1 video
Updated 8 months ago
Tarisland, Star Wars the Old Republic, and other MMOs that didn't quite engage me as much as the "big two" did!
Tarisland - I Can't Believe It's Not World of Warcraft!
Cancel This PodcastTencent's blatant World of Warcraft rip-off is finally here! But is it any good? Let's find out together! JOIN US ON MATRIX (DISCORD ALTERNATIVE) https://matrix.to/#/cancelthispodcast:matrix.org FOLLOW OUR STREAMS & SOCIALS: https://allmylinks.com/cancelthispodcast SUPPORT US ON BUY ME A COFFEE OR KO-FI: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cancelthispod & https://ko-fi.com/cancelthispodcast184 views