👼 Rest In #Paradise - Justin Mills🪽
Health613Justin Mills - The Realest Person I Ever Knew. My Guardian Angel Since 14 The Good Die Young - Sad Day Can't Stop crying My Best Friend Justin Mills Committed Suicide when i was a kid. It destroyed my child hood & i was never the same. Coming back to pay my respects It still haunts & hurts me deep down inside to why i will never know... until we meet again my friend not a day goes by that i don't think and remember all the great times we had he was the healthiest kid in hood Don't Judge Me, That's Gods Job. he would always say to the haters he was the only one with a 6 pack of abs back in penny projects I own my Healthy Lifestyle to you Brother you saved my life from a far. Heaven only knows the Hell i have been through. To all my Family Members & Friends out there i love you Forever. Health Over Wealth 2016 Healthy4Life 2024 i will see you when i am 100 years old until then my soul mate God Bless You J.M. 11:11am XO210 views 14 comments