2 Peter
18 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Expositional Teaching through Peter's second epistle.
2 Peter 3:14-18 False Teachers, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 3:14-18, Peter gives his final application for his letter. These are important words, the last words we have from Peter. The final words of anyone are significant regarding the things they believe are most important, for Peter, it was warning the flock of God about false teaching and how to avoid being led away in error. These final words are also very significant regarding Paul the apostle's writings and the labeling of them as Scripture. It is the perfect ending to a great letter.13 views -
2 Peter 3:11-13 False Teachers, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 3:11-13, Peter begins his application based on what he has just taught his readers. Application to living can only be properly known after there is an understanding of the information presented. Peter and Paul follow a model of informing their readers who they are in Christ and what benefits they have, before moving into application. Too many preachers and Bible teachers jump from verse to application before a proper contextual understanding is established. We can learn a lot from the apostles.12 views 1 comment -
2 Peter 3:8-10 False Teachers, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 3:8-10, Peter continues his rebuttal to the false teachers, showing their position is against Scripture, God's nature, and God's Promise. False teachers are crafty in their reasonings, but will fail in reference to each of these areas when examined. In our current culture, there is a failure to properly examine Bible teachers - or to even examine them at all. We should all be familiar with Peter's perspectives in these verses.18 views -
Pastor Scott and Herb Butterworth, The Age of Earth and Scripture
Bible Made ClearIn this video, Scott and Herb discuss the age of the earth and how it relates to Scripture. It not primarily a scientific discussion, but a Scriptural discussion with some scientific aspects brought into it. The concern in approaching this topic is the consistency of interpretation among those who allow for other than a normal understanding of the text itself.7 views -
2 Peter 3:5-7 False Teachers, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 3:5-7, Peter gives a rebuttal to the false teachers regarding their mockery. In verses 5-7, Peter uses history as a basis for his refutation. The many evidences discovered correlate to the history that the Bible provides us. Moreover, the Bible itself is a historical document. People need to remember this when approaching this subject.19 views 1 comment -
2 Peter 3:3-4 False Teachers, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 3:3-4, Peter provides the motives of the false teachers, which is their conduct. This in turn helps to make sense of their instruction and behavior. Many times the behavior of people is hard to understand, until you know their motives. Peter gives their motives first.3 views -
2 Peter 3:1-2 False Teacher's Doctrine, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 3:1-2, Peter reminds his readers for his reason in writing. He establishes the foundation for truth in verse 2 and will build on that in later verses as a contrast to the false teacher's doctrine. A discussion on the truth in general is mentioned in this teaching.43 views -
2 Peter 2:20-22 False Teachers Pt8, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 2:20-22, Peter explains the personal deterioration of these false teachers. Their beliefs and lifestyle takes a moral toll on these characters. The corrupt minds and practices result in a personal decline and worsening moral state. Peter is very descriptive in speaking of a dog returning to his vomit. Not a flattering picture of a those driven to extort from God's people in hopes of a better life, the opposite is the final result.25 views -
2 Peter 2:17-19 False Teachers Pt 7, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 2:17-19, Peter explains the personal emptiness of these false teachers. They have nothing to give but big words and magnanimous claims. It is important to not be taken in by speech alone, which is used to take advantage of people who lack stability. Wolves can talk like sheep and lure their prey with alluring claims.6 views -
2 Peter 2:14-16 False Teachers Pt 6, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn 2 Peter 2:14-16, Peter continues to develop the corruption of these false teachers. Their corrupt character is evident by their behavior. Peter points this out to identify them to believers, since false teachers will worm their way into fellowships of believers to ultimately take advantage of the weaker ones. Wolves can always smell weakness in their prey, it is no different with false teachers. This is part 2 of 2 in this particular section which will cover verses 10-17.10 views 1 comment