The Vector Of Gog and Magog
BrozmeThumbnail: Gog and Magog Trailer I made a couple of videos about Gog and Magog a few months ago It’s unfortunate how short the first video is. My gift is writing, so read my thoughts in the description box. Gog and Magog Trailer https://youtu.be/7y92gr2_Igg?si=RMm06smhhBWKMmwz Part 1 Gog and Magog https://rumble.com/v5fnrmt-christian-esoteric-gnostic-knews-and-views-who-in-hell-is-gog-and-magog-p1.html Part 2 Gog and Magog https://rumble.com/v5fqs79-christian-esoteric-gnostic-knews-and-views-who-in-hell-is-gog-and-magog-pt-.html Brozme Appreciate Y’all •••210 views -
Been Vaxxed ? You are now trackable….
VeteransAgainstTreasonLuciferase is in full operation! According to this lady at the Health Conference. The airport knows if you've had the va<<ine or not due to not picking up a trace of said Luciferace... Forget having a tracking device with you (phone). As you are now the tracking device. Speaker: Dr. Christine Northrup. 🔗 THE WHITE RABBIT 👁 (t.me/thedailyrabbit) TRUTH PUPS 🐶 LATEST - https://rumble.com/v5itwfp-truthpups-behind-the-scenes-news-qthestormrider777.html The Eternal Weirdness Of Red Mercury https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP81Rvpb1/ Q ALERTS https://qalerts.app/?ref=w3use https://qalerts.pub/posts/help/ rallyassasinationattempt.com Creatorsnortstar.com MEMETRUNK.com Vegasshootingmap.com Scotty Mar Films : For The Love Of Money 💵 https://rumble.com/v5l8e6q-the-ojays-for-the-love-of-money.html We Are Here To Assist - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP81EvBC9/ NEW ANNUNAKI CARTOON SHOW !!! https://youtu.be/uwaUV5W6_D0?si=lxSW-tFm1RxarjFk They are all Tranny’s !!! https://www.tiktok.com/@starlite3160?_t=8p0GcfzlbBe&_r=1 ✅ New Uploads at my Rumble Channel here 🚀: https://rumble.com/c/FollowsTheWhiteRabbit ❇️ More Rabbit Holes 🕳️🐇 here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/82648 ✅ Latest beefy Awakening Documentary List🔥: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/72749 Farsight Remote Viewing Website. https://farsight.org/ Best Of Veterans Against Treason Forum Links 🔗: https://vetsagainsttreason.createaforum.com/new-board-3/best-of-the-best-info/msg208/?topicseen;PHPSESSID=5lsvdauc8bes4il2af5nvr1tdr#new Breaking News 🗞️: Biden Inauguration Staged On 2 Different Days !!! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT82mAKHU/ Crazy Jewish Rabbi Videos. 1.) Waiting for JC Pennies To Return ~ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP81SY59t/ WATCH: This anti-cancer mushroom supercharges your body’s oxygen levels so much so that Chinese marathon runners shattered world records using it. Cancer thrives in low-oxygen environments, so imagine the impact when you flood your body with oxygen like this. The mushroom is Cordyceps. Investigative journalist Jefferey Jaxen explains that studies have shown that Cordyceps: • ups your body’s internal oxygen by 40% • increases ATP by 28% • increases cancer patients’ natural killer cell activity by 400% If you haven't heard of Cordyceps, it's probably because it's too cheap for the cancer industry to profit from. Click here to watch the entire docuseries from my friends at The Truth About Cancer and discover cancer secrets that are being hidden from you. http://www.thetruthaboutcancer.tv/FOX Follow @VigilantFox 🦊 George Bush Funeral Envelopes Decoded - https://amg-news.com/envelopes-please-shocking-secret-letters-exposed-potus-targets-clinton-obama-and-bush-wives-at-president-bushs-funeral-game-over-video/ International Court Order To Israel To Give Back Palestinian Territory https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRoqXjtD/ Alien Disclosure Of Upcoming Landings https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRoqfHkK/ Importance Of Understanding Mycoplasmas https://youtu.be/cdk6cZtLXyY?si=0ecIGndAy1GAxl57 Nixon & Billy Graham On The Jews - https://rumble.com/v4i7efn-nixon-on-the-jews.html https://t.me/THEPROTZMANIANS Q Archive 4 Plebs https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/147433975/#147434025 Above And Beyond Project Looking Glass https://youtu.be/PGPqLX9XYbk?si=HHx5gfxluc7MLT9a Kerry Cassidy interview Special Link For Gulf War Veterans About Exposure Issues From Depleted Uranium by the Late / Great Vietnam & Gulf War Army Veteran - Doug Rokke https://www.vvaw.org/veteran/article/?id=662 David Keith Quigly Book 📖 Link - Real JFK JR. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CMMRFHYV?ref=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_GZCPGPJE4B6PANG2JC0H&ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_GZCPGPJE4B6PANG2JC0H&social_share=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_GZCPGPJE4B6PANG2JC0H&language=en-US The Entire Free Kolbrin Bible PDF https://archive.org/details/TheKolbrinBibleCOMPLETE Beyond The Ice Wall - https://youtu.be/3BRUSmUsHi8?si=pDddZ6EE6PGAq1hg Long List Of GEOENGINEERING PATENTS- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNaKXjfN/ John McCain Exposed By Vietnam Veterans For Treason - https://youtu.be/4hr37eE0nO8?si=s0ZVvjpFx7sxdYzA Alien 👽 Jokers 🃏- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNaoQqQL/ https://vigilantnews.com/post/trump-questioned-vaccines-on-june-7th-assassination-attempt-came-5-weeks-later/ https://bidenreport.com/#p=1 Alex Jones Going Out Of His Mind : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNfY4yj7/ https://rumble.com/v551ad0-the-kahlooni-family-secret-within-a-secret-now-disclosed.html https://www.spaceforce.com/ https://rumble.com/v55mwha-defence-war-mil.-op.-storm-launched-earth-wide.-sincerely-pascal-and-diana.html Fast Food Ingredients - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2yyaxt/ How The Rothschilds Created Israel https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2yRsuH/ Q PHONES DEMONSTRATION ?????????????????? Snake 🐍 Eyes https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2Udogy/ Breaking News 📰 06/18/24 Palestinian Protesters Break Into Israeli Weapons Factory in U.K. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNd6Dctm/ Joe Biden / Hunter “ 🎱 “ Biden - https://www.tiktok.com/@mriwillnotcompyin/video/7385197196087528750?_r=1&u_code=eefk1he4hkl63m&preview_pb=0&sharer_language=en&_d=eefl1fd90l29c3&share_item_id=7385197196087528750&source=h5_m×tamp=1719536107&ug_btm=b5836,b2001&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAABJc99cS1J6OTlP3_0xkL_cN5NmjLPbQ81XIeNujz4M3bQ6sSh5aTEqQP-bDyBw7y&utm_source=copy&social_share_type=0&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&tt_from=copy&user_id=7378437666566194218&enable_checksum=1&share_link_id=5E4E0D0C-C184-403A-A1DC-B44801519161&share_app_id=1233 Disney Exposed - SlavePrincess.com Isaac Kappy’s Dead ☠️ Mann Switch - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNFVCSwr/ MARCO POLO HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP GOLDMINE https://marcopolo501c3.substack.com/p/son-of-us-president-sues-marco-polo?utm_medium=email Our 3D World -https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2BPRSh/ Michael Jackson Still Alive - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2S1vE2/ Manifesting https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2BP7mr/ Jewish Lawmakers 2023 of the 118th Congress. ( Veterans Against Treason Worksheet by Tom Trefts - USAF Gulf War Veteran ) Jews make up 6% of 118th Congress Vs. 2 % of Population. 34 Members Overall 18 Don’t Know / Refused 3 Muslim 3 Hindu 🛕 2 Buddhists 47 Compulsive Liars —-///_—— Senators - 9 Senate (9 Democrats, 1 Independent) Michael Bennet(D-CO)# Richard Blumenthal(D-CT) Benjamin Cardin(D-MD) Dianne Feinstein(D-CA)** Jon Ossoff (D-GA) Jacky Rosen(D-NV) Brian Schatz(D-HI) Bernard Sanders(I-VT) Charles Schumer(D-NY) Ron Wyden(D-OR) Congressmen - 26 House (25Democrats, 2 Republicans) Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) Becca Balint(D-VT)* Suzanne Bonamici(D-OR)## David Cicilline (D-RI) SteveCohen (D-TN) Lois Frankel (D-FL) Daniel Goldman (D-NY)* Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) Sara Jacobs (D-CA) David Kutsoff (R-TN) Greg Landsman (D-OH) Mike Levin (D-CA) Seth Magaziner (D-RI)* Max Miller (R-OH)* Jared Moskowitz(D-FL)* Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Kathy Manning (D- NC) Dean Phillips (D-MN) Jamie Raskin (D-MD) Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Brad Schneider(D-IL) Adam Schiff (D-CA) Kim Schrier (D-WA) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) Brad Sherman (D-CA) Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) Susan Wild (D-PA) EDUCATION 23 Are only High School Graduates 🎓 6 Members have only Associates Degrees - Equivalent to 2 Successful Years of any given accredited program. ************** 3 - Jewish Governors per - https://governors.rutgers.edu/fast-facts-about-americas-governors/ Why most American Jews are Democrats - Why Most American Jews Are Democrats Transcript 118th Congress-Senate Members with DUAL CITIZENSHIP!!!! The Following Is ONLY A BILL with a 3% Chance Of Becoming A Law !!! Dual Loyalty Disclosure Act (H.R. 946) - GovTrack.us https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr946#google_vignette Foreign Born US Lawmakers https://www.voanews.com/a/upcoming-congress-likely-to-keep-its-share-of-foreign-born-lawmakers/6838199.html U.S. DEBT CLOCK AMERICA https://t.me/USDebtClockAmerica The Hunter Biden Full Access Marco Polo Video Report https://bidenreport.com/#p=1 Time Out For Motörhead Ace Of Spades ♠️ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTcPESR/ Best Rating Possible - Iraq 🇮🇶 War Veteran Knocks The Bullshit Politics Out Of The Park !!!!! https://rumble.com/v4omc9r-best-speech-in-our-lifetime-michael-prysner-iraq-war-beteran.html April 8th, 2024 Breaking News 📰 Enter The RED HATS -Enter The “Red Hats” | Real Raw News https://realrawnews.com/2024/04/enter-the-red-hats/ Real Raw News 📰 Is White Hat Military Intelligence ( Navy / Marine Corps Mostly it seems - Tom ) https://rumble.com/v4nlqk2-is-real-raw-news-is-military-communication-with-we-the-people.html Secret Military Tribunals https://amg-news.com/the-event-secret-military-tribunals-gesara-military-law-castle-rock-global-powers-unraveled-inside-vatican-buckingham-palace-big-pharma-and-beyond-rods-of-god/ Restored Republic Report https://rumble.com/v4ljne5-judy-byington.-sganon-juan-o-savin-situation-update-32624-restored-republic.html 93 of 99 U.S. Senators Executed For Treason ~ https://t.me/TheSacredBlueTentChannel/264126 Juan O’ Savin ~ Everything Is A Rich 🤑 Man’s Trick ~ Wow, interesting... Kind of a big deal that he posted this. https://rumble.com/v3gv3h4-jfk-to-911-everything-is-a-rich-mans-trick.html Classic Truth - 9/11 Was An Inside Job https://rumble.com/v4l7c4o-hillary-clinton-2011-we-founded-al-qaeda-911-was-an-zionist-inside-job.html Army Retiree Call Up https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTBACMW/ KATT AND THE OCCULT: DISCLOSURE HUB https://www.thedisclosurehub.com/katt Kicking 🦵 Ass And Taking Names With USMC Sgt Mike !! ( must see ! ) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL8E8SD4/ Go To Telegram Uncensored By Using This Link 🔗- https://web.telegram.org/a/ Veterans Against Treason Forum - Free To Post 🏤 All World 🌎 Patriot Research 🧐 https://vetsagainsttreason.createaforum.com/new-board-3/ Declaration Of Military Accountability Sign Up Form - Read the Declaration.pdf | DocDroid549 views 3 comments -
VeteransAgainstTreasonAll Purpose # 2 ADRENOCHROME LABS 🧪 GENE 🧬 SPLICING 1.) The Adrenochrome Labs and the Splicers already do this Firm wants to create embryos from stem cells and raise them for weeks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11275385/Biotech-firm-wants-create-human-embryos-stem-cells-raise-mechanical-womb.html https://rumble.com/v3kl0ws-adrenochrome-is-so-pur-evil-war-for-your-mind-episode-397-with-honestwalter.html Law of War Manual COG ( Continuance Of Government ) Veterans Against Treason https://vetsagainsttreason.createaforum.com/index.php https://media.defense.gov/2023/Jul/31/2003271432/-1/-1/0/DOD-LAW-OF-WAR-MANUAL-JUNE-2015-UPDATED-JULY%202023.PDF Office of General Counsel > Law of War > Practice Documents Know The Enemy - ADRENOCHROME DUMBS - IT'S ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN - ADRENOCHROME HARVESTING OF BABIES & CHILDREN There are over 320 BioLabs. WORLDWIDE The sleepers are beginning to wake up with the realization that the world is not what it seems to be. DUMBS-Deep Underground Military Basses but from the Dark Factions. For generations, kids have been trafficked by what’s called the “CABAL”. The Deep State players include world leaders, politicians, Hollywood and the wealthy Elites. - Kids are being Terrorized for the purpose of producing Adrenochrome, a natural compound found in Adrenal gland which induces a trance like state or high and gives the user more energy and a younger appearance. - The children are then killed. I won’t tell you what they do with the bodies. Better to ask Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, Bidens, etc. - This is why the White House and this part of Washington D.C will be sealed off forever. THE INVISIBLE WAR - Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill ---------------------------------------------- ⚔ THE INVISIBLE WAR ⚔ in > @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND https://rumble.com/v2jnba0-dumbs-its-all-about-the-children-adrenochrome-harvesting-of-babies-and-chil.html Is The New QFS Banking System Real ? The QFS Revolution: Are You In or Out? Have You Started Banking with the QFS? All Banks are Transitioning Over Into the QFS! Have You Started Banking with the QFS? First and foremost, let’s address the mammoth in the room. Why on Earth are you still banking the traditional way? Banks that have, for centuries, controlled, manipulated, and dominated our financial lives are now being outpaced by this new system. The QFS isn’t just a trend. It’s an uprising. For the uninitiated, QFS stands for “Quantum Financial System.” It’s like the iPhone 14 Pro Max to old-school Nokia – innovative, sophisticated, and undeniably efficient. If you’re not part of this change, it’s high time to ask yourself, “Why not?” https://amg-news.com/the-qfs-revolution-are-you-in-or-out-have-you-started-banking-with-the-qfs-all-banks-are-transitioning-over-into-the-qfs/ ********** Best News Here Must Watch - Michael Jaco - w/ descendent Of Mary Magdalene / Mary Queen 🫅 Of Scotts - Michael Jaco: Former Army Intel Exposes Who Satan Is and His Depopulation Agenda. (Video) - best news here 9/11 Controlled Demolition Plus DEW Pulverization. https://odysee.com/@kineticmass:7/911-declas:1 WELCOME 🤗 BACK CELEBRITIES FROM WITNESS PROTECTION!!! 1.) Part 1 https://rumble.com/v22yb78--still-alive-part-1-welcome-back.html 2.) Part 2 https://rumble.com/v22yce0--still-alive-part-2-welcome-back-herqs.html 3.) Part 3 https://rumble.com/v22ydps-still-alive-part-3-welcome-back-herqs.html 4.) Part 4 https://rumble.com/v22yezm-still-alive-part-4-welcome-back-herqs.html 5.) Part 5 https://rumble.com/v22yfuq--still-alive-part-5-welcome-back-herqs.html 6.) Part 6 https://rumble.com/v22ygms--still-alive-part-6-welcome-back-herqs.html 7.) Part 7 https://rumble.com/v22yi5s-still-alive-part-7-welcome-back-herqs.html Part 8 ) https://rumble.com/v22yja8-still-alive-part-9-welcome-back-heros.html Part 9 ) https://rumble.com/v22yja8-still-alive-part-9-welcome-back-heros.html Part 10 ) https://rumble.com/v22yk4c-still-alive-part-11-welcome-back-herqs.html Part 11 ) https://rumble.com/v22ykxi-still-alive-part-12-welcome-back-herqs.html Lauren BOEBERT Theatre Show https://youtube.com/shorts/n-s4xK8LWhU?si=zzeZyYcABX1rOq6r Hospital Missile Fake News 📰 - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/breaking-update-palestinian-hospital-was-not-bombed-parking/ CERN 🔥 CERN - GATEWAY TO HELL https://rumble.com/v1ls7jg-cern-gateway-to-hell.html ❗️BABYLONFALL:❗️ Is CERN THE MOTHER ALL D.U.M.B.S ?? UNDER THE LAKE GENEVA IS THE CIA HQ and entrance to CERN. LAKE GENEVA IS MORE THAN 3000m deep and connected via a submarine tunnel with Genua (italy).. CERN identified as secret entrance to CIA underground headquarters under Lake Geneva in 🇨🇭Switzerland🇨🇭. 🔻 Consequently, the CIA headquarters under Lake Geneva can only be reached by subways from CERN and by submarines travelling through a 275-kilometre underground tunnel that apparently begins in Genoa (🇮🇹Italy🇮🇹) and ends in Lake Geneva. 🔻 Sub-Biosphere 2 CIA headquarters modelled under Lake Geneva. This idea is based on the fact that Sub-Biosphere 2 is the Big European Bubble Chamber¹ (BEBC²), which serves as the command centre. 🔻 CERN's 26.659 km LEP tunnel runs through Switzerland and 🇫🇷France🇫🇷. CERN is located 27 km from the centre of Lake Geneva (d. H.46°27'19.8″N6°36'01.9″E). #Babylonfall #CERN #CIA #Underground #Headquarters #LakeGeneva #Italy #France #LEPTunnel #BEBC CERN - GATEWAY TO HELL -->> https://rumble.com/v1ls7jg-cern-gateway-to-hell.html CERN is the ACCUMOLATOR TO SEND VOBES TO THE MOON -->> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/42796?single Large European Bubble Chamber (BEBC). -->> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/15131?single GENEVA TUNNEL EXPLAINED -->> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/40823 🔥———>>> SEARCH in this channel "Babylonfall" - all background about CERN .C.I.A headquarters etc. ⚔☠️⚔WWG1WGA ⚔☠️⚔ @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND in ALLIANCE with @SpaceForceGalacticFederation Winged Planet 1.) October 19,2023 https://youtu.be/1JyUPyN4o8Q?si=Rpx7jxWY4jq1dFrM 2.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hvLWop/ 3.) NASA Views Object Near Sun https://www.facebook.com/100047308394915/posts/pfbid02Vk1A7RoquuW5QUocpxWTrtgbqFSK5TcSMbnBWZUhr87gPs2CZfFczZyiD9WrJ153l/?mibextid=Rm1F5m 4.) Fake Sun ☀️ In The Clouds https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8k17rgR/ EXOPOLITICS TODAY - 1.) https://exopoliticstoday.com/ 2.) The Jupiter Hub, Moon, Medbeds, Ukraine & Israel/Palestine - A Conversation with Thor Han Eredyon https://exopolitics.org/the-jupiter-hub-moon-medbeds-ukraine-israel-palestine/ 3.) UFO 🛸 over Miami 2023 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8BdX24x/ 4.) Empire Orb - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Bdpptt/ 5.) Government Executive Orders https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8BRE6CV/ ◦ 6.) UFO 🛸 Video - October, 2023 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8BLFQww/ 7.) Apophis Asteroid ☄️ 2029 Close Encounter https://youtube.com/shorts/B4lCYu_t814?si=2YVP7qwC1RnxIrUv 8.) Triangle UFO 🛸 https://youtu.be/wXkHSEkK_74?si=wx6_ArHxiyC6Ftfq Winged Planet 1.) October 19,2023 https://youtu.be/1JyUPyN4o8Q?si=Rpx7jxWY4jq1dFrM 2.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hvLWop/ 3.) NASA Views Object Near Sun https://www.facebook.com/100047308394915/posts/pfbid02Vk1A7RoquuW5QUocpxWTrtgbqFSK5TcSMbnBWZUhr87gPs2CZfFczZyiD9WrJ153l/?mibextid=Rm1F5m 4.) Fake Sun ☀️ In The Clouds https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8k17rgR/ Letter from the West LA Homeless Veterans, Secretary Denise McDonough, After our many attempts to help you understand why ours is the "ONLY ADVOCACY" that directly, and unconditionally, challenges the current repurposing of the deed-restricted land-use mandates (plus recent supporting laws and OIG Reports), at the National Pacific Branch Home for Disabled Veterans, you call it VAGLAHS, and after your taxpayer-funded Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA's) refusal to genuinely recognize, engage, our all-volunteer effort, we have no other alternative than to compose this "Open Letter" to you and your direct reports (who also ignore the uncontested evidence of corruption, collusion, and wrongdoing we have brought to their attention). Honestly, sir, we do not expect you, your reports, or anyone at DVA to have the epiphany that will cause it to ask what the purpose of this "Sunday Veterans Expression" (first of a new Coalition series) is, but we will not stop trying. So, allow this open Coalition Letter to tell you exactly what concerned taxpayers, the Congressionally Chartered AMERICAN GI FORUM of the U.S., and our Veteran families across our Country want. We want the honesty and fully transparent answers to the documented and recorded evidence we have because it demonstrates that corruption and collusion are core of the master plan operations at this homeland that, neither, you, your reports, the FACA board, nor, the 3rd-party developers and NGO's have ever delivered. Please refer to the Whistle-blower recordings that we have sent to you and have been publishing. By the way, our social media publications have generated millions of hits and, recently, a judicial principal, outside of her judicial authority, told our Journalist to stop posting that information. Secretary Denise McDonough, please realize that our Coalition is duty-bound to keep informing our expanding, coast-to-coast, network of advocates of your negligence. You can prevent DVA liability by starting to look at the evidence we have, doing something about it, and keeping us informed. Otherwise, our advocates will see that you and DVA make no attempt to look at, or, get answers for the harm (death and loss of sanity) your master plan has done, and will continue to do by ruining the Home and stealing its beachfront property. Taking all evidence of the land-racket into account, makes us believe that zealous movie producers and directors will produce the movie based upon this tragedy you facilitate. Based on the years of facts we have shared through our Coalition Repository, that movie will expose how you've allowed pure greed to violate the "Sacred Trust," coined and promised by your former boss, President Barack Obama. They will see how the promise of a "Home," for all unhoused, unemployed, and disabled Veterans has been ruthlessly breached. It may be entitled "Restoration Denied, How Cabinet Budget Buzzards Work" Please reply "ALL" if you want to contact us for more details. Respectfully, The COALITION Factoids 1.) BLACKROCK Is named after giant magnetic 🧲 black cube at North Pole 2.) Moon 🌝 is a reflection of Earth 3.) We live in an Electric ⚡️ Universe 4.) Second sun is behind our sun and seen when out of synch 5.) Chemtrails are multipurpose, but really geared at blinding us to gigantic shapes of our sister solar system who’s sun is called Nemesis 6.) We need multiple camera everything as new burden of proof. New measures of Truth. What passes for knowledge is dogshit. Project Fishbowl. Roulette Wheel 7.) Due north compass reading would make a boat circumnavigate a flat Earth model. 8.) Elena DANAAN likely a fraud. 9.) Alex Collier Here's a presentation by the legendary Alex Collier given at the 2010 Earth Transformation Conference on the Big Island of Hawaii. His topic is especially relevant today as open disclosure of ET life approaches: "The Andromedans and Mentoring Humanity" - Alex Collier https://youtu.be/BZxkYzCp2mw?si=5o2bIghPX37y4m5V Incoming Terror Alert 🚨 In UK 🇬🇧 See British Veterans YouTube Channel —> Funky Prepper - GCHQ Headquarters 1.) Mission: To Keep The Country Safe - Who - What - Where , GCHQ - GCHQ.GOV.UK 🇬🇧 Funky Prepper -British Veteran 🇬🇧 Prepper https://youtu.be/LZNWhJUsnzU?si=uhi9giVbGAYj25u4 A.) Israeli British Businesses being attacked. B.) MI5 Threat Level - Substantial ( only one ☝️ level higher - Severe ) C.) Migrants being used as security guards. D.) British Army, Navy, RAF on the way. Worries about military age men being out of position. Trumps Executive Orders Have Never Been Cancelled Under Biden Terminology matters. 💯 “Today, in response to this Hamas attack on Israel, and following detailed discussions with President Biden, I have directed several steps to strengthen Department of Defense posture in the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts. I have directed the movement of the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean.” Brace yourself… Another dadgum dot Gov site. 🤭🔥 https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3551716/statement-from-secretary-lloyd-j-austin-iii-on-us-force-posture-changes-in-the/ Donald John Trump is the ONLY President to Federalize Reserve Components to Active-Duty, plus he declared War in War Powers Resolution Act, and DIRECTED the Secretary of Defense equal power to authorize in Executive Order 13919 via 10 United States Code §12304. Still not revised, revoked, rescinded, or terminated. Hence why ole “Biden” has extended ALL CIC Trump’s Executive Orders with National Emergencies AND why the Executive Documents in the War Powers Resolution Act shows “his” Memorandum July 19, 2021, in FY 2020, authorizing Secretary of Defense to follow the Authority and Functions by THE President in 50 US Code §1550 dated December 20, 2019. And since the Secretary of Defense is a Military Position is second to the President of the United States who is the Commander-in-Chief appointed by the President. Which is found under 10 United States Code §113. Same Title 10 (§12302, §12304, §12406) that the President Federalizes to Active Duty. Same Title 10 (§502) that all enlisted Veterans took their Oath under. Same Title 10 (§1031) all commissioned officers take and took their Oath under. Lloyd is a TV General, central casting. Those on TV are the distraction ≈ Devolution. 🎯😎🇺🇸 Newest Vaccine Hazard Notes : 1.) DNA Contaminants in COVID Shots Can Trigger Cancer and Alter Human Genome, Concludes Expert Panel Summary of Findings: #1 - Bacterial DNA (plasmids) has been found in mRNA vaccine vials. #2 - A cancer-promoting genetic sequence—SV40—has been found in the Covid-19 vaccines. This was not present in the vials used for the approval studies but has been found in all vials of the BioNTech vials disseminated for public use. #3 - These discoveries have been confirmed in several independent laboratories worldwide. #4 - The discovery was originally made in April 2023 by Kevin McKernan at which point regulatory bodies were contacted. No official reply has been received. #5 - Multiple mechanisms exist in which this genetic information might be integrated into the human genome. #6 - This DNA could instruct our bodies to produce mRNA and foreign proteins for an unknown period with potential implications for subsequent generations. #7 - There is no constructive purpose identified for the undeclared SV40 promotor sequence, which in addition to its cancer risk, enhances the capacity to incorporate the other foreign genetic material into the recipients’ own chromosomes potentially rendering them (and possibly even their offspring) permanently genetically modified. #8 - There are multiple completely undeclared genetic sequences in both Moderna and Pfizer vials with the SV40 sequence found only in the Pfizer vials. However, latent SV40 infections in a significant portion of the population could present the same SV40 risk to Moderna recipients. #9 - Even in the absence of chromosomal integration, the DNA plasmids could generate mRNA for the spike protein toxin and other harmful proteins for prolonged and unpredictable periods of time. #10 - Integration of foreign DNA into the human genome disrupts existing natural genetic sequences; this carries further risk of disease including cancer. Sources: World Council for Health and Children's Health Defense Author of Bombshell Report: COVID Shots Kill 1 Person Per 800 Injections "When you apply that number to the world - with the billions of injections that have been given - that’s how you get the 17 million (+- 0.5 million) deaths." vigilantnews.com/post/author-of-bombshell-report-covid-shots-kill-1-person-per-800-injections Follow @Vigilant_News Dr. Peter McCullough Calls for Three Immediate Courses of Action #1 - "Pull all COVID-19 vaccines off the market before anyone else is harmed." #2 - "US, EU, and all Westernized nations [need to] pull out of the WHO. They're not trustable." #3 - "I am recommending a halt on all childhood vaccines, the entire vaccine schedule, until this is clarified, since messenger RNA is now on the schedule without any concerns for safety by the ACIP panel." For those wary of spike protein shedding or the long-term effects of the shot, Dr. McCullough has recently published the first-ever spike protein detoxification protocol in a US medical journal: https://vigilantnews.com/post/first-ever-spike-detox-protocol-appears-in-medical-journal-heres-how-you-can-get-better Follow @Vigilant_News STARGATE picture 1 shows the Anunnaki StarGate ring, which was stolen from Iraq by the Nazi CIA during the Iraq War. The StarGate ring was located beneath the ancient Sumerian city of Ur, home to the largest Sumerian temple, the Great Zigurat, which received 400 continuous missile attacks after the Gulf War. Bush invaded Iraq to find the STARGATE with a WMD lie. The Iraq War (weapons of mass destruction) is a big lie - Stargates and Nephilim technology REAL. SADDAM HUSSEIN HAD AN ANUNNAKI (Enki and Enlil) STARGATE and TECHNOLOGY. The media treated Saddam Hussein like today's Putin/Trump. I've heard from previous research that "weapons of mass destruction" was a cover story for stargates/ancient space portals. THEY STOLEN THE STARGATE RING, BROUGHT IT TO SWITZERLAND AND PLACED IT INTO CERN #StarGates More details -->>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/53870 From the ANUNNAKI to the DEMONS | Full Documentary >>>> https://rumble.com/v3f8neo-from-the-anunnaki-to-the-demons-full-documentary.html ORION LINES - DRACO STAR-SYSTEM - NAZI HOLOCAUST TRUTH SATANIC ORION CONNECTION >>> https://rumble.com/v37v7sr-orion-lines-draco-star-system-nazi-holocaust-truth-satanic-orion-connection.html STARGATE - PROJECT LOOKING GLAS -->>> https://rumble.com/v322bre-stargate-project-looking-glas.html Inter-Dimensional Gates - Stargates - Portals - SSP Backgrounds -->>> https://rumble.com/v28isz8-interdimensional-gates.html @SpaceForceGalacticFederation in ALLIANCE with @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND STARGATE - PROJECT LOOKING GLAS INSIDES FROM A WHISTLEBLOWER Inter-Dimensional Gates - Stargates - Portals - SSP Backgrounds 💫We Are the People by Empire of the Sun @SpaceForceGalacticFederation in ALLIANCE with @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND https://rumble.com/v322bre-stargate-project-looking-glas.html Michael Salla - https://exopolitics.org/jp-update-mission-to-nordic-inner-earth-civilization/ Empire Orb - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Bdpptt/ Government Executive Order Powers https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8BRE6CV/ Winged Planet 1.) October 19,2023 https://youtu.be/1JyUPyN4o8Q?si=Rpx7jxWY4jq1dFrM 2.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hvLWop/ 3.) NASA Views Object Near Sun https://www.facebook.com/100047308394915/posts/pfbid02Vk1A7RoquuW5QUocpxWTrtgbqFSK5TcSMbnBWZUhr87gPs2CZfFczZyiD9WrJ153l/?mibextid=Rm1F5m 4.) Fake Sun ☀️ In The Clouds https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8k17rgR/ MONKEYWERKS 1.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7UGVd4/ 2.) Q Alerts 🔔 Drop Search Results: Oct 04 Blue Light Ability To Activate Nanotechnology https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7UQj6d/ Gaza War , Starts October 7, 2023 Veterans Against Treason https://vetsagainsttreason.createaforum.com/index.php 1 . ) https://news.yahoo.com/hamas-fighters-storm-israeli-towns-041718263.html 2. ) https://youtube.com/shorts/Ij0o1ILYCas?si=s6TJYrS39F6cFpg1 Oxford Explosion 💥 Lightning Hit Garbage Disposal Plant ? https://youtu.be/FI1FjNTqyKo?si=M0laEnxn8nCCaZBt https://youtu.be/fuggclI9xz0?si=PqGPFf0C9cLYOMvM Brain 🧠 Waves 🌊 & Consciousness. 1.) Theta Waves 🌊of Kids https://www.facebook.com/reel/672222444957217?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=nGmrsg Q NOTES 📝 MAJOR PANIC HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN ISRAEL THE PAST 2 YEARS AS THEY ARE COMING CLOSE TO FULL EXPOSURE AND WORLD GLOBALIST ELITE CONNECTIONS AND THEIR FUNDING OF EPSTEIN. HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND THEIR FUNDING OF THE VIRUS AND VACCINES. ___ The attack on Israel was wanted by mossad/ cia/.mi6 so they could create new laws and arrest their military ( white hats working with World Alliance operations) and blame them for the attacks.... create new laws that would bring treason chargers against their government. Military and people that were working to Expose the Israeli MOSSAD KAZARIAN crime syndicate network connected to the Clintons. Obama Bushs .Rockefellers cia.,,<<<< ...... At the same time White HATS inside of Israel wanted the attacks to happen that would EXPOSE corrupt Israeli military intelligence system that connects to the top of the government and military commanders and hopefully the EXPOSURE of Israel deep state allowing the attacks to happen will lead to a ISRAELI 2024 revolution.......... Where the people will rise in the time after the state of war.... And in 2024 Israel WILL JOIN THE WORLD MILITARY OPERATIONS >>> THE STORM<< (and EXPOSE their own country as corrupt and ARREST THEIR DEEP STATE LEADERS And bring in [DECLAS] on MOSSAD .cia.mi6 EPSTEIN. THE VIRUS. DEATH VACCINES FUNDING<) ____ You are watching the 8 year ( The) Storm take massive shape and will include almost all countries.... The ARREST WARS OF 2024 Buckle up buttercups. The war is real. The news is fake. Q ________ Only TRUMP ( Cheyenne mountain+Q+ops+ ALLIANCE ) can save the world and stop WORLD WAR III from complete world annihilation Scare necessary _EVENT in progress ____ I have been warniy you of all these EVENTS to happen .i have been telling you the middle east was going to go into major war. The Balkans like Serbia were going to into war ( very very close) 2024 ....Africa was going to pull military coups.... china. North Korea were going to cause major chaos and in Indonesia ,Malaysia south china sea Taiwan was all going to go into a near War........ All these EVENTS are now taking place< It all leads to NUCLEAR STANDOFF... I( I TOLD YOU) > NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT..... Then THE END OF STORM where TRUMP Saves the world. And unites with Putin... Chinas new Leader in 2026 ( will began the end the communism ... Thanks to XI's self destruction PLAN.... That was planned to bring down ccp) ..... Indian. China. U.S. Russia WILL all shake hands and bring world peace with the help of Bin Salman..,. And middle east powers///////// //////// ___ Trump Gave you COMMS .. Only he can stop WWIII __ Trump gave you comes oct.9 ... That Chinese Elites are figuring out that joe Biden is all a game and a game is going on ( what Trump was talking about is... China Elites all know that Joe Biden was placed by whites hats U.S. military and TRUMP... And China is suspecting military operations is taking place in the U S. and it's evident Biden is part of Show.a game and Trump is really in control with military pulling strings) You have more than you know Patriots Military is the only way Quantum Systems Notes : https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CRPT-115hrpt950/html/CRPT-115hrpt950.htm So, a blue check “expert” who has a LOT of followers, but also known as a troll, misleads innocent people claiming to be a conservative and Trump Supporter, shared a video saying “whomever did this took the time to find all of Derek Johnson’s inconsistencies” and it’s about the Quantum Financial System. So, as an adult, who’s showing people current, bipartisan legislation, plus Military Laws and Orders, all on Gov and Mil sites, I won’t use a name or @ them with drama, I’ll just do what I do, what God called me to do, and show the proof of the QFS via CURRENT, BIPARTISAN LEGISLATION and prove who’s claiming to be an “expert” but clearly not reading or know ANYTHING to what they claim to support. You don’t trash people trying to help people. Military definitely doesn’t work like that. You correct people with facts. First things first. This is the House Report 115-950. “COMMITTEE VIEWS The potential of Quantum Information Science The Committee believes that Quantum Information Science-- the measurement, manipulation, transmission, and storage of information that is encoded in sub-atomic particle systems that can only be understood and controlled by the laws of quantum physics--is one of the most promising and exciting fields of science today. QIS involves a multitude of science and engineering disciplines, with potential applications in cybersecurity, medicine, communications, financial services and transportation.” Congressional Report: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CRPT-115hrpt950/html/CRPT-115hrpt950.htm Notice the last paragraph: “QIS involves a multitude of science and engineering disciplines, with potential applications in cybersecurity, medicine, communications, financial services and transportation.” There will be MULTIPLE acronyms with Q & S. Notice the FINANCIAL Services? NOTE: this was BEFORE the Executive Order with the OFFICIAL Quantum Advisory Committee, Quantum Initiative Act, and Official dot Gov website was established. Quantum Initiative Act: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-115publ368/pdf/PLAW-115publ368.pdf Date: December 21, 2018. “Be it ENACTED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled” SEC. 101. NATIONAL QUANTUM INITIATIVE PROGRAM. (a) IN GENERAL.—The President shall implement a National Quantum Initiative Program. (b) REQUIREMENTS.—In carrying out the Program, the President, acting through Federal agencies, councils, working groups, subcommittees, and the Coordination Office, as the President considers appropriate, shall— (1) establish the goals, priorities, and metrics for a 10- year plan to accelerate development of quantum information science and technology applications in the United States; (2) invest in fundamental Federal quantum information science and technology research, development, demonstration, and other activities to achieve the goals established under paragraph (1); (3) invest in activities to develop a quantum information science and technology workforce pipeline; (4) provide for interagency planning and coordination of Federal quantum information science and technology research, development, demonstration, standards engagement, and other activities under the Program; (5) partner with industry and universities to leverage knowledge and resources; and (6) leverage existing Federal investments efficiently to advance Program goals and priorities established under paragraph (1). The who? The President? What President introduced the Quantum Initiative? 👉🏻 45 Now let’s look at the Executive Order and House dot Gov. DCPD-201900584 - Executive Order 13885-Establishing the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee Titled: Budget and Presidential Materials Date: August 30, 2019 Notes: This Executive order was published in theFederal Registeron September 5. DCPD: https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/DCPD-201900584 Now, let’s look at the Executive Order 13385… Establishing the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee: https://www.federalregister. gov/documents/2019/09/05/2019-19367/establishing-the-national-quantum-initiative-advisory-committee Date: August 30, 2019. 15 United States Code Chapter 114 §8811: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title15/chapter114/subchapter1&edition=prelim Section 8811 is dated: December 21, 2018. Who was the President? 👉🏻 45 (a) In general The President shall implement a National Quantum Initiative Program. (b) Requirements In carrying out the Program, the President, acting through Federal agencies, councils, working groups, subcommittees, and the Coordination Office, as the President considers appropriate, shall— (1) establish the goals, priorities, and metrics for a 10-year plan to accelerate development of quantum information science and technology applications in the United States; (2) invest in fundamental Federal quantum information science and technology research, development, demonstration, and other activities to achieve the goals established under paragraph (1); (3) invest in activities to develop a quantum information science and technology workforce pipeline; (4) provide for interagency planning and coordination of Federal quantum information science and technology research, development, demonstration, standards engagement, and other activities under the Program; (5) partner with industry and universities to leverage knowledge and resources; and (6) leverage existing Federal investments efficiently to advance Program goals and priorities established under paragraph (1). Okay, so, if all this is hogwash and doesn’t mean anything… 1. Then why did this start with a Committee View before passing Legislation? 2. Why did “Joe Biden” “revoke” EO 13885 and sign EO 14073 which is titled: ENHANCING The National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee? This is NOT a ‘new’ Order. It’s a enhancement as it says. The words are the same: EO 13885: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 104(a) of the National Quantum Initiative Act (Public Law 115–368) (Act), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to ensure continued American leadership in quantum information science and technology applications, it is hereby ordered as follows: EO 14073: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 104(a) of the National Quantum Initiative Act (Public Law 115–368) (NQI Act) [15 U.S.C. 8814(a)], andsection 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to ensure continued American leadership in quantum information science and its technology applications, it is hereby ordered as follows: The difference in the two is the ‘functions’ section, which is to be expected as something progresses. If it’s all garbage, hogwash, and “conspiracy theory,” then why is “Biden” writing an Enhancement Executive Order with Quantum Initiative Act in place and Quantum dot Gov. Go on over and check out Quantum.gov Announcement of Quantum.gov and Frontiers Report: “Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced the launch of Quantum.gov, the official website of the National Quantum Coordination Office, and the release of the Quantum Frontiers Report identifying key areas for continued quantum information science (QIS) research. “With the launch ofQuantum.gov, the White House has created an online home for the National Quantum Coordination Office and a new digital hub for the growing quantum community to connect with wide-ranging activities underway across the Federal Government. The newly publishedQuantum Frontiers Reportlays out critical research questions for the entire U.S. innovation ecosystem to tackle in the years ahead, and will serve as an important roadmap for researchers around the country,” said Michael Kratsios, U.S. Chief Technology Officer.” 45: https://www.quantum.gov/trump-administration-announces-quantum-gov-and-quantum-frontiers-report/ Frontiers Report: https://www.quantum. gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/QuantumFrontiers.pdf Overview and Strategy: https://www.quantum.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/NQI-Factsheet.pdf Department of Energy on Quantum Information Systems: https://science.osti.gov/Initiatives/QIS The DOE Office of Science (SC) efforts in QIS, informed by community input, target DOE-mission-focused applications by leveraging SC’s unique strengths. Major contributions to QIS focus on the following areas: (1) Supporting fundamental science that underpins quantum computing, simulation, communication, and sensing; (2) Creating tools, equipment, and instrumentation that go beyond what was previously imaginable; and (3) Establishing DOE community resources that enable the entire QIS ecosystem to innovate. SC targets applications in four major areas: 1. Quantum computing. 2. Analog quantum simulation. 3. Quantum communication. 4. Quantum sensing and microscopy. DOE listed on Quantum.gov: https://www.quantum.gov/about/ “The National Quantum Initiative (NQI) is a whole-of-government approach to ensuring the continued leadership of the U.S. in QIS and its technology applications.” That’s the SAME Department of Energy who clarifies ‘Q’ is a Clearance equivalent to Top Secret Clearance. 🤭 Now let’s look at the FDIC dot GOV: https://www.fdic.gov/news/podcasts/transcripts/boi-podcast-ep5.pdf Episode 5: The Age of Quantum Banking. 🤭 Now let’s look at the Office of the Comptroller of CURRENCY: “In preparation for the Global Currency Reset and arrival of the Quantum Financial System currently running parallel, any international financial activity, regulated by their respective agencies, must strictly comply with no tolerance to all protocol and regulations stipulated in the International Quantum Initiative Act, passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and approved by the U.N and U.S.M.C.A. (Formerly known as N.A.F.T.A).” “This means all financial obligations involved in the finalization of this and any other international settlement must be satisfied in full and specifically by the registered beneficiary, in this case being [NAMES REMOVED]. An audit performed by the International Organization of Supreme Audit institutions (INTOSAI) revealed a seemingly innocently overlooked deficit caused by the before mentioned International settlement moving into a new bracket limit requiring a readjustment of certain financial obligations when the cost differs depending on the bracket in which it currently fits. Below is a table showing the Financial Obligations required by the Federal Government of Mexico which depend on bracket limits and the bracket limits affected.” OCC dot GOV: https://www.occ.gov/news-issuances/alerts/2020/alert-2020-3a.PDF What are the ODDS the date of this is the END date of the first 180-days clause in the War Powers Resolution Act ≈ 50 United States Code §1550, June 17, 2020. December 20, 2019, + 180 = June 17, 2020. Who established the USMCA? 👉🏻 45 Who talks about it all the time? 👉🏻 45 Where else can you find the U.N.’s role? 👉🏻 The Law of War Manual. 👉🏻 U.N. Security Council. And what did that first paragraph sentence say, again? On a dot GOV site 🤭 “In preparation for the Global Currency Reset and arrival of the Quantum Financial System.” Can’t call this horse or bull 💩… Ole “Biden” has EO 14073 that proves it’s not. All current, bipartisan LEGISLATION under the Military Occupancy and Continuity of Operations Plan aka Continuity of Government, both outlined in Federal Continuity Directives and Law of War Manual. I’d highly suggest the red and blue check podashians to stay in your lane, if you don’t want to lose your subscribers. The more you show your ignorance, ESPECIALLY @‘ ing me… you only fuel my fire to not humiliate you, but to show your people, you’re about yourself, not them. I provide people the tools that’s already been given to us. Publicly available. The more people empower themselves with current, bipartisan legislation, the more the wannabes, antagonizers, and menaces are going to be unmasked. Remember what just happened on September 19, 2023? “QI Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantum Computing Inc. ("QCi" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: QUBT), has signed a five-year Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) to develop quantum technology applications in support of USSOCOM programs and requirements. USSOCOM is the premier entity of the U.S. Department of Defense that deploys the world's latest technology to conduct global special operations and activities as part of the Joint Force, in concert with the U.S. government interagency, allies, and partners, to advance U.S. policies and objectives worldwide.” United States SPECIAL OPERATIONS Command. 🤭 Yahoo Finance… nonetheless. Come on with it 💯🎯🇺🇸 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/quantum-computing-inc-federal-subsidiary-120000799.html Lahaina Tags 🏷️ #lahainatreason #lahainatnt #lahainaattack #lahainafires #lahaina #maui #vetsagainsttreason #VeteransAgainstTreason #TomTrefts #americankamikaze #DEW #Oprahlandgrab #deepstatemaui #mauisextrafficking #FEMAFUCKS #mauipolicechief #mauifires #mauifiredept #mauicorruption #lahainachildren #mauimissingchildren #mauiadrenochrome #mauiwalnutsauce Hillary Clinton Crimes Against Humanity: 1.) BOOM! The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine | The SATANIC SYNDICATE (Graphic/Disturbing Content) Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed the existence of a “sickening” Hillary Clinton sex tape involving Huma Abedin and an underage teenage girl, and provided assurances that a faction within the department has vowed to send Hillary Clinton to jail for the rest of her life. A small faction within the NYPD have been pursuing leads and identifying key players implicated in “an elite network of sickos and perverts”, and have identified former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as someone who “under normal circumstances would be arrested by now.” https://amg-news.com/boom-the-hillary-child-sex-tape-is-worse-than-you-can-imagine-the-satanic-syndicate-graphic-disturbing-content/ ******* 2.) Hillary Clinton SNAPS after INTERRUPTED mid speech over refusing to call out Joe Biden for getting us into WWIII (video) The recent clash between Hillary Clinton and a passionate young man over concerns of World War III reveals a nation longing for leadership, accountability, and unity. Explore the incident and its implications in this thought-provoking article. https://amg-news.com/hillary-clinton-snaps-after-interrupted-mid-speech-over-refusing-to-call-out-joe-biden-for-getting-us-into-wwiii-video/ **************461 views -
Mike Benz Says There’s More to Joe Biden Pardoning Hunter Biden
pepperpeepMike Benz : 🚨🚨🚨Hunter Biden was advancing a CIA project in Ukraine to swing the natural gas market towards NATO & that’s why he’s untouchable. “Joe's his father, of course he was going to pardon his son." Talk about missing the point! ❗️ Please, I implore you to watch this. They are banking on you explaining this away based on your normal familial bonds. ❗️ Hunter was NOT pardoned because he was Joe's son. It's so much worse.634 views -
🚨Secrets Of the Federal Reserve; Eustace Mullins🚨 Fed Reserve Exposed Book Banned🤔🤨🚨
TheFringeTheorist82🚨Secrets Of the Federal Reserve; Eustace Mullins🚨 🚨Fed Reserve Exposed Book Banned🤨🚨 Seems like anytime anybody has any information on these guys it gets blocked or they get suicide it really quick I wonder what happened to Mr. Eustace Mullins 🤔😒 This fractional reserve banking is what broke down America over the past 80 years It all started in the 30s with the executive order to turn over Gold to the government Right then the people should have had an uprising But we’re here now Start learning everything you can that way you can battle properly And every little secret helps You’d be surprised what information is out there if you look in the right places Question everything #Bank #Banks #Banking #BankingCartel #BankingBusiness #BankingBusinesses #BigBank #BigBanks #Cartel #Criminals #MoneyLaunderers #ControllersOfTheFinancialSystem #fiat #FiatCurrency #FakeMoney #MonopolyMoney #Paper #NotWealth #Gold #Metals #Minerals #Land #Property #Firearms #TheONLYRealCurrencies #InvestigateIt #StopPlayingGames #TheyAreAlwaysRigged #FractionalReserveBanking #BullshitBanking #Conmen #Conwomen #Hustlers #Snakes #Swindlers #UsedCarSalesman #TheFederalReserve #EustaceMullins #SecretsOfTheFederalReserve #Book #Publication #Novel #Report #Expose #Exposing #ExposesIllegalImmoralPractices #Lies #Liars #Thieves #ForProfitCorporations #BUSINESSES #JustLikeTheCourt #CourtsAreForProfitBusinesses #BanksAreForProfitBusinesses #NotMoneyStorage #Illegal #Legal #GrayArea #Immoral #Unjust #Unethical #NotRight #News #Viral #Trending #Conspiracies #ChristianGospel #QuestionEverything #ExposeEverything #StayDangerous194 views 1 comment -
TheFringeTheorist82🚨THE UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA INCORPORATED🚨 🚨1783 LONDON🚨 🚨IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE 🚨 America was never free. It was a British colony disguise as migration or settlement. Let’s call it what it is it was colonization forceful, colonization You’ve been lied to about your history You’ve been lied to about who your government is You’ve been lied about her really pulls the strings They use things like Ballantines law, dictionary, and blacks law dictionary against you while you have to use other books The game is rigged Check this out Question everything #TheUnitedStatesOfAmericaIncoporated #1783 #London #BritishColony #ForcefulColonization #Murder #Rape #Burnings #Torture #War #Greed #Gold #Control #Slaves #Language #DifferentMeanings #Duality #SetUp #LongCon #ShortCon #Trickery #Deception #Lies #Secrets #Deals #Blackmail #YearnForControl #TheyLoseControlTheyDie #PeopleFightBackTheyDie #ThinkAboutIt #TooLateIsTooLate #HopefullyNot #QuestionEverything #News #Viral #TrendingNews #Conspiracies #ChristianGospel #Truth #Share #Download #Hats #Telegram197 views 2 comments -
Some Hunters Don't Need Guns
TheLibertyDaily*** The Liberty Daily benefits when you shop using the following links and Code: TLD _ The Liberty Daily Recommends ONE Honest, America-First Precious Metals Company - Our Gold Guy! https://ourgoldguy.com/tld/ _ MY PILLOW PROMO CODE “TLD” https://www.mypillow.com/tld _ SURVIVE! Long-term storage beef, 25-year shelf life, on sale with promo code "TLD15" - https://wholecowstld.com _ Buy a 3-Month Food Supply and receive gifts worth $200! http://bit.ly/3E5HEYo _ Sign up for The Liberty Daily Gold https://thelibertydaily.com/gold/ _ Get all your conservative swag at The Liberty Daily Store: https://shop.thelibertydaily.com/ _ Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheLibertyDaily Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourLibertyNews Find us at: https://thelibertydaily.com19.5K views 27 comments -
SusieQ4uQuote Today “The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.”570 views -
A morphing UFO caught in Sullivan Gardens TN just outside of Kingsport
SgtSidCaught the early morning of Nov 13th around 130 or 2 a.m. This thing would split and come together and make different shapes48 views -
Biological MedicineProject Bluebeam test-run? Mirrored - Neo2020v4vandetta439 views 1 comment