14 videos
Updated 2 months ago
The Superior Word discusses essential Christian Doctrines.
These doctrines are often messed up, but they are necessary for all Christians to know to have a better walk with Christ.
Where Do Believers Go When They Die - What the Bible Says
The Superior WordIt is a frequently asked question, and the response is usually wrong. This is a point of doctrine that takes care and a thorough understanding of the words of Scripture to get right. We hope this sermon will bless and edify you. PDF of sermon: https://api.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/1262515165716.pdf?ts=1738843469&language=eng&stats=false832 views 1 comment -
The Word of God - The Basis of Our Faith
The Superior WordThe first in a series on doctrine. Something must come first in such a series in order to establish the parameters for everything else that follows. This is it.91 views -
The Sovereignty of God - Calvinism or Something Else
The Superior WordThe second in our basic doctrine series. We hope that this sermon will help you think a bit more clearly on issues concerning the sovereignty of God and the free will of man.121 views -
The Trinity
The Superior WordContinuing our doctrine series, we now go to the Trinity in order to establish the nature of God from a philosophic, logical, and Scriptural perspective. We hope this sermon will bless you.85 views -
Jesus Christ, The God-Man, Part I - His Humanity
The Superior WordSome deny the humanity of Christ, others deny His deity. There are countless variations on this as well. What is correct, what is false, and can we know? Find out some of the relevant details in this doctrine sermon.150 views -
Jesus Christ, the God Man, Part II His Deity
The Superior WordIn this sermon, we continue to explain the nature of the Person Jesus Christ. The Bible is unambiguous - Jesus Christ is God. Please enjoy this sermon.106 views -
Jesus Christ, The God Man, Part III God's Atoning Sacrifice for Sin
The Superior WordIn this sermon, we detail why Jesus Christ had to be both God and Man in order to atone for sin. We hope this sermon will bless you and provide you with the instruction you need to pursue Christ as He is portrayed in Scripture.91 views -
Salvation By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone
The Superior WordContinuing on in our series on doctrine. We hope this sermon will bless you and correct any misperceptions you might have concerning several incorrect points of doctrine.120 views -
God's Election and Predestination in Christ
The Superior WordContinuing our sermons on doctrine. This one refutes both Calvinism and Wesleyan Arminianism. Please enjoy this sermon.122 views -
Once Saved Always Saved? Or, "Not So!"
The Superior WordThe 9th sermon of our series on doctrine. Is salvation of the human soul eternal, or can that be lost? Your answer will tell just how much you understand the nature of God and His decrees. Please enjoy this sermon.115 views 1 comment