Zeitgeist: Addendum (Clips)
2 videos
Updated 4 months ago
First National Bank of Montgomery v. Jerome Daly (1968)
The Masters Mahan PodcastA clip from Zeitgeist: Addendum on a court case in favor of Jerome Daly, who had faced foreclosure on his home. Daly won the case on the basis that the bank had not offered a legitimate form of consideration on his mortgage contract. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_National_Bank_of_Montgomery_v._Daly https://mn.gov/law-library/assets/1968-12-09judgmentanddecree_tcm1041-115904.pdf142 views 1 comment -
The Federal Reserve, Creation of Money, Money Mechanics - Zeitgeist: Addendum (1/4)
The Masters Mahan PodcastThe first chapter of Zeitgeist Addendum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nSwT_5GoJk&ab_channel=Moconomy on the creation of money, the Federal Reserve, Money Mechanics, and the fallacies thereof.188 views