com/rcwthe3rd/status/144266102502774374760 views 1 comment -
A History of Psychotronic Weaponry
The AbstractAll day every day we are within range of psychotronic weapons that can alter our moods, thoughts and bodily functions. The establishment often vehemently denies the realities of the situation while the evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. Maybe this is because the establishment is HITTING us with these weapons as a way to make people more amenable to their tyrannical New World Order. Let’s take a look at the historical evidence, shall we. Clips in the opening sequence downloaded from motionplaces.com Opening sequence music ‘The Last Frontier’ by Alexander Vasenin is available at bensound.com Please buy my books 'Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project' and ‘The Fall of San Francisco’ available exclusively at Amazon.com as paperbacks, ebooks and audiobooks. For all the latest updates, please subscribe to this channel and join my email list at my website peterakirby.com Please donate at PayPal to peterakirby@yahoo.com4.22K views 8 comments -
MUST WATCH| RESONANCE - Beings of Frequency | Documentary film by James Russell (2013)
RAVriesA documentary film to investigate the actual mechanisms of what we are, and by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. Resonance takes a deeper look at how life on Earth, thus also humanity, is reacting to the most profound environmental change the planet has ever seen. Two billion years ago life first appeared on earth, a planet bathed in a natural electromagnetic frequency. As life slowly evolved from simple to complex organisms, it did so surrounded by this frequency, forming a harmonic relationship with it, a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend. New research is showing that exposure to this frequency is vital to human beings. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronizes our circadian rhythms, it aids our immune system, and it improves our overall sense of well-being. Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are suffused with them. Our cells communicate using electromagnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions using frequency waves. Without all this, we would not exist. 🔻 🎥 Also Watch 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Level Event (2019) https://rumble.com/v1yajy2-5g-apocalypse-the-extinction-event-2019.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch WHY THESE TOWERS CAN NUKE AN ENTIRE COUNTRY - WEAPONIZED CELL TOWER FEATURES LARGE KILL RADIUS https://rumble.com/v1yc1zc-why-these-towers-can-nuke-an-entire-country-weaponized-cell-tower-features-.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch Weaponized Cell Phone Towers: 21st Century’s Silent, Invisible Killer by Design https://rumble.com/v1yb93w-weaponized-cell-phone-towers-21st-centurys-silent-invisible-killer-by-desig.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch THIS CAN BE STOPPED PEOPLE!! STOP YOUR COLLABORATION!! Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: Weaponized 5G Pulsating Microwaves Caught in the Act While We Are ALL Sleeping! THE CRIME CAUGHT ON NEXRAD https://rumble.com/v4stncr-bio-electromagnetic-weapons-weaponized-5g-pulsating-microwaves-caught-in-th.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch [With Subtitles] 5G: Friend or Foe? - Full-length documentary https://rumble.com/v51qaor-5g-friend-or-foe-full-length-documentary.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch Breaking! The Worldwide Holocaust of Billions Caused by Graphene Oxide & 5G Poisoning! - Reiner Fuellmich interviews Robert O. Young and Arianna Love https://rumble.com/v2ns6p4-breaking-the-worldwide-holocaust-of-billions-caused-by-graphene-oxide-and-5.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch Mark Steele - 5G Weapons Expert Elaborates on Oct 4 FEMA EBS, Smart City Kill Weapons, the CV19 Injections, LED Street Lights, Mind Control and Mass Depopulation https://rumble.com/v3osale-october-4-2023-mark-steele-5g-weapons-expert-on-oct-4-fema-ebs-smart-city-k.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch EMF/EMR/RF Radiation: The 5G & Covid Scam - A Recap | By Daniel Alexander Cannon https://rumble.com/v5cf0h9-emfemrrf-radiation-the-5g-and-covid-scam-a-recap-by-daniel-alexander-cannon.html 🔻 🎥 Also The Cancer Cure Cover-Up - Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski https://rumble.com/v21qwwm-the-cancer-cure-cover-up-conspiracy-documentary-dr.-stanislaw-burzynski.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch An Invisible Threat | Harmful Effects | Documentary | Microwave Technology https://rumble.com/v32w6pc-an-invisible-threat-harmful-effects-documentary-microwave-technology.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH -- FEMA FCC 5G KILL GRID & SOLUTIONS -- TODD CALLENDER & DEB TAVARES - Find Mentioned Michael J Murphy movies and others below https://rumble.com/v3m73kj-must-watch-fema-fcc-5g-kill-grid-todd-callender-and-deb-tavares.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch Are Microwave Radiation Waves Killing Life On This Planet? -- AN INVISIBLE THREAT -- DANGEROUS MICROWAVES (2014) https://rumble.com/v452yw6-are-microwave-radiation-waves-killing-life-on-this-planet-an-invisible-thre.html?e9s=src_v1_upp649 views 2 comments -
Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD, On Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 60
joesansoneJosephSansone.Substack.com Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD, stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone to discuss mRNA nanobots, geoengineering, AI, mind control, and targeted individuals. Dr. Mihalcea got into the technology being used and shared military and other public documents as well as her own research to discuss this alarming issue. She also discussed Dr. Robert Duncan (thought to have been assassinated last summer) and his book Project Soul Catcher. ammedicalmd.com dranamihalcea.com/supplements anamihalceamdphd.substack.com Dr. Joseph Sansone is a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism.82 views 3 comments -
Epidemic Of Fraud' Explores Media, Medical & Partisan Political Attacks Against Ancient Medications
TheWarAgainstYouEpidemic Of Fraud' Explores Media, Medical & Partisan Political Attacks Against Ancient Medications - The Epidemic of Fraud was far worse than mere Fraud. It was a vast conspiracy to Intentionally Commit Malpractice and CAUSE as Much Damage Possible. THEY WANTED PEOPLE TO DIE to Cause Extreme Fear in the Public, to Convince Everyone Covid-19 was SO DANGEROUS That the Public Would Demand to Have a Vaccine. - It was also Supported by the Established Policy of the UN Genocide Pact. - The Protocols of Death was Medical Assassination. Mass Murder World Wide. But even after it became obvious that Fauci, the CDC and the WHO, along INTENTIONALLY the Entire Health Industry Intentionally Mass Murdered their Patients, No One Was Ever Held Accountable. Regardless of the Fact that Hospitals and Doctors were Paid for Every use of the Drugs and Ventilators, and a Huge Bounty was Paid For Every Death that THEY CAUSED. - Even though the Vax Ingredients were NEVER GIVEN FDA APPROVAL AND WERE KNOWN TO BE BANNED FROM PUBLIC USE. Even though No Credible Safety Trials were conducted, or Even Tested For Effectiveness. Which means they had No Concern with Preventing Infection AT ALL. And it is not like they were HOPING it would work. THEY KNEW DAMN WELL WHAT IT DOES FROM THE EXTENSIVE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BY THE MILITARY. - I was never able to understand WHY the Public never Took Justice into their Own Hands. Swift Justice at the hands of the people would have stopped it from continuing real fast. But that was when Men were Still Men. And every man who let they GET AWAY WITH MURDERING FAMILY MEMBERS ARE NOT MEN, BUT PUSSIES. - If they tried to pull such Evil crimes thirty years ago, Vigilantes would have been lining up from the side of America to the other. - Real Men are willing to sacrifice their Own Lives to Save Others. - None of them will ever be charged, because it was the Government itself that PAID to Kill Them. But it was not Just Health Officials and Government Agencies that were Responsible, BUT EVERY POLITICIAN THAT ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN .. And No Justice will come from Trump. He is Preparing for the Next Round of Global Genocide.. *** The (2024) Award-Winning Documentary Epidemic of Fraud explores the bizarre media, medical, and partisan political attacks levied against a class of ancient medications, told from the perspective of a former CNN journalist and Hollywood industry veteran. - Why were the people who allowed the opiate disaster to go unchecked so eager to discredit a drug that is safer than tonic water? Director John Davidson takes you into an audio/visual time machine back to 2020 to reveal the forbidden knowledge that our medical, academic, and political officials are desperate to hide from you. - Website:https://www.epidemicoffraud.com/ - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://old.bitchute.com/profile/mKUefZziW6WB/6.22K views 7 comments -
PHARMAKEIA Wormwood, DMT & End Time Deception of Sorcery
Amos37Explore the truth with me in this educational video about spiritual deception by the use of drugs, Wormwood, DMT, and the history of Pharmakeia. Advancing Occult Knowledge using drugs, hallucinogenics, to make contact with the Spirit World (demon realm). Forbidden knowledge of Sorcery and the use of Pharmakeia in the End Times. Follow along is an excellent documentary on this facet of End Time Signs of how we got to where we are now. "And the light of a lamp will shine in you no more, and the voice of bridegroom and bride will be heard in you no more, for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery." [Revelation 18:23] -Ancient beliefs of the use of Magic & Sorcery -End-Time Deception and the Use of Drugs -John D -Aleister Crowley -Jack Parsons -Alan Moore -Invoking Spirits like The Spirit of Babylon and fabricating their views on End Time Events. -What is the "Wormwood of Hatred"? -Magic Mushrooms & other Chemicals -DMT the Spirit Drug -The Penial Gland -Mystical Connections -Some Biblical Word Studies on Occult Activities Interview with Dr. Future on the Nowhere to Run Show with host Chris White. Sadly, both Chris and Doctor Future decided to hang up their mics. If you would like to listen to their free archives the links above will take you to their work. Reveal Current Developments in Revival of Interest in Sorcery Propose Hypotheses of How These Activities Can Fulfill Bible Prophecy Suggest Activities Today That May Fulfill Model Recommend Actions to Address Threat Video by Truth Happens1.31K views 3 comments