Japanese Game Commercials Translated
2 videos
Updated 5 months ago
The Legend of Zelda - Triforce of the Gods - Japanese Rap Commercial
未訳・MiYaku GamingJoin us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp Fully Translated to English. It's coming, coming, coming, it's finally coming as predicted many years after, Cadence of Hyru... oh wait, this is Triforce of the Gods for Super Famicom! (Link to the Past for Western viewers) How did I get those two mixed up...? This odd yet funny commercial has been somewhat under appreciated, so let's get our Necrodan... I mean Master Sword on and dance to the rhythm! After all, let's dance to the high resolution and how gorgeous it is! Music by Scha Dara Parr. By the magic of AI and Technology, this has been cleaned up, upscaled and increased to 120 FPS.11 views -
Commercial 2: Ocarina of Time, Translated
未訳・MiYaku GamingThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on Nintendo 64, Commercial 2. This was aired in Japan and translated by MiYaku Gaming. Find more for free and offer translation suggestions on the following platforms. https://ko-fi.com/miyakutran https://www.subscribestar.com/yakujutsu4 views