Robert Welch Speech 1958
3 videos
Updated 8 months ago
About corrupt government
Robert Welch's 1958 Speech on the Downfall of America
EvolvedTruthRobert Welch's 1958 speech about the Decline of America Due to Communism and Cultural Marxism This 1958 speech is a wildly accurate description of the destruction of America that we are currently seeing in 2023. More Content: https://t.me/EvolvedTruth https://gab.com/EvolvedTruth6.46K views 5 comments -
Share This! The Plan to Destroy America
Situation UpdateWe will update the video link on telegram soon: 📢📢 Join us in Telegram: https://t.me/PatriotPartyFuture.1.89K views 1 comment -
Prolific & Prophetic Speech - Robert Welch 1958
One New Earth - ONEThis is what we are going through today. What’s happening now has been planned for many generations. It’s time to stand up for your freedom and sovereignty. Protect your children and pray for the children who are being trafficked right now, because we have turned a blind eye. This is the New World order at our doorstep. The end times. A new earth will be emerging! We have been stolen from, and the time is coming where the world will for the first time with full transparency see the TRUTH! Be a part of a movement to save the world! Visit our website today! One New Earth www.onenewearth.org422 views 3 comments