Timeline to the End
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor AlexanderPeople are increasingly coming to realize that what the bible said about the end of time was true, yet the enemy has created countless narratives and false signs and wonders, false flags and distractions to confuse and deceive. Today you will learn the truth about what to expect and what to watch for, based on bible prophecy and history, from now until the return of Christ. Stay connected and watch all my content ad free: https://www.danceoflife.com Read My Testimony: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-and-why-i-became-a-christian Encouragement & Inspiration https://www.danceoflife.com/p/words-of-encouragement Learn the Truth About the End Times: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/end-times-series Learn the Truth About the Trinity: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-trinity-series Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sabbath-series Learn the Truth About the Eucharist: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-great-error-of-transubstantiation-c0d Learn the Truth About Donald Trump: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/king-jehu-trump-the-light-bringer Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-the-jews-are-not-gods-chosen-c85 00:00 - Introduction 08:56 - OBJECTION: Matthew 24:36 16:29 - PART 1: Placing the Current Generation 28:58 - PART 2: The Beasts of Revelation 13 38:44 - PART 3: The Image of the Beast & Mystery Babylon 1:12:25 - PART 4: Zionism & The Third Temple 1:21:03 - PART 5: All Roads Lead to Rome 1:50:07 - PART 6: The Counterfeit Second Coming 2:20:20 - PART 7: Satan's Release 2:45:45 - PART 8: The Final Moments 3:05:14 - PART 9: How to Prepare 3:19:43 - PART 10: Summary & Review1.11K views 19 comments -
END TIMES #15: The Beasts of Daniel & Revelation
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor AlexanderThe two most prolific end times books in the bible, Daniel and Revelation, have visions of terrible beasts that will persecute God's people throughout time and up until the return of Christ. But do these beasts represent individuals, like an antichrist, or are they symbolic of political and religious powers? Today we will look at both of these books in tandem and see what all of these visions have to tell us about what is soon to come. Stay connected at: www.danceoflife.com To support my work, please visit: www.danceoflife.com/support RESOURCES End Times Prophetic Timeline https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vRiMza0rWIbxv3wQ8mM9w8Kdw_eRgN6TeeMj1iHZYhrEqHsS8OOFBoT9T2aSUE_Nwt9-nEzKToeSovv/pubhtml285 views -
THE SABBATH #9: The Sabbath Fulfilled in Christ (Hebrews 3 & 4)
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor AlexanderIn this final episode of our Sabbath series, we will take a look at why the Sabbath is so important, strategies on how to keep the Sabbath in a busy world and how it is fulfilled in Christ. We will also look at some important passages in Hebrews 3 and 4. According to these key verses, the most Christian thing we can do is to celebrate the Sabbath, as it is a picture of many things — including the day of Christ’s return. Stay connected and watch all my content ad free: https://www.danceoflife.com Read My Testimony: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-and-why-i-became-a-christian Learn the Truth About the End Times: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/end-times-series Learn the Truth About the Trinity: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-trinity-series Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sabbath-series Learn the Truth About the Eucharist: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-great-error-of-transubstantiation-c0d Learn the Truth About Donald Trump: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/king-jehu-trump-the-light-bringer Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-the-jews-are-not-gods-chosen-c85 00:00 - Introduction 05:45 - PART 1: The Importance of the Sabbath 45:18 - PART 2: Breaking Down Hebrews 3 & 4 1:49:21 - PART 3: The Return of Christ & the Sabbath 2:14:10 - PART 4: Strategies to Celebrate the Sabbath488 views 1 comment -
THE SABBATH #7: The TRUTH About Saturday & Sunday
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor AlexanderMany Christians today are unaware of the history of our modern calendar, as well as the history of Sunday observance. In this episode we will do a deep dive looking at the last 2000+ years of history and evolution of the Church, how our modern calendar was established and the significance of Sunday worship as a tradition of Rome rather than a teaching of the bible — as well as how Saturday-keeping Christians can be more nuanced in their understanding of the 7th day. Stay connected and watch all my content ad free: https://www.danceoflife.com Read My Testimony: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-and-why-i-became-a-christian Learn the Truth About the End Times: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/end-times-series Learn Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-the-jews-are-not-gods-chosen-c85 Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sabbath-series Learn the Truth About Donald Trump: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/king-jehu-trump-the-light-bringer 00:00 - Introduction 06:58 - PART 1: The Continuity of Days 53:02 - PART 2: The History of Saturday & Sunday 1:36:12 - PART 3: The Beast & Sunday 2:23:12 - PART 4: Baptized Paganism 3:23:57 - PART 5: Final Thoughts500 views 10 comments -
THE SABBATH #6: How the Crucifixion Reveals the Sabbath
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor AlexanderMany today are questioning the tradition that Christ was crucified on the 6th day, rested on the 7th and resurrected on the 1st. The major objection comes from a misunderstanding of the idiom “three days and three nights” cited by Jesus in reference to the sign of Jonah, in Matthew 12:40. Yet careful study of the gospel accounts reveals two powerful truths: that Jesus indeed was crucified on the 6th day and rested on the 7th, and that the Sabbath is reckoned by sunrise, not sunset. Stay connected and watch all my content ad free: https://www.danceoflife.com Read My Testimony: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-and-why-i-became-a-christian Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sabbath-series Learn the Truth About the End Times: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/end-times-series Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-the-jews-are-not-gods-chosen-c85 00:00 - Introduction 12:54 - Jesus' Death 17:21 - Joseph of Arimathea goes to Pilate 25:02 - Joseph prepares and takes the body 30:43 - The Jews ask to break legs 34:52 - Preparing the body 43:56 - The word "Epiphosko" 48:57 - What Day was Jesus Crucified? 55:48 - Understanding Ancient Time Reckoning 1:02:12 - Examples of Inclusive Counting 1:10:37 - Examples of Counting 3 Full Days 1:14:50 - The 3 Days in the Gospels 1:24:47 - The "3 Days and 3 Nights" Explained 1:31:43 - Final Thoughts467 views -
THE SABBATH #5: Revealing God's TRUE Calendar | Why the Lunar Sabbath is WRONG
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor AlexanderPrepare to go on an epic journey through scripture and history as we rediscover God’s true timepiece. In this mini-series episode we will uncover not only why the lunar sabbath teaching is wrong, but something much more profound — how God actually taught mankind to reckon time according to His perfect clock and calendar of the sun, moon and stars. Stay connected and watch all my content ad free: https://www.danceoflife.com Read My Testimony: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-and-why-i-became-a-christian Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sabbath-series Learn the Truth About the End Times: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/end-times-series Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-the-jews-are-not-gods-chosen-c85 00:00 - Introduction 09:36 - PART 1: The Problem of Intercalation 51:19 - PART 2: The Problem of Months 1:34:07 - PART 3: The Constellations 2:19:24 - PART 4: The Meaning of "Hodesh" 2:56:35 - PART 5: The Meaning of "Yerach" "Keseh" and "Lebana" 3:40:45 - PART 6: The Meaning of "Moed" 3:50:19 - PART 7: The Prophetic Year (Daniel & Revelation) 4:26:08 - PART 8: What about months in the New Testament? 4:40:02 - PART 9: Why the Lunar Sabbath is Wrong: Lunar Irregularity 4:56:43 - PART 10: Why the Lunar Sabbath is Wrong: The 6 to 1 Ratio 5:05:43 - PART 11: Why the Lunar Sabbath is Wrong: Extra-Biblical Evidence 5:26:38 - PART 12: 30 Minute Summary 5:59:13 - BONUS: Addendum525 views -
THE SABBATH #4: Does the Day Begin at Sunrise or Sunset?
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor AlexanderToday there is great confusion surrounding the Sabbath, and one such hot topic is that of whether the day is reckoned from morning or from evening. Many Sabbath keeping Christians align themselves with Jewish practices of evening reckoning, but is this what the bible really teaches? Today we will examine this controversy and see how the day is reckoned according to God, the Creator of both the day and the night. Stay connected and watch all my content ad free: https://www.danceoflife.com Read My Testimony: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-and-why-i-became-a-christian Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sabbath-series Learn the Truth About the End Times: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/end-times-series Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-the-jews-are-not-gods-chosen-c85 00:00 - Introduction 06:59 - Why This Matters 09:27 - History of Calendars: Egypt to Rome 31:07 - Context on the word "Day" 33:17 - The Creation Narrative 50:42 - The Exodus Narrative 1:12:04 - Old Testament Sacrifices 1:13:31 - Sabbaths vs "The Sabbath" 1:20:31 - Ancient Cultural Attitudes 1:29:45 - The Crucifixion Timeline 1:32:37 - OBJECTION: Nehemiah 13:19 1:41:04 - Final Thoughts364 views -
THE SABBATH #3: Should Christians Celebrate the Sabbath? (Romans 14, Colossians 2, Hebrews 10)
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander#christianity #christian #jesus Christians today largely believe that the Sabbath was either done away with at the cross, changed to Sunday or was just for the Jews as part of the Mosaic covenant. However close study of the scriptures reveals that none of these things are true, and the verses often brought up as objections (like Romans 14, Colossians 2, Hebrews 10, etc.) are brought up in error, as these do not address the sabbath but the old sacrificial system. Today we will sift through what is true and what isn’t, and using scripture come to a narrow road approach on this very important issue. Stay connected and watch all my content ad free: https://www.danceoflife.com Read My Testimony: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-and-why-i-became-a-christian Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sabbath-series Learn the Truth About the End Times: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/end-times-series 00:00 - Introduction 06:05 - The Sabbath as a Moral Commandment 22:51 - Hypocrisy of Conservative Christians 27:33 - Is the Sabbath Only for Jews? 58:46 - The Narrow Road Approach 1:08:55 - The Counterfeit Calendars of Religion 1:15:57 - Putting it All Together 1:18:00 - OBJECTION #1: Romans 14 1:32:10 - OBJECTION #2: Colossians 2 1:46:17 - OBJECTION #3: Hebrews 10 1:52:17 - Final Thoughts345 views -
THE SABBATH #2: From Adam to Christ | The Sabbath Through History
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor AlexanderMany Christians today believe and have been taught that the Sabbath is part of the Mosaic law that was initiated on Mount Sinai, therefore Christians are exempted from celebrating the Sabbath because that law was done away with. Yet careful study of the scriptures reveals that the Sabbath was initiated at creation, and all of the famous patriarchs of the faith from Adam to Christ celebrated the Sabbath long before the Exodus. In this episode we will review that history and learn the truth about the Sabbath as a moral command, not a Mosaic one. Stay connected and watch all my content ad free: https://www.danceoflife.com Read My Testimony: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-and-why-i-became-a-christian Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sabbath-series Learn the Truth About the End Times: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/end-times-series Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-the-jews-are-not-gods-chosen-c85 00:00 - Introduction 08:43 - The Sabbath at Creation 16:46 - Noah (~2500 BC) 24:58 - Job (~2000 BC) 29:35 - Abraham (~2000 BC) 41:18 - Jesus (27-31 AD) 1:16:18 - Objection: Exodus 35:3 (Kindling a Fire) 1:23:27 - Objection: Judgment of Jericho 1:30:13 - The Apostles & Disciples 1:49:58 - Final Thoughts417 views 2 comments