Banking mortgage fraud
The Battle for EarthThis is really good information to have about how Banks perpetrate mortgage fraud upon people who are unaware of what the bank is doing.266 views 2 comments -
TheJusticeRevolutionDiscussion about how to inqire about true ownership of mortgage and stand up for your rights against fraudulent mortgage servicers.205 views -
Mortgage Fraud Exposed (Banker Deposition along with Lawyer Eplaination)
JJSteves4In this video, we expose the mortgage fraud that has robbed not only the American people, but the people of Australia and the UK. Accompanied by usury, this great mortgage scam proves that financial institutions create the value to purchase. You're home for the loan with your own signature. They do not loan you their money. They use your signature to create money and purchase the home. Then we turn around. And pay the entire thing back plus interest. That's double dipping... That's fraud. In the video, you will first hear a deposition of a banker by a lawyer where he s many questions to finally expose the method in which the banker's fraud, the american people. And in the second part, you will hear a lawyer. Explain how through paperwork, signatures and a doing this in a very specific order, Causes YouTube. Create value for the home, Create a trust and assign the bank as the trustee. And when you already own the home, sign it back over with the deed of reconveyance... all unbeknownst to you. As with everything else that you will see on my page, you MUST research everything. Everything I say, or anyone else says to you. Question everything, objectively listen, and learn as much as you possibly can. Stay close to the Most High and always seek wisdom. Wisdom is with those who uphold His laws. TikTok: @J-Steves4.1 https://www.tiktok.com/@jsteves4.1?_t=8mAevqLjNfj&_r=1 FB: https://www.facebook.com/jason.stephens.5268?mibextid=ZbWKwL Telegram: @Dardaniusofthekingdom https://telegram.org/dl Rumble: https://rumble.com/register/JSteves477 views -
Article Video - Mortgage and Future Indebtedness Fraud - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz
Anna Von Reitz Article VideosHelp support the work of Anna and the Living Law Firm here https://asnsecure.com/DONATIONS.asp or if you have Cash.App, send to $AnnaReize. Article Video - Mortgage and Future Indebtedness Fraud - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq: Mortgages are pre-existing debts on property assets. These debts accrue from "dead men" who died -- or are presumed to have died, in this case -- and who left unpaid taxes and similar debts attached to the property. These past debts have to be paid by someone, before the property is free to be transferred to new tenants--- not new owners. This is because land assets subject to mortgage are already owned by a an undisclosed public or private trust, and even after the mortgage is paid off, the land can't be sold, only leased. This is why mortgages are called "future lease agreements". As long as you are paying the mortgage you can live on the property as a tenant, and after the mortgage is paid off, you can stay on the property as a Leasor, but in no case can you own the property -- because it is already claimed by a trust (or two) and these trusts are neither competent nor willing to sell any lasting interest in the property at all. Why? Because they don't really own the property, either. It belongs to the little "lost" American baby, the actual Inheritor and Owner, who just happens to have the same Given Name as the "dead brother" and who just happens to have the same Given Name as the missing British Territorial Merchant Seaman, too. Mysteriously, because that baby is never told a word about any of this foreign intrigue, he fails to come forward and claim his property --- so it remains held in these phony trusts created by the respective Municipal Corporations, and they continue to rake in the profits and do evil in his name, while deliberately leaving him, the actual American, the landlord and owner, in the dark. This failure to inform and assist their Employers and fellow Principals is a Gross Breach of Trust and Service Contract. Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2023/04/mortgage-and-future-indebtedness-fraud.html Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/mortgagefraud.pdf Read the latest from Twenty One of Ed's Fav Alternative News Sites on https://eddiesbloglist.rocks/ Follow EddiesBlogList on Telegram https://t.me/eddiesbloglistrocks Elevate your frequency with Orgone Energy https://www.sacredintuitiveelements.com/ These article videos are made with "The #1 Text to Speech Reader" https://share.speechify.com/mztVMwL and recorded with ScreenPal https://screenpal.com/ NOTE from Ed: Trust only the information and processes found on these websites: Download and print https://annavonreitz.com Discussion http://paulstramer.net Correct Your Status https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/ National Debt Relief https://signinamerica.com/ Thank you. ~ Ed246 views -
Mortgage Fraud: The Greatest Scam of Them all. Corporate personhood enslaves you
FFulcanelliYou want to know the root cause of why your labor comes up short when coming to needing to pay for the things you need to buy? Well look no further. You have unknowingly taken on a corporate straw man identity against your knowledge. Your ignorance of the creation of this straw man identity that is used to enslave you through taxation and money control is why you will never get ahead in life. Until you become aware of the truth that you are not the corporate strawman that is named in all the paperwork that indebts and enslaves you to the state you will forever be poor. By not acting in your own self interest in stopping the abuse of your own self through your corporate straw man identity you open yourself up to the money creation game. As long as you unknowingly operate all of your financial and legal affairs within the system set up for this corporate straw man identity you will be poor. You operate unknowingly in this straw man identity by doing things like paying social security and having a social security number. Also by paying income taxes. You are not liable to pay social security or income taxes. But the corporate straw man you unknowingly operate in your legal affairs is liable to pay these things. Until you refuse to identify in any way whatsoever with this corporate straw man you are doomed to a life of servitude to the government. The government is supposed to be a weapon that you yourself yield against tyranny but because of your ignorance and fear of the unknown you allow yourself to be victimized by the weapon of government. This is only legal because you let it happen because you were never taught the truth about your own identity as a man of creation under God. I'm uploading this as supplemental information to some things I am working on. This does an excellent job of explaining most of what I need you to understand to be able to make use of my other work that will be releasing soon. This also explains to you why you can't afford a house even though you can afford rent. This explains almost everything about the fraud that enslaves us all to this property shell game that you need to know. This is vital to your understanding of your fundamental rights. This information is also a large key to riling up the anger you will need within you to overthrow this despotic states fraudulent encroachment on our liberty. We do not need to overthrow government. We do need to overthrow the fraud that has been legally mandated on us by our own ignorance. If I haven't added links yet check back late. They will replace this text here. I will provide man additional resources to learn about your rights when I get a chance.1.16K views 4 comments -
💥💥💥MORTGAGE FRAUD exposed in Court Case in 1969.
OLICHKA789💥💥💥MORTGAGE FRAUD exposed in Court Case in 1969. 🔥💥57 views