The SPARS Pandemic 2025 - 2028 by John Hopkins University - created - 2015 - 2017
joegecko's Documentary ChannelThe SPARS Pandemic 2025 - 2028 by John Hopkins University - created - 2015 - 2017 Title: The SPARS Pandemic 2025 - 2028 by John Hopkins University - created - 2015 - 2017 . Statement on Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators December 16, 2021 - A multidisciplinary team from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security developed, from 2015-17, a fictional narrative scenario, The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators, to illustrate the communication challenges that could erupt around the development and distribution of novel and/or investigational drugs, vaccines, and other therapeutics in a future public health emergency. The scenario is not a prediction: It is a teaching and training resource for public health officials, to help users envision problems that could plausibly emerge in the future, so that they can practice responses and better protect the public’s health. Any resemblances between the fictional scenario storyline and the COVID-19 pandemic are coincidental. The scenario was developed by experts in the clinical, epidemiological, sociocultural, and communication aspects of epidemic management, to assure the narrative’s scientific plausibility. . Links: https://ia802805.us.archive.org/25/items/spars-2025a-2028/spars%202025a2028_text.pdf . https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/sites/default/files/2022-12/clarificationspars.pdf . Do Not Take Any Vaccines Or PCR Test Nasal Swabs - They are poison! . We are in the last hours of the last days spoken of in the Bible! . Repent and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you! . The mRNA Vaccines and PCR Test Swabs are the Mark of the Beast! . They will keep pushing these plandemic scenarios on you to scare you into taking one of their poison vaccines. The PCR Test Nasal Swab is a vaccine delivery device. . Have a blessed day!442 views