Andrew Bridgen MP - First Excess Deaths Debate in UK Parliament
Bannons War RoomAndrew Bridgen MP - First Excess Deaths Debate in UK Parliament At long last it has happened. Andrew Bridgen MP (Reclaim Party) secured a debate on excess deaths in the UK Parliament. Nearly twenty requests were turned down but Andrew simply would not give up. His courage and determination to find out the truth won in the end. Andrew gave a 25 minute presentation of all the data and facts which show a shocking rise in excess deaths since the covid jab rollout. The fact that many people have died after receiving an injection appears to be the very reason every government wants total silence on this issue. As you watch Andrew speak, be inspired to speak truth in the circles you find yourself in. Use the information in the speech to arm yourself with the facts. We now await a much longer 3 hour debate on excess deaths which Andrew is requesting. *This episode contains a background of the debate, the full speech by Andrew Bridgen MP, his message afterwards to the supporters gathered outside in Parliament Square and Peter catches a few words with the man himself. Andrew Bridgen Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010https://www.reclaimparty.co.uk/andrew-bridgen Some Key Points Made During the Speech... - Ambulance calls for life-threatening emergencies ranged from a steady 2,000 calls per day until the vaccine rollout, from then it rose to 2,500 daily and calls have stayed at this level since. - The surveillance systems designed to spot a safety problem have all flashed red, but no one’s looking. - Payments for Personal Independent Payments (PIP) for people who have developed a disability and cannot work, have rocketed with the vaccine rollout and have continued to rise ever since. - The trial data showed that one in eight hundred injected people had a serious adverse event, meaning the risk of this was twice as high than the chance of preventing a Covid hospitalisation. - There were just over 14,000 excess deaths in the under 65-year-olds, before vaccination, from April 2020 to the end of March 2021. However, since that time there have been over 21,000 excess deaths in this age group alone. - There were nearly two extra deaths a day in the second half of 2021 among 15 – 19-year-old males, but potentially even more if those referred to the coroner were fully included. Recorded 20.10.23 Audio Podcast version available on Podbean and all major podcast directories... https://heartsofoak.podbean.com/ Transcript available on our Substack...https://heartsofoak.substack.com/ To sign up for our weekly email, find our social media, podcasts, video, livestreaming platforms and more... https://heartsofoak.org/connect/ Support Hearts of Oak by purchasing one of our fancy T-Shirts.... https://heartsofoak.org/shop/ Please subscribe, like and share!63.3K views 27 comments