Fulcrum Short Subjects
12 videos
Updated 2 months ago
Short Subject clips from our Fulcrum files.
Wednesday the 'New Year' lie
REMNANT of the LIGHTMan can not make straight what the Creator has bent- this goes for the shadow of the sun as well- Men want to mark the new year with a bent line thus trying to make it straight. The 4th day is just that- the 4th day- NOT the Roman day called Wednesday. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net49 views 5 comments -
Building a Simple Armillary
REMNANT of the LIGHTWe will build a simple armillary using pre-fabricated items that can be used to mark the season and tell time. Tools & Supplies Needed: Saw - Screw Driver- 1 pc. sandpaper- 4 small clamps- (also handy to have painters tape) 1 Embroidery Hoop (8 to 14 inch- your choice- WIDER is better 3/4-1") 1 Embroidery Stand with additional stabilizing screw 4 small nails, tacks, wood screws, wood screw hoop (your choice) 1 Metal Washer String (dental floss, kite string, kitchen string, etc.- your choice) Wood Glue- I could no longer find this hoop on Joann.com - You gotta love 2024 supply chain. So here are a few other hoops that I could find that would work well. (We don't receive any $$ from any of these vendors), STAND: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MVLKP6L?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 or- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVDNWTHR/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pf_rd_p=386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_r=HZ54MHR4RJMJZA95BRQF&pd_rd_wg=39Ao2&pd_rd_w=5CNn5&content-id=amzn1.sym.386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pd_rd_r=38ed8b42-fbfe-48f6-a93f-455a2dc04b43&s=arts-crafts&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&smid=A3QU6T08X42HL4 HOOPS: 1- https://www.amazon.com/Frank-Edmunds-14-inch-German-Quilting/dp/B002V3CLYW/ref=pd_sim_p4?pd_rd_w=fIZE1&content-id=amzn1.sym.edeb0a3c-9e06-48d9-b1e4-e035133e7101&pf_rd_p=edeb0a3c-9e06-48d9-b1e4-e035133e7101&pf_rd_r=JXQR7YCJWCVHR95D8G9A&pd_rd_wg=KqqGu&pd_rd_r=3b1ffb78-290c-4a85-87d6-1b97c650d4b9&pd_rd_i=B002V3CLYW 2- https://www.amazon.com/Frank-Edmunds-14-inch-German-Quilting/dp/B002V3CLYW/ref=asc_df_B002V3CLYW&mcid=252d9cb3e04d37a491c65996b833fd2b?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=79989588513707&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583589115278224&psc=1 3- https://www.ebay.com/itm/313075413951?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-213727-13078-0&mkcid=2&itemid=313075413951&targetid=4581046493084888&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=&poi=&campaignid=603678871&mkgroupid=1239150626926797&rlsatarget=pla-4581046493084888&abcId=9375682&merchantid=51291&msclkid=95a8011f19ab175209b764f10c7078a5 INCLINOMETER: 1- https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MToyNzk0NjI2ODY0MDcyMDY5OjE3MTAxMDI5NjY6c3BfbXRmOjMwMDA0Njk3MzM2MzcwMjo6MDo6&url=%2FMagnetic-90%25C2%25B0Angle-Inclinometer-Protractor-Woodworking%2Fdp%2FB0CC2BPG68%2Fref%3Dsr_1_12_sspa%3Fcrid%3D3M00JMBSVK68N%26dib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2fig9xCaZHMZuoIeaGMNf59VAbtjrohmFRymoeTM9r4z7oQV8YM2Tph2N_IO6B2PsphvlgX-wHuywHcSeUpSt-sqENYpNK-sXF15gIBaltTLHXRLv4moV4NztREQIZCQj8jugb0wTRiYbOliWOF6i7NUOZNDt9K8yoyeJSZmLfDYUVQ3TBdZSUbhWJcxKYbJsMwySWfrYtKQQu4wqRaAfOkLbYyQ2zOzUQ6Nrlgdbe5_EqieCjQ86ymKSviERMy9-FBzgkzBaGI7r5UMyhO3BtK7Z1vyKo3QkpgrCdfGFR8.rVHQ9SL5DTan539-Dx8t07TH7zAfaLW7SABxcU9SXkU%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Dinclinometer%2Bdigital%26qid%3D1710102966%26sprefix%3DINCLINO%252Caps%252C160%26sr%3D8-12-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY%26psc%3D1 2- https://www.amazon.com/SHAHE-Magnetic-Protractor-Inclinometer-Backlight/dp/B09XDV4QC5/ref=sr_1_45?crid=3M00JMBSVK68N&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2fig9xCaZHMZuoIeaGMNf59VAbtjrohmFRymoeTM9r4z7oQV8YM2Tph2N_IO6B2PsphvlgX-wHuywHcSeUpSt-sqENYpNK-sXF15gIBaltTLHXRLv4moV4NztREQIZCQj8jugb0wTRiYbOliWOF6i7NUOZNDt9K8yoyeJSZmLfDYUVQ3TBdZSUbhWJcxKYbJsMwySWfrYtKQQu4wqRaAfOkLbYyQ2zOzUQ6Nrlgdbe5_EqieCjQ86ymKSviERMy9-FBzgkzBaGI7r5UMyhO3BtK7Z1vyKo3QkpgrCdfGFR8.rVHQ9SL5DTan539-Dx8t07TH7zAfaLW7SABxcU9SXkU&dib_tag=se&keywords=inclinometer+digital&qid=1710102966&sprefix=INCLINO%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-45 3- https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MToyOTQ5NDcwNDY2MzIzMDY5OjE3MTAxMDMxNTM6c3BfbXRmOjIwMDE1OTAzMzA5NDM5ODo6MDo6&url=%2FElectronic-Protractor-Inclinometer-Woodworking-Construction%2Fdp%2FB0C1NGVBMS%2Fref%3Dsr_1_12_sspa%3Fcrid%3D1ZHBCJMYTO5HJ%26dib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ei7yHLfwiMXezXX-NRqzn0S7bomR_MBNQVP0gT6nDnrejbvZkc-d66FvoWrTVQpaT14T5IObCHNqdM4i-AUORGTmrO5K9Wi-kiZAusXdshRVN8PB5L6t_-jLSiPVcDYvD3ePKwGFPHEsYHlll2nAvSo-BmOkzpSfuk4LAv3EpI0Yh5fgQyQU2_pm-gPfb99dnhAJ5es4znm13omsmID9CkuBIDp1Kv6iDqwHzKVAvbsTGoYMYMTdhtoNQo3BbvMUZo5y3gE2lZdHdFpN5Q72tsgg7UrS3oVdmAPS9punRi4.Twa-FzsOPA3335RkyKBitboy0gkUbXnoXPZuprU_IdA%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Djohnson%2Bdigital%2Binclinometer%26qid%3D1710103153%26sprefix%3DJohnson%2Binclinometer%2Bdigital%252Caps%252C147%26sr%3D8-12-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY%26psc%3D1 4- (Battery Free choice) https://www.amazon.com/Johnson-Level-Tool-700-Magnetic/dp/B00004T807/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1ZHBCJMYTO5HJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ei7yHLfwiMXezXX-NRqzn0S7bomR_MBNQVP0gT6nDnrejbvZkc-d66FvoWrTVQpaT14T5IObCHNqdM4i-AUORGTmrO5K9Wi-kiZAusXdshRVN8PB5L6t_-jLSiPVcDYvD3ePKwGFPHEsYHlll2nAvSo-BmOkzpSfuk4LAv3EpI0Yh5fgQyQU2_pm-gPfb99dnhAJ5es4znm13omsmID9CkuBIDp1Kv6iDqwHzKVAvbsTGoYMYMTdhtoNQo3BbvMUZo5y3gE2lZdHdFpN5Q72tsgg7UrS3oVdmAPS9punRi4.Twa-FzsOPA3335RkyKBitboy0gkUbXnoXPZuprU_IdA&dib_tag=se&keywords=johnson+digital+inclinometer&qid=1710103153&sprefix=Johnson+inclinometer+digital%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-3 To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net16 views -
Four Year Creation Calendar Now in Print
REMNANT of the LIGHTCreations Cyclic Four-Year printed calendar- 8x11 Booklet style- Heavy cardstock gloss cover with uv protection to keep the colors vibrant and prevent chipping. Sabbaths and Feast Days marked, along with other biblical references and scriptural calendar witnesses. The Priestly Creation Calendar is found throughout scripture starting with Genesis - Taught by the Prophets- Followed by the Messiah- Written about in the Books of Enoch & Jubilees- Recorded in History and Verified by the Dead Sea Scrolls. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net44 views -
Does Saturday 'Mean' Sabbath?
REMNANT of the LIGHTSome have come to believe that the word used for Saturday is equivalent to the word for Sabbath and had been brought down through many cultures thus, never losing its place as the seventh day. I hear this reasoning from time to time on why someone is keeping a Saturday Sabbath. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net30 views -
When was the Messiah Born? The Beginning and the Ending
REMNANT of the LIGHTMany Christians believe that the Messiah was born in December. Many Hebrew Roots folks would say at Sukkot (they forget that the spring feasts are fulfilled first.) BUT- If we look at these scriptures like a word math problem- we can determine exactly when the Messiah was born and how it FULFILLS Scripture. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net49 views 2 comments -
How the Sun Moves on Day 364
REMNANT of the LIGHTEnoch 72:32-33 On that day [31st day of 12th month] THE NIGHT shortens and becomes nine parts and the day nine parts. Then the night becomes equalized with the day... AND THE YEAR IS EXACTLY AS TO ITS DAYS THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR. And the length of the day and of the night, and the shortness of the day and of the night arise-through the course of the sun these distinctions are made. So it comes that its course becomes daily longer, and its course nightly shorter. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net157 views -
Enoch 82- The Star Leaders
REMNANT of the LIGHTTHE STAR LEADERS- ENOCH BREAKS it DOWN ~Short Subject Clip~ The stars are one of the luminaries listed as a keeper of time in Genesis 1:16. In fact it is the stars according to Enoch, which are the framework of the division of time itself. Enoch chapter eighty-two is where we find the breakdown of the leaders of time and vital information on numbering our days. So, let’s take a look at what Enoch has to say. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net28 views 1 comment -
What on Earth is Tequfah- Short Subject
REMNANT of the LIGHTWith recent translations of some of the last Dead Sea scroll fragments, scroll 4Q324d has brought to the forefront the term TEQUFAH. A notation of ‘tequfah,’ is found in four significant instances throughout the scroll. Out of all the scrolls found in Qumran, these scroll fragments are thus far the only ones where the word tequfah has been used. In this Short Subject study we discuss the usage of the word Tequfah and how it applies to our Creators Division of Time. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net31 views -
How Does the Moon Render the Year in 364 Days? Book of Enoch
REMNANT of the LIGHTSubject short- An explanation from the Book of Enoch on how the moon can render the year, along with the sun and stars in 364 days only. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net40 views 2 comments -
Enoch's 364th Night- Short Subject
REMNANT of the LIGHTWhat does Enoch say about the 364th day and how we start the year. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net25 views