Fulcrum Files
38 videos
Updated 2 months ago
The Meat of the Word of JAHUAH with all references included in all studies. We have read along's in PDF that can be used also on our website
Shalom Shalom everyone!
Time Machine of the Most High: The Camp, The Tabernacle, & The Four Living Creatures [Part Two]
REMNANT of the LIGHTIn part two we explore the construction of the 'Hub' of the Hebrew Wilderness Camp Time Wheel- the Tabernacle. Through the blueprint given in scripture we reconstruct the meeting place of the Most High. Aligning it with The Time Machine through the math given by the Creator Himself- What is revealed was not only unexpected but far from Traditional thought. The Hub 02:22:14 Linen Curtain 10:40:14 The Cubit 29:06:24 Venus 39:04:12 Year 2044 54:04:04 Mohair Curtain 1:01:55 The Frame 1:33:22 The Walls 1:51:24 Middle Bar 1:54:52 The Roof 1:55:56 Courtyard 1:57:52 Conclusion 2:02:27 We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net19 views -
TIME MACHINE of the MOST HIGH: The Camp, The Tabernacle, & The Four Living Creatures [Part 1]
REMNANT of the LIGHTIn this study we look at the Hebrew wilderness camp and its alignment with our Creators galactic timepiece. How this wheel in a wheel alignment is found not only in the setting up of the Camp itself, but the components of the Tabernacle (in part 2). We will show how the four heads of the Tribes are also in agreement with the Leaders of Time as named in Enoch chapter 82. Then we will explore the two visions of Ezekiel's Wheel in a Wheel and the FOUR LIVING CREATURES; Comparing them to the account in Revelation- and understanding the reasons for their individual alignments. The AREAS we will cover in part one are: Intro. 1:00 The Camp 12:00 The Camp syncs Creation year with the solar year 28:26 The Camp Tracks the Lunar Stations 33:97 The Camp Leaders and Enoch's Star Leaders 40:59 The Four Living Creatures- Revelation 52:39 Ezekiel's Wheels - First Vision 64:40 Ezekiel's Final Vision- 79:55 In part two (due to be out Mid-Nov. 2024) The Camp Wheel Hub- The Tabernacle Linen Curtains Venus & The Year 2044 Mohair Curtains The Frame Bringing it All Together FIND PDF COPY HERE: https://www.remnantofthelight.net/biblecalendar We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net47 views 1 comment -
The Keys to the Creation Calendar Part Three- The Stars Also
REMNANT of the LIGHT1Cor 15:41 one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars (echad); for star differs from star in glory (individually). Each of the lights in the Creator’s heavenly clock have their own time to keep & tale to tell. Each were given a sign that matches the duties assigned to them on day four of creation. This is the thing about the stars. Not only do they have their own allotted timing for ELOAH’S division of days as a whole, moreover, within their separate glories they have their individual duties. But more than that—they tell us a story unlike the sun and moon. The story of Adam. When that story is done, their job is done; for there will then be a new heaven and a new earth. Part 3 of our KEYS to the CREATION CALENDAR series: The Stars Also Part 1- The Sun: https://youtu.be/Sih3Tnd5Xr0?si=DoHyQy6dBvx3od_h Part 2- The Moon: https://youtu.be/J0XMLnEvRH0?si=Xa9utiyjXQgbHue8 To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net39 views -
The Keys to the Creation Calendar- Part Two; The Moon
REMNANT of the LIGHTThe Key of David is the understanding of the scriptures which hold the KEY that opens the Knowledge of Heaven. In part one we located many of the KEY verses to unlocking the knowledge of the greater luminary, the sun. In part two we will be exploring the biblical scriptures in order to understand our Creator’s intended purpose in His clock for the lesser light the moon. I was hoping to include the stars in this part but due to the length of this part- the stars will have to be part three. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net The video I mention to learn more about the moon and the Soros- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fgbMTC30F832 views 1 comment -
The KEYS to the Creation Calendar Part 1- The Greater Luminary
REMNANT of the LIGHTIn this study I am going to highlight some of the verses where the ‘Keys of Knowledge’ are found, using Biblical scripture only, in order to build the basic framework for our Creators division of days. These verses are ones that we find particularly important when recreating ELOAH'S timepiece; the ones we ‘Hang our Hat on’ in a manner of speaking. In Part One we will discuss the Greater Luminary and in Part Two the Lesser Luminaries. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net35 views -
Building a Simple Armillary
REMNANT of the LIGHTWe will build a simple armillary using pre-fabricated items that can be used to mark the season and tell time. Tools & Supplies Needed: Saw - Screw Driver- 1 pc. sandpaper- 4 small clamps- (also handy to have painters tape) 1 Embroidery Hoop (8 to 14 inch- your choice- WIDER is better 3/4-1") 1 Embroidery Stand with additional stabilizing screw 4 small nails, tacks, wood screws, wood screw hoop (your choice) 1 Metal Washer String (dental floss, kite string, kitchen string, etc.- your choice) Wood Glue- I could no longer find this hoop on Joann.com - You gotta love 2024 supply chain. So here are a few other hoops that I could find that would work well. (We don't receive any $$ from any of these vendors), STAND: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MVLKP6L?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 or- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVDNWTHR/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pf_rd_p=386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_r=HZ54MHR4RJMJZA95BRQF&pd_rd_wg=39Ao2&pd_rd_w=5CNn5&content-id=amzn1.sym.386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pd_rd_r=38ed8b42-fbfe-48f6-a93f-455a2dc04b43&s=arts-crafts&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&smid=A3QU6T08X42HL4 HOOPS: 1- https://www.amazon.com/Frank-Edmunds-14-inch-German-Quilting/dp/B002V3CLYW/ref=pd_sim_p4?pd_rd_w=fIZE1&content-id=amzn1.sym.edeb0a3c-9e06-48d9-b1e4-e035133e7101&pf_rd_p=edeb0a3c-9e06-48d9-b1e4-e035133e7101&pf_rd_r=JXQR7YCJWCVHR95D8G9A&pd_rd_wg=KqqGu&pd_rd_r=3b1ffb78-290c-4a85-87d6-1b97c650d4b9&pd_rd_i=B002V3CLYW 2- https://www.amazon.com/Frank-Edmunds-14-inch-German-Quilting/dp/B002V3CLYW/ref=asc_df_B002V3CLYW&mcid=252d9cb3e04d37a491c65996b833fd2b?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=79989588513707&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583589115278224&psc=1 3- https://www.ebay.com/itm/313075413951?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-213727-13078-0&mkcid=2&itemid=313075413951&targetid=4581046493084888&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=&poi=&campaignid=603678871&mkgroupid=1239150626926797&rlsatarget=pla-4581046493084888&abcId=9375682&merchantid=51291&msclkid=95a8011f19ab175209b764f10c7078a5 INCLINOMETER: 1- https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MToyNzk0NjI2ODY0MDcyMDY5OjE3MTAxMDI5NjY6c3BfbXRmOjMwMDA0Njk3MzM2MzcwMjo6MDo6&url=%2FMagnetic-90%25C2%25B0Angle-Inclinometer-Protractor-Woodworking%2Fdp%2FB0CC2BPG68%2Fref%3Dsr_1_12_sspa%3Fcrid%3D3M00JMBSVK68N%26dib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2fig9xCaZHMZuoIeaGMNf59VAbtjrohmFRymoeTM9r4z7oQV8YM2Tph2N_IO6B2PsphvlgX-wHuywHcSeUpSt-sqENYpNK-sXF15gIBaltTLHXRLv4moV4NztREQIZCQj8jugb0wTRiYbOliWOF6i7NUOZNDt9K8yoyeJSZmLfDYUVQ3TBdZSUbhWJcxKYbJsMwySWfrYtKQQu4wqRaAfOkLbYyQ2zOzUQ6Nrlgdbe5_EqieCjQ86ymKSviERMy9-FBzgkzBaGI7r5UMyhO3BtK7Z1vyKo3QkpgrCdfGFR8.rVHQ9SL5DTan539-Dx8t07TH7zAfaLW7SABxcU9SXkU%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Dinclinometer%2Bdigital%26qid%3D1710102966%26sprefix%3DINCLINO%252Caps%252C160%26sr%3D8-12-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY%26psc%3D1 2- https://www.amazon.com/SHAHE-Magnetic-Protractor-Inclinometer-Backlight/dp/B09XDV4QC5/ref=sr_1_45?crid=3M00JMBSVK68N&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2fig9xCaZHMZuoIeaGMNf59VAbtjrohmFRymoeTM9r4z7oQV8YM2Tph2N_IO6B2PsphvlgX-wHuywHcSeUpSt-sqENYpNK-sXF15gIBaltTLHXRLv4moV4NztREQIZCQj8jugb0wTRiYbOliWOF6i7NUOZNDt9K8yoyeJSZmLfDYUVQ3TBdZSUbhWJcxKYbJsMwySWfrYtKQQu4wqRaAfOkLbYyQ2zOzUQ6Nrlgdbe5_EqieCjQ86ymKSviERMy9-FBzgkzBaGI7r5UMyhO3BtK7Z1vyKo3QkpgrCdfGFR8.rVHQ9SL5DTan539-Dx8t07TH7zAfaLW7SABxcU9SXkU&dib_tag=se&keywords=inclinometer+digital&qid=1710102966&sprefix=INCLINO%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-45 3- https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MToyOTQ5NDcwNDY2MzIzMDY5OjE3MTAxMDMxNTM6c3BfbXRmOjIwMDE1OTAzMzA5NDM5ODo6MDo6&url=%2FElectronic-Protractor-Inclinometer-Woodworking-Construction%2Fdp%2FB0C1NGVBMS%2Fref%3Dsr_1_12_sspa%3Fcrid%3D1ZHBCJMYTO5HJ%26dib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ei7yHLfwiMXezXX-NRqzn0S7bomR_MBNQVP0gT6nDnrejbvZkc-d66FvoWrTVQpaT14T5IObCHNqdM4i-AUORGTmrO5K9Wi-kiZAusXdshRVN8PB5L6t_-jLSiPVcDYvD3ePKwGFPHEsYHlll2nAvSo-BmOkzpSfuk4LAv3EpI0Yh5fgQyQU2_pm-gPfb99dnhAJ5es4znm13omsmID9CkuBIDp1Kv6iDqwHzKVAvbsTGoYMYMTdhtoNQo3BbvMUZo5y3gE2lZdHdFpN5Q72tsgg7UrS3oVdmAPS9punRi4.Twa-FzsOPA3335RkyKBitboy0gkUbXnoXPZuprU_IdA%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Djohnson%2Bdigital%2Binclinometer%26qid%3D1710103153%26sprefix%3DJohnson%2Binclinometer%2Bdigital%252Caps%252C147%26sr%3D8-12-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY%26psc%3D1 4- (Battery Free choice) https://www.amazon.com/Johnson-Level-Tool-700-Magnetic/dp/B00004T807/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1ZHBCJMYTO5HJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Ei7yHLfwiMXezXX-NRqzn0S7bomR_MBNQVP0gT6nDnrejbvZkc-d66FvoWrTVQpaT14T5IObCHNqdM4i-AUORGTmrO5K9Wi-kiZAusXdshRVN8PB5L6t_-jLSiPVcDYvD3ePKwGFPHEsYHlll2nAvSo-BmOkzpSfuk4LAv3EpI0Yh5fgQyQU2_pm-gPfb99dnhAJ5es4znm13omsmID9CkuBIDp1Kv6iDqwHzKVAvbsTGoYMYMTdhtoNQo3BbvMUZo5y3gE2lZdHdFpN5Q72tsgg7UrS3oVdmAPS9punRi4.Twa-FzsOPA3335RkyKBitboy0gkUbXnoXPZuprU_IdA&dib_tag=se&keywords=johnson+digital+inclinometer&qid=1710103153&sprefix=Johnson+inclinometer+digital%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-3 To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net16 views -
Day 365- The Day Out of Time
REMNANT of the LIGHTDay 365 was never part of the original creation but happened due to sin when the waters of the deep prepared to rise and the earth tilted in the days of Enoch and Noah. Enoch 65:1 And in those days, Noah SAW the EARTH HAD TILTED and that its destruction was near. Thus Eloah never assigned a place for it in the calculation of the year and yet taught Enoch how to include it in the circuit of days so that the Creation Sabbath would never be lost. Job laments this day created by sin as the day of his birth. Job 3:6 As for that night, let darkness seize it! Let it not be joined to the days of the year. Let it not come into the number of the months. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net36 views -
Four Year Creation Calendar Now in Print
REMNANT of the LIGHTCreations Cyclic Four-Year printed calendar- 8x11 Booklet style- Heavy cardstock gloss cover with uv protection to keep the colors vibrant and prevent chipping. Sabbaths and Feast Days marked, along with other biblical references and scriptural calendar witnesses. The Priestly Creation Calendar is found throughout scripture starting with Genesis - Taught by the Prophets- Followed by the Messiah- Written about in the Books of Enoch & Jubilees- Recorded in History and Verified by the Dead Sea Scrolls. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net44 views -
When Does the Day Begin?
REMNANT of the LIGHTOne division of time that most would think is simplistic, is ‘When Does the Day Begin’. Ask any child and they will tell you that the day begins when the sun comes up; and doesn’t the Messiah tell us to be childlike? Yet, many adults hotly debate this very question every day. Let us then go directly to the instructions themselves to find the answer this question. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net36 views -
When was the Messiah Born? The Beginning and the Ending
REMNANT of the LIGHTMany Christians believe that the Messiah was born in December. Many Hebrew Roots folks would say at Sukkot (they forget that the spring feasts are fulfilled first.) BUT- If we look at these scriptures like a word math problem- we can determine exactly when the Messiah was born and how it FULFILLS Scripture. We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth. The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls- For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based. To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net49 views 2 comments