How to turn the payment voucher into a check
JoeLusticaSpecial note: this video is for entertainment and educational purposes only I am not offering any kind of legal or financial advice. This video I show you how I use the coupon method to pay debts. You can follow these simple instructions to pay your own debts when you get these vouchers or coupons in the mail. It is key that you write your own letter along with this explaining the laws of negotiable instruments that way they know that you know what you're talking about and if they do anything to your negotiable instrument or refuse it that the debt will still be discharged anyway. I am linking the entire article 3 of the UCC because you should study the entire article 3 in order to have a full grasp and understanding of what a negotiable instrument is and the rights that you have. https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/327.8K views 122 comments -
Success with coupon payments with Felisha Beverly
JoeLusticaIn this video Felisha and I have a chat regarding the coupon payments and successes with them. How to persevere through rejection, fight back to get them honored and more remedies. Definitely go check out her youtube channel she has some great stuff for your freedom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MLyfY1bI0o&t=462s This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information6.52K views 38 comments