Bill Gates: the "Dr" of our "pandemic"
Uncensored StormDon't mean to brag, but I have the same medical degree as Bill Gates! **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #billgatesisevil #wakeup #ncswic #indictbillgates #covid412 views 4 comments -
Robert Kennedy Jr.'s take on "Dr." Bill Gates
Uncensored StormRobert Kennedy Jr. explains the relationship between world’s most powerful "doctor" Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #firefauci #fraudfauci #billgatesisevil #wearetheresistence1.37K views -
Bill Gates explains mRNA Vaccine Technology
Uncensored StormBill Gates explains mRNA Vaccine Technology **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #billgatesisevil #mrnachangesdna #newworldorder #nwo #oneworldgovernment72 views -
Bill Gates: Opportunist & Fraud
Uncensored StormThe history of Bill Gates, from Microsoft to vaccines. He is an opportunist. loves only himself and money. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #billgatesisevil519 views 3 comments -
GATES: Bill Gates to DECREASE population via Vaccines
Uncensored StormBill Gates: "...if we do a REALLY good job with vaccines, heath care, reproductive health services, we can LOWER population by 15%..." **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #billgatesisevil #gatesisthedevil3.79K views 3 comments -
GATES: Oh Bill Gates. At it again. We get it. You want less population..
Uncensored Storm"An epidemic, either naturally caused or intentionally caused..." **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **266 views -
VAX: *URGENT* Watch this before covid test or vaccination.
Uncensored StormDo not get tested or vaccinated for Covid. The virus and the vaccine was funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who openly speak about decreasing the population by 15% VIA VACCINES AND HEALTHCARE!! [See my other videos] Watch the nanoparticles at work... **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #billgatesisevil #nanoparticles #covidtest #covidvaccine #billgates #billandmelindagatesfoundation #decreasepopulation811 views 1 comment -
GATES: Alexa, does Bill Gates kill people?
Uncensored StormAlexa, is Bill Gates a sociopath? Try it.... Ask your smart devices! **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #billgatesisevil #billgates340 views -
GATES: Bill Gates from Microsoft to Vaccines to India Depopulation Attempts
Uncensored Storm[DECLAS] BILL GATES DELETED DOCUMENTARY - WHY HE SWITCHED FROM MICROSOFT TO VACCINES Bill Gates is responsible for killing and disabling many in India with his "vaccines". **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #declassified #declas #gates #billgates #billgatesisevil #foundation #melindagates #computerstovaccines #notadoctor #notadr #allformoney #allabouthemoney #deleteddocumentary #microsoft #africa #bhm #humantrials #humantesting #pedophile #pedogate #vaccine #vaccines #covid #coronavirus #virus #devos #notqualified #notocovidvacccine686 views -
Uncensored StormMORE LIES from Bill Gates, as reported on msnbc (now scrubbed). **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #billgatesisevil #epstein ---------5.48K views 11 comments