Outspoken: Liberty Lifestyle Edition: "Tallow Face Cream in Five Minutes"
Outspoken with Dr. Naomi WolfFrom Dr. Naomi Wolf: "In earlier Liberty Lifestyle segments, I explored the wonders of tallow - rendered beef fat - as a natural, nontoxic skin conditioner. The scent can be offputting and the texture a challenge, though. In this video, I share a simple method for mixing tallow, almond oil, and a few drops of lavender essence, to make a luscious cream that restores the softness and moisture of skin and smells lovely. It's also far more affordable than drugstore options, with their many harmful chemicals." Please Support Our Sponsors The Wellness Company: https://dailyclouthealth.com Use code OUTSPOKEN for 10% off! Take control of your financial destiny and provide a hedge against economic and political uncertainty. Ensuring a more secure future for you and your families! Kirk Elliott Precious Metals: https://dailycloutsilver.com Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/dailyclout.io/list/2L9I6L5UZR76J?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsflist_aipsfdailyclout.io_GVMSC52H5PPEP28F655S NativePath: Collagen supplements help you replace what you stop producing — and the studies speak for themselves. Visit getnativepath.com/dailyclout for a MASSIVE 45% discount plus free shipping!5.65K views 26 comments