Wild Edibles - Pine Needle Tea
burnwoodbushcraftOriginally published on YouTube on April 15, 2020 This is the beginning of a series that I plan to do on #wildedibles, a subject that I am not very familiar with. With everything going on in this time of uncertainty I feel that it is important to learn what one can about #foraging wild food. Today, we are hanging out at my bushcraft base camp near my home. #pineneedletea is a simple one to start with. It's full of vitamin A, C, and antioxidants. Just boil water and add it to a cup of needles and let it steep for a few minutes. This was my first time trying pine needle tea and the taste was what I expected. DISCLAIMER I am not a wild edibles expert. Be sure to do your own research before attempting to injest anything growing in the wilderness. Do so at your own risk. I hope you all are staying safe and staying prepared. Thanks for watching! LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE! Contact Info: burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD CHRONICLEShttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQfor behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips, smoking and grilling meat and more. Watch me on Rumble! https://rumble.com/user/burnwoodbushcraft Follow me on X https://x.com/BurnwoodAllDay?t=mqtDGc_nrd_LYWDM9dZJWg&s=09 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Luke 8:17 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:2884 views -
My First Attempt at a Bow Drill Fire
burnwoodbushcraftOriginally published on YouTube on August 19, 2019 #bowdrillfire #bushcraft #survivalskills The launch of a band new logo for the channel! It was time for something new and more refined. I worked on this logo for 5 days and I can not describe the tedious, time consuming process that it was. This is the result after three variations of the logo and I am very satisfied with it. In this video you will see me tackle a skill that is used in bushcraft and survival all across the world. Quite honestly, I have been avoiding friction fires, especially the Bow Drill. Why, you ask? Many reasons. Fear of failure, but from failure you gain knowledge. I think the biggest reason for my avoiding the Bow Drill was timing. I am way less stressed thanks to my new job and my mind was ready to take on the challenge. It was just time! Bow Drillis a simple rotational hand-operatedtool of prehistoric origin. It was used between the 4th and 5th millennium BC. As a "fire drill" it was commonly used to generate friction tostart a fire. With time it was adapted towoodworkingand other tasks requiring drilling. I tried to capture this experience the best I could. Unfortunately I am not quite in frame in a few shots and I had the camera zoomed too much. I hope you enjoy the video! Take care and be safe out there! Ryan Shout out to BlackScoutSurvival. https://www.youtube.com/user/BlackScoutSurvival This is his video that I watched repeatedly while studying this concept. https://youtu.be/mi3tqw_wYmg MUSIC: Artist: Iliaque Track: Once a Freak Always a Freak vs Klvntjes I http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Iliaque/Iliaque/Iliaque_-_Iliaque_-_01_Once_a_freak_always_a_freak_vs_Klvntjes_I Artist: Silent Carrion Track: 433 Noise http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Silent_Carrion/Suprematism_EP_III_Sol/Silent_Carrion_-_Suprematism_EP_III_Sol_-_05_433_Noise Artist: Silent Partner (YouTube Music) Title: North https://youtu.be/sRTN-EXJdF4 Contact Info: burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD CHRONICLEShttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQfor behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips, smoking and grilling meat and more. Watch me on Rumble! https://rumble.com/user/burnwoodbushcraft Follow me on X https://x.com/BurnwoodAllDay?t=mqtDGc_nrd_LYWDM9dZJWg&s=09 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Luke 8:17 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28330 views -
Exploring the Woodland - Thermos Cooking and a "Behemoth"
burnwoodbushcraftOriginally published on YouTube on July 24, 2019 #outdoors #thermoscooking #exploring I venture into the a different, unexplored (by me) section of the private woodland to explore it's possibilities. I plan on building a small bushcraft camp there for some awesome Fall and Winter camping. For my lunch I cook up some "Dirty Rice" in a Stanley Thermos while scouting out the area. There are many advantages that come with thermos cooking and this trial didn't turn out quite as successful as it did when tested at home. For very high quality fire starters that are budget friendly visit BLACK AND WHITE FIRE STARTER (Mr. Outdoorsy) https://www.etsy.com/shop/MrOutdoorsy?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=551881633 GEAR: Stanley Classic Vacuum Food Jar 24oz Hammertone Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FZX944/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_dO5nDbCMW4KP7 Solo Stove Lite - Portable Camping Hiking and Survival Stove | Powerful Efficient Wood Burning and Low Smoke | Gassification Rocket Stove for Quick Boil | Compact 4.2 Inches and Lightweight 9 Ounces https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007DBD3IU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_XI5nDbG2FADGA TOAKS Titanium 1100ml Pot with Pan https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009MZHRKU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_mN5nDb2PN3Y2R Pathfinder - Stainless Steel Canteen https://www.selfrelianceoutfitters.com/products/gen2-pathfinder-stainless-steel-canteen-cooking-set Heavy Cover - Titanium Spork https://www.heavycoverinc.com/heavy-cover-titanium-spork-multi-tool-polished-titanium/https://www.heavycoverinc.com/heavy-cover-titanium-spork-multi-tool-polished-titanium/ Morakniv M-12642 Garberg Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade and MOLLE Compatible Mounts, 4.3-inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I1GITMA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_BK5nDb1S0YWA2 Contact Info: burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD CHRONICLEShttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQfor behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips, smoking and grilling meat and more. Watch me on Rumble! https://rumble.com/user/burnwoodbushcraft Follow me on X https://x.com/BurnwoodAllDay?t=mqtDGc_nrd_LYWDM9dZJWg&s=09 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Luke 8:17 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28338 views -
MRE Mail Call - Tarp Camping
burnwoodbushcraftOriginally published on YouTube on May 19, 2019 It is Mail Call time again and we are #camping using a #TarpShelter. The weather is hot and sticky and there is no better time to break out the #MRE 's (Meals Ready to Eat). I remember back to my Military days in the US Army we used to trade all the different things that come in a MRE. I think that was one of the things that made basic training more fun than it was. We all know that basic training isn't fun, at all. I received some MRE's from my good friend and fellow YouTuber Steven Bodhi Ford of HIKE'N DEEP. Thank you man, It was a pleasure trading with you. #sausage. The MRE's originated from Tyler Wood, another great YouTube channel. I encourage everyone to go check him out If you are interested in trading for MRE's. I will never be able to open or eat any kind of military ration without thinking of Morning Wood. Dan, another awesome YouTuber is the king of displaying, tasting and testing MRE's. Great guy. Please head over and check him out. All these channels I have mentioned, their links will be below. Go show some love to them and tell them Burnwood sent ya! As always, thanks for watching! Like Comment Subscribe! Music: Grand Navy Plaza - Silent Partner - YouTube Music Special thanks to Ole Smokey Whiskey - https://olesmoky.com/ HIKE'N DEEP - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJPv2Y0dtTec5nkvt4ZKyA TYLER WOOD - https://www.youtube.com/user/tylerdakilla20 MORNING WOOD - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVa5hEopEnP81l0n-J39vdw Contact Info: burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD CHRONICLEShttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQfor behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips, smoking and grilling meat and more. Watch me on Rumble! https://rumble.com/user/burnwoodbushcraft For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Luke 8:17 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 If you enjoy watching videos like this you may also be interested in: hiking ,fishing backpacking, survival, bushcraft, camping, prepping, primitive skills, outdoor cooking, campfire cooking, outdoor gear, camping gear, fire starting, EDC, wilderness, military surplus, military gear, us modular sleep system, gortex bivy, sleeping bag, tarp setup, wild camping, stealth camping, free camping, tarp camping, tarp tent, wild edibles, tarp camping, tarp shelter, winter camping, stealth camping, bug out bag, bug out camp PS. don't follow any channel mentioned except Your Old Pal Fernbark (Morning Wood). I'm not friends with lovers. Ha!572 views -
Fire Intro
burnwoodbushcraftCheck out my channel! https://www.instagram.com/burnwood.bushcraft/ https://www.youtube.com/c/BURNWOODBUSHCRAFT78 views -
burnwoodbushcraftDo you have a love for the outdoors? If so, come check out my channel on YouTube! Bushcraft is my first love and it ties into survival, prepping, primitive skills, hunting, trapping, love of nature and anything having to do with the outdoors. Follow me on my journey as I continue to learn the skills necessary to become an experienced and knowledgeable woodsman. All the best, Burnwood MUSIC Title: Contact Artist: Causmic CONTACT INFO burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwood.bushcraft/ My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD CHRONICLES - for anything and everything. Family camping, trips and more. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ138 views 3 comments -
RECON MISSION - Objective: Recover Tools and Supplies Left at Camp Coyote
burnwoodbushcraftIn this video I head to Camp Coyote on a #recon mission to recover tools and supplies left there. It has been 6 months since I've been to the camp and it looked exactly how I knew it would, lush and green with plenty of #forest vegetation. When I got to #camp I discovered that some of the structure had fallen. I decided it was time to take it down. I don't need a shelter to camp at Camp Coyote. The good thing is that I'll have plenty of firewood for the next time I camp there. I can alway tarp and/or hammock camp. I may decide to rebuild a shelter in the future but will shift locations slightly but stay in the area. Camp Coyote will always be there and will alway live inside me. I have a cup of noodles after squaring things away. My buddy Steve over at HIKE'N DEEP told me to try out Cup Noodles. He empties the contents into baggies and they weigh almost nothing. Good idea for camp food. These noodles were the basic ones but were tasty nonetheless. Thanks for the tip bro! Check out the HIKE'N DEEP channel here... https://youtube.com/c/HIKENDEEP Tell him BURNWOOD sent ya! I am going to go finish my birthday brownies, vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup and might even have a drink or two! Thanks for watching! MUSIC Title: Tangled Artist: Emmitt Fenn (YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library) CONTACT INFO burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ Check out BURNWOOD CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.89 views -
Relaxing Nature Sounds, Woodland Ambience, Water, Silent, Sleep, ASMR
burnwoodbushcraftRelaxing Nature Sounds, Woodland Ambience, Water, Silent, Relax, Sleep, ASMR relax nature sounds ambient ambience running water creek water silent nature woodland forest ASMR CONTACT INFO burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ MY 2ND CHANNEL BURNWOOD CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.129 views 2 comments -
Where in the World is BURNWOOD BUSHCRAFT?
burnwoodbushcraftMusic: Awakening the Devil - Serj Anto Cyberlink Power Director App Contact Info: burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD'S CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more. Watch me on Rumble! https://rumble.com/user/burnwoodbushcraft And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28125 views