Battelle & PNNL: America's Hidden Hand | Smith-Mundt Act & Propaganda | Hanford's Nat' Sec Dir
Gabriel Cruz ResearchI take you on location to Hanford Nuclear Reservation where the National Laboratory, PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) houses the National Security Directorate (NSD). As it just so happens, my own brother, I discovered, once ran the Operations team of the NSD. This is the same lab who has been implicated for Ukrainian Bioweapons labs which largely contributed to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and by proxy, the United States. A strange link to find that close to home but I explain all here & will have another article to help explain further.855 views 1 comment -
Kim Dotcom Meets Dynamo | The Running Man Decoded Pt 2 | Fake Hackers & CEOs
Gabriel Cruz ResearchWhat if you discovered that a primary reason Twitter was purchased was in order to create a MIN (Mobile Identification Number) database that could Geo-locate 'problem' whistleblowers...ok...some of you have made it past that leap, but part 2... What if you learned that the vast majority of 'characters' on Elon Musk's "X" platform are Hollywood-CIA-OLIVE Simulations? Not just bots, which we expect, but 'living Bots'...people who are effectively full time crisis actors that play primarily one role for many years...like Kim Dotcom, IMO. The Dept of Justice will attach a legend to the character...why? Bait. To help associate way markers on anyone seeking to leak information or who might be problematic to corporations. Meanwhile, defense contractors like Battelle, SAIC & Leidos are exploiting their security access to our surveillance infrastructure to assist CIA counterintelligence with Domestic Intelligence/Counterintelligence activities 'against Americans'... How do they do this? Mostly by gathering data with fake whistleblowers like Kim Dotcom & Elon Musk. They encourage new people to self-identify on X. The X database, with all your MIN's (Smartphones w/GPS geolocation chip) can then "X: Spots The Mark" As much as I'd like to believe that many of these people are real...I've gone the rounds and most of them are completely fake. This article focuses on Kim Dotcom, Battelle and a brief visual of how it all works...plus side by side comparisons of Kim Dotcom to the character Dynamo... Anyone wonder why he trolls being a killer who electrocutes people remotely so bad? Music By: Prodigy - Poison Prodigy - Firestarter Run The Jewels - Get It Massive Attack w/Mos Def - I Against Eye Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com513 views -
The Kaiser Steel Files | The Running Man FaceSwap | T2 Skynet Decode | Nightmare On Elm Street 2
Gabriel Cruz ResearchPart 1 in the Kaiser Steel Files Decoding the films shot at Kaiser Steel in Fontana, California that is situated on the Order of Nine Angles - Zodiac Killer 131.3° "Kill Line". It's also next to the 44.66° Fontana Ave Kill Line. Kill Lines are angles used between Ritual Homicides committed by The Order of Nine Angles that were integrated into the Zodiac Killer narrative...which remains 'officially unsolved'...but if you follow my information you'll understand that the film projects often times had other reasons for existing...especially when it involved filming at Kaiser Steel. Point is...all these films were shot at "Kaiser Steel" in Fontana and share a "Dystopian Future" theme. The Running Man (1987) Part 1 | Face Swap & CGI This article will cover one piece of my Running Man analysis...the other will be in the next article. In this one, we cover the way the Dept of Justice sets of Richmond to look like a mass murderer when he was actually the one conscientious objector to the operation. He is taken to jail & made to participate in The Running Man, a futuristic game show where violent criminals are pitted against 'Future Warriors' with special abilities, like Dynamo who can shock people to death...but we'll cover that in Part 2. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) | Skynet-SpaceX Was T2 just describing our current situation with Elon Musk's companies and Space-X? It's bizarre how many fake "Dyna---" or "Dyn---" match a real life "DYN" like Dynetics or Dyncorp...point is, it's hard to argue that we are on the verge of certain 'wizards' creating an AI so powerful that it could even take over it's inventors A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge | 44 decode In Elm Street 2, the main character is plagued with his 'psychic ability' making him more susceptible to Freddy Krueger's "Psychic Attacks". His friend brings him to the Steel Mill where Krueger worked to see if his psychic ability can be tuned to the location aka "Geomancing"...at Kaiser Steel...1 mile from the Leon Mafia homestead's front door... Music By: Bjork | Army of Me | Post (1995) El-P | Feel Like A Ghost | Collecting the Kid (2004) El-P | Deep Space 9MM | Fantastic Damage (2002) El-P | Time Won't Tell | wereallgoingtoburninhellmegamixxx3 (2010) El-P | Innocent Leader | Fantastic Damage (2002) Film Footage The Running Man (1987) T2: Judgement Day (1991) A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com327 views 2 comments -
Remo Williams (1985) Timeline Loop | HAARP | SDI-Strategic Defense Initiative Disclosure
Gabriel Cruz ResearchIt was 1984 when Remo Williams was being written. It was released in 1985. HAARP, as we know it today, wasn't built until the 90s. SDI, mentioned by it's nickname "Star Wars Space Defense" in the film, was being built by Battelle at Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Not unlike the film Real Genius (1985), whoever made these movies seems to understand the technology that Battelle is using at a very high level. When you compare plots of these films to the newspapers available in archives...wow... Then I set the whole thing to some of the best instrumentals available to give an old clip from last year a complete Directors Cut/Redux...whatever...only this is one that doesn't completely suck. It helps explain everything I couldn't before. Music by EL-P Secret Policeman's Ball (2010) Meanstreak (in 3 parts) (2010) How To Serve Man (2010) Constellation Remix (2004) Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com476 views 4 comments -
Rogue Weaponized Satellites in Under Siege 2 (1997) | Can we trust Musk-Bezos-CIA w/this technology?
Gabriel Cruz ResearchIn 1997 when Under Siege 2 was released...we did not have access to Satellite Imagery on a daily basis. The plot, where people can access this type of high resolution footage seemed plausible but not likely... Here we are in 2024...we now have access to Google Earth, which was released 4 years after this film was...with much lower resolution images than you see in Under Siege 2...but today, no...those capabilities are officially here. But we aren't asking about ethics...who, why, what...would someone weaponize these satellites? Music: Primal Scream | Kill All Hippies D'Fault Please consider contributing to this channel. I do this solely on viewer support. No sponsors. No advertising. Linktree:https://linktr.ee/gabrielcruzresearch CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds:https://www.minds.com/gabrielcruz PayPal:https://www.paypal.me/gabrielcruz74?locale.x=en_US Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube:https://youtube.com/@gabrielcruzresearchbackupm482 Email: gabrielcruzresearch@icloud.com603 views -
Starlink | Not Knowing ActiveDenialSys | Fugazi's Blueprint x Gabriel Cruz Research
Gabriel Cruz ResearchBlueprint | Fugazi x Gabriel Cruz Research I took videos from my Full Metal Disclosure series and edited them together to music. Most of my recent uploads have been these remixes or reboots of that material. I'm doing this for people to get the data quickly without having to watch hours of material. From time to time, these clips are compelling enough to get them to watch the longer form clips which can be found here: https://rumble.com/playlists/ZRx274fqKKU447 views -
The 5G Safety Debate & Elon Musk's Starlink Deception
Gabriel Cruz ResearchI've been researching the 5G debate for a few years now. I used to design cell towers for a living and tend to look at these issues in a more direct technical nature. That made me wonder why no one seems concerned about Elon Musk's Starlink aiming mmWave down on the world while passionately debating 5G safety. These two things are connected. If you are opposed to one, you should be opposed to the other...yet when it comes to Elon...for some strange reason it's like he has everyone hived to the same Mu Wave...let's correct that!415 views 1 comment -
Scientists Want to Use People As Antennas to Power 6G
Gabriel Cruz ResearchI didn't even have to change the name of the article for mine!...you got that right...they want US to be the antennas in the 6G network https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/energy/a42419268/6g-power-humans-antennas/158 views -
5G & Starlink - Both Use mmWave - E-Band & Elon Musk's Active Denial System Heat Ray Conundrum
Gabriel Cruz ResearchEver notice that many people on the internet are very critical of 5G Mobile Technology but somehow believe that Elon Musk is their new savior? I'm a radio frequency engineer by trade. I worked a few different Wireless Service Providers as a System Performance and Radio Frequency Design Engineer. I know a great deal about mobile technology standards from a working environment perspective. I left the industry to study human energy concepts & Bioenergetics. What I learned changed how I perceive Electrical Fields and Magnetic Fields on the human body and earth/life in general. I encourage others to watch a documentary called "Resonance Beings of Frequency" to understand these topics better. Research mmWave Active Denial System (95 GHz) Starlink c apability - E-Band (90 GHz)282 views 2 comments