The Change Of Covenant
Gary Carpenter MinistriesIf you're going to be led by the Holy Spirit, you first must be led by the new nature, the Spirit of Christ that you received when you were born again. You have to bow to Christ within, to the righteousness He gave you as a free gift. YouTube link- https://youtu.be/m5kUSeWPT7w104 views -
The Wealth Of The Sinner
Gary Carpenter MinistriesIf you're going to be a gospel entrepreneur or even a steward over money, you can't start thinking that money is yours. Thy pound hath gained ten pounds and it's all yours Lord. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/1Y0Zwodx0gc187 views -
Qualifying For Stewardship
Gary Carpenter MinistriesIf we'll all just find our place and do what He has called us to do, the body of Christ will be a healthy body and the work of the Kingdom will get done. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/UmIujW0S5i8160 views -
The Servant's Meat
Gary Carpenter MinistriesMy life is not about getting My needs met. My life is about meeting the needs of My Father. My service for Him IS MY MEAT! My GREATEST 'hunger' is satisfied when His needs are met! YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/eW0VnzHtEXA133 views -
Guaranteed Failure In Stewardship
Gary Carpenter MinistriesWe have been taught to have the mindset that we are "farmers" in the kingdom of God. The more we sow, the more we personally reap. WE ARE NOT FARMER'S IN GOD'S KINGDOM ... WE ARE SONS, SERVING IN OUR FATHER'S FIELDS TO REAP A HARVEST FOR HIM! YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/TE9CiFxcw5w178 views -
Does He Thank That Servant?
Gary Carpenter MinistriesWhat a privilege to be so vitally useful for the Master of the universe while we live our lives on planet earth. There is a deep-seated joy that exists because of this vital union. The hand rejoices that it is used by the head. That’s what a hand is for. We rejoice that the Master works through us. That’s what the body of Christ is for. YouTube Link - https://youtu.be/0p4nnmlKQpg179 views -
The Unjust Steward
Gary Carpenter MinistriesWe are all called to be stewards. You cannot serve God and mammon. You are either living as a steward for your King or you're living to profit yourself. It's one or the other. YouTube Link- https://youtu.be/ByF0DLgNuq4138 views -
The Foundation Of Sonship
Gary Carpenter MinistriesLike Abraham, we are to simply "believe God" when it comes to our "sonship." We are to believe that God has made us His own sons through faith in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ when He made it possible for us to be adopted into the "family" of God. We are sons, by grace alone, through faith.126 views -
Stewardship And The Holy Spirit
Gary Carpenter MinistriesBut for those who pay the price of communion with the Holy Spirit, for those who wait upon the Lord until they have received the full counsel of Jesus Christ from the Holy Spirit, there is no failure, no loss of the pound, for them.101 views -
Stewarding The Pound
Gary Carpenter MinistriesHe who is the way, will always make a way for you. That is grace! That is the promise!122 views