Dating In Las Vegas vs Miami - LIVE FROM VEGAS
FreshandFitJoin Castle Club Community For Exclusive Content HERE: https://freshandfit.locals.com/support If You're A Member Of Castle Club Already, Join CastleClub Premium MORE Exlusive Content: https://premium.castleclub.tv Wanna Be Heard? Superchat HERE & $35 Minimum For TTS: https://fnfsuperchat.com/ - https://streamelements.com/freshandfitpodcast/tip Girls: https://www.instagram.com/_israella https://www.instagram.com/thedevinebody https://www.instagram.com/van_xoxo https://www.instagram.com/702kristal ⏲️TIME STAMPS⏲️ 00:00 - 00:30 : Join Castle Club‼️🏰 https://freshandfit.locals.com FOLLOW on Rumble ✅ https://rumble.com/c/freshandfit 01:00 : Ladies intro 💃 09:20 : What was your dating experience in Vegas? #1 13:35 : What have you learned? | Deal breakers? 14:50 : How has dating been in Vegas? #2 | Engaged 3x 💍 19:05 : Where do you meet guys?/ What have you learned? 23:00 : Dating experience in Vegas #3/ Biggest ick 26:35 : What do you mean “insecure”? 33:45 : Do you think it’s a woman’s place to tell a man this…? 35:55 : Dating life? #4 38:40 : Are single moms allowed to have high standards? 44:00 : Would you date a guy with kids? 48:00 : Would it be fair to say you have to follow the rules at your job? 50:40 : This is exclusive to females 57:15 : Do you think most women are NOT wife material? 59:25 : We don’t care about your title, education, and career 💯 1:00:00 : “His insecurities came from things I’ve done” 1:02:20 : When you get with a man you’re now his employee 👂 1:07:00 : This is why arranged marriage exists | Women act like children 1:13:30 : Why did you leave him? 1:17:30 : “I want transparency” 🤡 🧢 1:21:30 : Women are far more deceptive than men 1:25:40 : Knowing he’s RARE would you accept cheating from him? 1:29:00 : Can one man satisfy a woman? Assuming she’s not a 304 1:31:00 : You’re main commodity is seggs 1:35:15 : Chats 💬 1:38:40 : Myron is one of Drake’s opps 🤣 1:41:46 : More chats 💬 Which comes first? Career or family? 1:45:25 : No good deed goes unpunished… oh wait 1:48:00 : Last chats 💬 1:50:00 : How long until he should propose? 💍 1:52:25 : What’s your longest relationship? | Women are veterans in dating once they turn 18 1:57:40 : Last THOTS? 💭 2:00:30 : Women age in dog years 🤏 2:02:35 : What about you? THOTS? 💭 2:03:10 : When will a man not want other women? 2:04:04 : Last chats 💬 Name 3 countries 2:07:20 : OUTRO Thank you for watching268K views 186 comments -
Twitch Jigs For Wild Coho Salmon
FishingWithBottlesCatch and release wild coho salmon. Chum salmon. How to twitch jigs for coho salmon in small rivers and streams. Catching salmon twitching jigs. Urban salmon fishing. Salmon fishing Vancouver, BC. How to tie jigs: https://youtu.be/gFC0WyqdbV8 How to paint UV and Glow jig heads: https://youtu.be/z4_jkE8YqXc #Jesus #shorts #catchandrelease #catchandcook #fishing #fishingbc #beautifulbritishcolumbia #chinook #salmon #salmonfishing #springsalmon #kingsalmon #floatfishing #bobberfishing #bobberdown #monsterfish #rivermonster #rivermonsters #chinooksalmon #cohosalmon #chumsalmon #pinksalmon Products I use (Help me out!! #getmepaid ): *****Amazon Links (I make a small profit at no extra cost to you) Fishing Back Pack https://amzn.to/3Wk6lGN Rattle Inserts for Soft Plastics https://amzn.to/3MdoymB UV Light to charge glow in the dark lures https://amzn.to/3IRti0V Lures I like Rooster Tails https://amzn.to/3CAPGXL Spoons https://amzn.to/3MtjcTN Whopper Plopper https://amzn.to/3eso4vI Zoom Magnum Worms https://amzn.to/2KEmlSx Zoom Horny Toad https://amzn.to/2MqNco3 Popper https://amzn.to/2Kz3TdK Super Spook Jr https://amzn.to/3T1g6c5 Frog https://amzn.to/2McbJwS Spider https://amzn.to/3aY8m5o Searchbait 360gt https://amzn.to/3MtxxiQ Chatterbait https://amzn.to/2YMWVWI Keitech Swimbaits https://amzn.to/33ALwfT Try These Stanks https://amzn.to/2YS524C Rods, Reels, Line and Terminal Fenwick HMX 10' MH Abu Garcia C4 https://amzn.to/3et3zyX (right hand) Abu Garcia C4 https://amzn.to/3g8KoLd (left hand) Camera Gear Gopro Hero 10 https://amzn.to/3CroESq Gopro Hero 10 Batteries https://amzn.to/3VCvOMy Micro SD Card For Gopro https://amzn.to/3SWMWuy Sony RX10 Mark IV https://amzn.to/2YQBrIA Sony RX10 Mark IV Batteries https://amzn.to/3CuoycR Sony ZV1 https://amzn.to/3yA5o47 Sony ZV1 Batteries https://amzn.to/3MtMQbx Memory Card For Sony https://amzn.to/3rUxcMP *****Aliexpress links for cheap lures that work Swimbaits http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/cNCiskSy http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/yQzwUJW Hooks for Swimbaits http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/jvyesIU Contact info: fishingwithbottles@hotmail.com Code: EQPFLFQ6QSWRINTI, FLGBG94FYI9K41WG110 views 2 comments -
Can't Cook? No Problem...Southern Banana Pudding!
Hannah BarronHow to make EASY banana pudding for people like me who can’t cook! Super easy, super fast, and DELICIOUS!89K views 320 comments