DTL111TRUMP SHOULD BE ISRAEL'S PRESIDENT BECAUSE THAT'S WHO HE PUTS ABOVE ALL ELSE. HE IS 100% JEW OWNED. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR WITH BILLIONS. THEY SAID THEY KEPT HIM ALIVE SIMPLY BECAUSE HE'S WORTH MORE TO THEM ALIVE AS A SALESMAN THAN DEAD. THAT'S A DIRECT QUOTE NEAR THE BEGINNING. THEY MOLD HIM THE WAY THEY NEED TO & IF HE BECOMES UN-MOLDABLE THEY WILL GET RID OF HIM & HE KNOWS IT. SOURCE 👇 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/chasman/ ⚔️⚔️⚔️ REVELATION 9:11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in HebrewisAbaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon. ✝️✝️✝️ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/F8nnw2tnXp9t https://t.me/wideawaketruthseekers https://rumble.com/user/DTL111394 views -
Darkest Secrets of the U.S. Federal Gov. Fruit from a Poisonous Tree. Introduction. Melvin Stamper
TheWarAgainstYouDarkest Secrets of the U.S. Federal Gov. Fruit from a Poisonous Tree. Introduction. Melvin Stamper. You Were Never Meant to Know This - (Sorry. I Missed Posting This Intro First) - How the USA Became Captured/People Enslaved By The British Globalist Cabal. - This is Must Know Knowledge that EVERY American Citizen NEEDS to Understand. - May 28, 2024 Nachiketa *** FruitsfromaPoisonousTree - FREE PDF DOWNLOAD: - https://stopthecrime.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Fruits-From-a-Poisonous-Tree.pdf - stopthecrime.net› wp/wp-content/… - 2FruitfromaPoisonousTree. Citizenship in modern america. In 1798, Thomas Jefferson instructed that “Congress has not unlimited power to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.” *** FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@NachiketaFire5.29K views 3 comments -
After 1938 All Courts Replaced Common Law With UCC Commerce Law Statutes. Be Free From Tyranny
TheWarAgainstYouAfter 1938 All Courts Replaced Common Law With UCC Commerce Law Statutes. Be Free From Tyranny - 46,863 views The UCC Connection: How to Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny - Nov 9, 2023 Books Forever - Unlock the secrets of legal empowerment with "The UCC Connection: How to Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny." In this eye-opening exploration, we delve into the intricacies of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and its profound impact on personal freedom. - 🔍 Discover the keys to understanding and navigating the legal landscape as we unravel the layers of legal tyranny. (Written by David E Robinson and edited by Alex with Books Forever). This book provides valuable insights into reclaiming your rights and breaking free from the shackles of legal oppression. - Our Knowledge Series is committed to bringing you empowering literature that fosters understanding and self-empowerment. 📼 In this installment, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the UCC, its historical context, and practical strategies to safeguard your rights. - Whether you're a legal enthusiast or seeking to untangle the complexities of the legal system, this book is a must-read. 🔒 Rights to "The UCC Connection" belong to the esteemed author, [David E. Robinson]. We express our gratitude for the opportunity to share this enlightening work with you. - Get your own copy of "The UCC Connection: How to Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny": https://www.amazon.com/UCC-Connection... - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - MIrrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@BooksForever226.39K views 7 comments