The Fall of the Cabal : The Sequel - by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter—————————————————————— CHECK OUT: Post-Jab Detox Protocol For The Vaccinated https://guardwellhealth.com/pvp ————————————————— Part 1 of THE FALL OF THE CABAL: THE SEQUEL This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credits, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video. Fair Use Notice: Use the information found in the videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before coming to your own conclusions. WATCH THE WHOLE SERIES HERE: https://rumble.com/c/c-1521575 Watch: THE FALL OF THE CABAL by Janet Ossebaard https://rumble.com/c/FallOfCabalSeries1 Watch: COVID-19 DOCUMENTARY by Janet Ossebaard https://rumble.com/c/c-1501925 Watch Now: CULT OF THE MEDICS https://rumble.com/c/c-1890401 This series is an on-going investigation into the modern medical industrial complex, how it operates, and examines its ancient and occult origins. Be prepared for some massive dot-connections, red-pill moments, and a 40,000 foot view of the goings-on in today's human experience. Are you ready? Watch: OUT OF SHADOWS Documentary Exposing Satanism in High Places https://rumble.com/c/c-1518895 Watch: Out of Babylon by David Straight https://rumble.com/c/OutOfBabylonDavidStraight Watch: David Straight in Utah - Discern For Yourselves https://rumble.com/c/c-151816541.8K views 12 comments