Healthy Solutions & Alternatives for Healing
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Red Light therapies Dr Jack Kruze
OathkeeperCAhttps://rumble.com/v6l5gqm-red-light-therapy-for-macular-degeneration.html67 views -
Vax Detox - Eliminate Graphene, Aluminum, Spike Proteins, Toxins, And Parasites (PDF Guide)
Biological MedicineDownload the PDF guide: https://truthfreedomhealth.wordpress.com/2021/11/28/vax-detox/ Music by: Sirius Beat - Nobility http://youtu.be/LmzjHhvC5e0 International Appeal from EMF Scientists: https://emfscientist.org/images/docs/International_EMF_Scientist-Appeal.pdf Smart Meters and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR): Health Crisis of Our Time | Dr Dietrich Klinghardt https://rumble.com/v6p09cc-smart-meters-and-electromagnetic-radiation-emr-health-crisis-of-our-time-dr.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 WARNING: The NWO Cabal Has Cell Towers Ready for COVID-2X Plandemic, 5G/6G Democide or Disease "X" https://rumble.com/v6pd67r-warning-cell-towers-ready-for-covid-2x-plandemic-5g-6g-democide-or-disease-.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Shut Down 5G, 4G, 3G ! Revert to Using Cables ! https://rumble.com/v6pexvf-shut-down-5g-4g-3g-revert-to-using-cables-.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 The Cabal-Run UN and WHO Knew about the Dangers of 5G EMF Radiation Back in 2018 https://rumble.com/v6psrlr-the-cabal-run-un-and-who-knew-about-the-dangers-of-5g-emf-radiation-back-in.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 International Scientist Appeal on Risks of EMFs, Presented to the Cabal-Run UN Prior to 5G Plandemic https://rumble.com/v6pvp7g-international-scientist-appeal-on-risks-of-emfs-presented-to-the-un-prior-t.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 The Cabal/Elites Don't Want You To Know This About 5G, Covid, Germs And The Graphene/C-19 "Vaccine" https://rumble.com/v6pxin2-the-cabalelites-dont-want-you-to-know-this-about-5g-covid-germs-and-the-gra.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Ex-Telco Executive Exposes the Real Cause of Covid-19 and the Agenda for Pushing 5G EMF Technology https://rumble.com/v6pzhvk-ex-telco-executive-exposes-the-real-cause-of-covid-19-and-the-agenda-for-pu.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 WUHAN, 5G, COVID, MEDIA, VACCINE & NWO - The Truth Shall Free Humanity from the NWO Cult https://rumble.com/v6q168w-wuhan-5g-covid-media-vaccine-and-nwo-the-truth-shall-free-humanity-from-the.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 WI-FI AND 5G DANGERS: Would You Trust Your Government with Your Life? 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Research Before It Is Too Late! https://rumble.com/v6q3ako-can-wi-fi-or-5g-signals-stunt-plant-human-or-intelligence-growth-research-b.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Expose the Mother of All Conspiracies to Get Rid of the NWO Cabal before It Gets Rid of You with 5G https://rumble.com/v6q3c2o-expose-the-mother-of-all-conspiracies-to-get-rid-of-the-nwo-cabal-before-it.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Bees and the Magnetite/Graphene-Vaxxed Are Vulnerable to 5G/EMF Attack/Control by the NWO Cabal! https://rumble.com/v6q5hgu-bees-and-the-magnetitegraphene-vaxxed-are-vulnerable-to-5gemf-attackcontrol.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 PEER-REVIEWED STUDY: 5G EMF Radiation Induces the Body to Create New "Viruses" & Illnesses https://rumble.com/v6q5ip6-peer-reviewed-study-5g-emf-radiation-induces-the-body-to-create-new-viruses.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Spacebusters: IMPORTANT INFORMATION on Coronavirus 5G Kung Flu https://rumble.com/v6q91je-spacebusters-important-information-on-coronavirus-5g-kung-flu-part-1.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Adverse Health Effects of Wireless Communication Radiation https://rumble.com/v6q90b2-adverse-health-effects-of-wireless-communication-radiation.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 DIRE WARNING TO ALL COUNTRIES! 5G Wireless Network Is A Threat To Plants, Animals And Humans! https://rumble.com/v6qbify-dire-warning-to-all-countries-5g-wireless-network-is-a-threat-to-plants-ani.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 DIRE WARNING! The Cabal Could Use 5G EMF for Targeted Killing, Disease Causing & Mind Control! https://rumble.com/v6qd07u-dire-warning-the-cabal-could-use-5g-emf-for-targeted-killing-disease-causin.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 RED ALERT! Cell Phone Towers Are Weaponized! Ready for Mass Extermination! https://rumble.com/v6qeq3u-red-alert-cell-phone-towers-are-weaponized-ready-for-mass-extermination-.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Depopulation & Control Agenda of the US DoD & Big Pharma (Part 1) https://rumble.com/v6qesey-depopulation-and-control-agenda-of-the-us-dod-and-big-pharma-dr.-jane-ruby-.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 DoD wants to Depopulate/Dumb-down/Mind-control/Gene-edit the World https://rumble.com/v6qgl9c-maria-zeee-and-sasha-latypova-dod-wants-to-depopulatedumb-downmind-controlg.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 World Enslavement with 5G Grid and Nanotech from Jabs, Food, Chemtrails https://rumble.com/v6qgmyq-world-enslavement-with-5g-grid-and-nanotech-from-jabs-food-chemtrails-stew-.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Weapons expert Mark Steele tells how the Injection Cult can use 5G to KOD (Kill On Demand) & More https://rumble.com/v6qigpu-weapons-expert-mark-steele-tells-how-the-injection-cult-can-use-5g-to-kod-k.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 World Depopulation, Transhumanism & Enslavement w/ Nanotech Jab & 5G | Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v6qgmyq-world-enslavement-with-5g-grid-and-nanotech-from-jabs-food-chemtrails-stew-.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Connecting Excess Deaths to LNP C-19 Jabs and 4G-5G EMF Radiation https://www.bitchute.com/video/jF7zz78jZeb5/ Connecting Excess Deaths to LNP C-19 Jabs and 4G-5G EMF Radiation https://rumble.com/v6qii00-connecting-excess-deaths-to-lnp-c-19-jabs-and-4g-5g-emf-radiation-maria-zee.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 URGENT WARNING FOR THE VACCINATED: Rid Your Body Of Graphene Oxide Or Nanobots https://rumble.com/v6pzg5s-urgent-warning-for-the-vaccinated-rid-your-body-of-graphene-oxide-or-nanobo.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 URGENT WARNING: The 5G mmWave & CV Vaccine Are Being Weaponized https://www.bitchute.com/video/0Sbfhg8253Eg/ URGENT MESSAGE: The Vaccinated Have Been Graphenated With The Weapon/AI-Agent Graphene Oxide https://rumble.com/v6qk9nk-urgent-message-the-vaccinated-have-been-graphenated-with-the-weaponai-agent.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Vax Detox - Eliminate Graphene, Aluminum, Spike Proteins, Toxins, And Parasites https://www.bitchute.com/video/WMD8GbG4nQpU/ Plasma Moon, Greater World Map and Macroclimate Change https://www.bitchute.com/video/SQuCeDylb96i/ The Entire World Is Waking up to the Moon Landing Hoax and World Enslavement Agenda of the NWO Cabal https://www.bitchute.com/video/pu1TmX2CT9MJ/ The Origins of the Knights of Malta and Templar, Jesuit Order, Freemasons, Khazars and NWO Cabal https://www.bitchute.com/video/6BV61WrKXuZk/ Our Govts That We Had So Much Trust In Can No Longer Be Trusted! Reform Govts! Reclaim Flat Earth! https://www.bitchute.com/video/4zTa0QzAVvgM/ WARNING! Whoever Wants to Free Their Country from the Satanic NWO Cabal Had Better Do This ASAP https://www.bitchute.com/video/3RcZ2zYcKsqd/ Dr Dietrich Klinghardt Links: What s Really Going On Dr Dietrich Klinghardt https://rumble.com/v4nc900-what-s-really-going-on-dr-dietrich-klinghardt.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dietrich Klinghardt - WiFi promotes mould growth, causes autism https://rumble.com/v4xg6qb-397-dietrich-klinghardt-wifi-promotes-mould-growth-causes-autism.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Klinghardt on WIFI - good, bad & the ugly https://rumble.com/v4njgi3-338-dr-klinghardt-on-wifi-good-bad-and-the-ugly.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Physician and scientist Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt talks about 5G and graphene oxide in injectables https://rumble.com/v4n5608-physician-and-scientist-dr.-dietrich-klinghardt-talks-about-5g-and-graphene.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Klinghardt on Light vs Dark, Heavy Metals, Fluoridation, WiFi, 4G, 5G & Toxins, and Remedies https://rumble.com/v4my72f-dr-klinghardt-on-light-vs-dark-heavy-metals-fluoridation-wifi-4g-5g-and-tox.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr. Klinghardt: Cancer cases exploded in last 2.5 years; more aggressive than ever before https://rumble.com/v4my4st-dr.-klinghardt-cancer-cases-exploded-in-last-2.5-years-more-aggressive-than.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Top Tips 4 Detoxification - Interview with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (detox Glyphosate from your body) https://rumble.com/v4nq44q-top-tips-4-detoxification-interview-with-dr.-dietrich-klinghardt-detox-glyp.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 "CDS is an Atomic Bomb in the Hands of Ordinary Citizens" https://rumble.com/v4njhp0-cds-is-an-atomic-bomb-in-the-hands-of-ordinary-citizens.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Klinghardt On How Corporations Is Destroying The Human ‘Soul’ In Four Different Ways! https://rumble.com/v1a2n8k-dr.-reiner-fuellmich-and-dr.-dietrich-klinghardt-corona-investigative-commi.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Dietrich Klinghardt: 5G and immunity https://rumble.com/v6myx2c-dr-dietrich-klinghardt-5g-and-immunity.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Virology Debunks Corona https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/ Cov-19 Immunity in 19 Minutes https://www.bitchute.com/video/EdffVJbFxb96/ Germs Debunk Corona https://www.bitchute.com/video/dg1D18lNImyS/ URGENT WARNING FOR THE VACCINATED: Rid Your Body Of Graphene Oxide Or Nanobots https://www.bitchute.com/video/RxBJlbTEQidf/ URGENT MESSAGE: The Vaccinated Have Been Graphenated With The Weapon/AI-Agent Graphene Oxide https://www.bitchute.com/video/O57Q9CsFsVQb/ Dr. José Luis Sevillano explains how graphene oxide and EMFs create the so-called COVID lung https://www.orwell.city/2021/09/COVID-lung.html Dr. Pablo Campra Presents His Research On The Presence Of Graphene Oxide In The Covid "Vaccines" https://www.bitchute.com/video/XYIVA4MxWpvy/ Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/transmission-electron-microscopy-reveals-graphene-oxide-in-cov-19-vaccines Newsbreak 133|BREAKING: Dr. Young Reveals Graphene, Aluminium, LNP Capsids, Parasite in 4 Vaccines https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z2sAH0Woz38r/ Andreas Kalcker's team confirms evidence of graphene oxide in 'vaccines' https://www.orwell.city/2021/07/andreas-kalcker.html La Quinta Columna: Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles https://www.orwell.city/2021/06/graphene-oxide-in-vaccination-vials.html GRAPHENE OXIDE 'DISCOVERED' IN PFIZER VACCINE BY DR CAMPRA - THE ALMERIA PAPER https://www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/post/englis-translation-of-the-graphene-oxide-almeria-paper DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’ https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/07/deadly-shots-former-pfizer-employee-confirms-poison-in-covid-vaccine/ Free e-book on how to make and use Chlorine Dioxide Solution for preventing and treating Covid-19 (the symptoms caused by viral infection and/or Graphene Oxide/radiation poisoning): https://truthfreedomhealth.wordpress.com/2021/03/15/free-ebook/ International Appeal from EMF Scientists: https://emfscientist.org/images/docs/International_EMF_Scientist-Appeal.pdf Smart Meters and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR): Health Crisis of Our Time | Dr Dietrich Klinghardt https://rumble.com/v6p09cc-smart-meters-and-electromagnetic-radiation-emr-health-crisis-of-our-time-dr.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 WARNING: The NWO Cabal Has Cell Towers Ready for COVID-2X Plandemic, 5G/6G Democide or Disease "X" https://rumble.com/v6pd67r-warning-cell-towers-ready-for-covid-2x-plandemic-5g-6g-democide-or-disease-.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Shut Down 5G, 4G, 3G ! Revert to Using Cables ! https://rumble.com/v6pexvf-shut-down-5g-4g-3g-revert-to-using-cables-.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 The Cabal-Run UN and WHO Knew about the Dangers of 5G EMF Radiation Back in 2018 https://rumble.com/v6psrlr-the-cabal-run-un-and-who-knew-about-the-dangers-of-5g-emf-radiation-back-in.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 International Scientist Appeal on Risks of EMFs, Presented to the Cabal-Run UN Prior to 5G Plandemic https://rumble.com/v6pvp7g-international-scientist-appeal-on-risks-of-emfs-presented-to-the-un-prior-t.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 The Cabal/Elites Don't Want You To Know This About 5G, Covid, Germs And The Graphene/C-19 "Vaccine" https://rumble.com/v6pxin2-the-cabalelites-dont-want-you-to-know-this-about-5g-covid-germs-and-the-gra.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Ex-Telco Executive Exposes the Real Cause of Covid-19 and the Agenda for Pushing 5G EMF Technology https://rumble.com/v6pzhvk-ex-telco-executive-exposes-the-real-cause-of-covid-19-and-the-agenda-for-pu.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 WUHAN, 5G, COVID, MEDIA, VACCINE & NWO - The Truth Shall Free Humanity from the NWO Cult https://rumble.com/v6q168w-wuhan-5g-covid-media-vaccine-and-nwo-the-truth-shall-free-humanity-from-the.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 WI-FI AND 5G DANGERS: Would You Trust Your Government with Your Life? Or with Your Child's Life? https://rumble.com/v6o5ori-wi-fi-and-5g-dangers-would-you-trust-your-government-with-your-life-or-with.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 5G Can Cause Cancer, Neurological Problems, Etc! Expose the MOAC to Get Rid of 5G-Pushing NWO Cabal! https://rumble.com/v6q169o-5g-can-cause-cancer-neurological-problems-etc-expose-the-moac-to-get-rid-of.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Can Wi-Fi or 5G Signals Stunt Plant, Human or Intelligence Growth? Research Before It Is Too Late! https://rumble.com/v6q3ako-can-wi-fi-or-5g-signals-stunt-plant-human-or-intelligence-growth-research-b.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Expose the Mother of All Conspiracies to Get Rid of the NWO Cabal before It Gets Rid of You with 5G https://rumble.com/v6q3c2o-expose-the-mother-of-all-conspiracies-to-get-rid-of-the-nwo-cabal-before-it.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Bees and the Magnetite/Graphene-Vaxxed Are Vulnerable to 5G/EMF Attack/Control by the NWO Cabal! https://rumble.com/v6q5hgu-bees-and-the-magnetitegraphene-vaxxed-are-vulnerable-to-5gemf-attackcontrol.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 PEER-REVIEWED STUDY: 5G EMF Radiation Induces the Body to Create New "Viruses" & Illnesses https://rumble.com/v6q5ip6-peer-reviewed-study-5g-emf-radiation-induces-the-body-to-create-new-viruses.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Spacebusters: IMPORTANT INFORMATION on Coronavirus 5G Kung Flu https://rumble.com/v6q91je-spacebusters-important-information-on-coronavirus-5g-kung-flu-part-1.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Adverse Health Effects of Wireless Communication Radiation https://rumble.com/v6q90b2-adverse-health-effects-of-wireless-communication-radiation.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 DIRE WARNING TO ALL COUNTRIES! 5G Wireless Network Is A Threat To Plants, Animals And Humans! https://rumble.com/v6qbify-dire-warning-to-all-countries-5g-wireless-network-is-a-threat-to-plants-ani.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 DIRE WARNING! The Cabal Could Use 5G EMF for Targeted Killing, Disease Causing & Mind Control! https://www.bitchute.com/video/PAh9KHDRMKsX/ RED ALERT! Cell Phone Towers Are Weaponized! Ready for Mass Extermination! https://www.bitchute.com/video/8GQdNsrKLAhd/ Depopulation & Control Agenda of the US DoD & Big Pharma https://www.bitchute.com/video/hCZmTpWspsbm/ DoD wants to Depopulate/Dumb-down/Mind-control/Gene-edit the World https://www.bitchute.com/video/1Q9wu5f05y8l/ World Enslavement with 5G Grid and Nanotech from Jabs, Food, Chemtrails https://www.bitchute.com/video/eW7hz2oD2wVJ/ Weapons expert Mark Steele tells how the Injection Cult can use 5G to KOD (Kill On Demand) & More https://rumble.com/v6qigpu-weapons-expert-mark-steele-tells-how-the-injection-cult-can-use-5g-to-kod-k.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 World Depopulation, Transhumanism & Enslavement w/ Nanotech Jab & 5G | Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v6qm8n0-world-depopulation-transhumanism-and-enslavement-w-nanotech-jab-and-5g-kare.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Connecting Excess Deaths to LNP C-19 Jabs and 4G-5G EMF Radiation https://rumble.com/v6qii00-connecting-excess-deaths-to-lnp-c-19-jabs-and-4g-5g-emf-radiation-maria-zee.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 URGENT WARNING FOR THE VACCINATED: Rid Your Body Of Graphene Oxide Or Nanobots https://rumble.com/v6pzg5s-urgent-warning-for-the-vaccinated-rid-your-body-of-graphene-oxide-or-nanobo.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 URGENT WARNING: The 5G mmWave & CV Vaccine Are Being Weaponized https://rumble.com/v6qkb96-urgent-warning-the-5g-mmwave-and-cv-vaccine-are-being-weaponized.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 URGENT MESSAGE: The Vaccinated Have Been Graphenated With The Weapon/AI-Agent Graphene Oxide https://rumble.com/v6qk9nk-urgent-message-the-vaccinated-have-been-graphenated-with-the-weaponai-agent.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Vax Detox - Eliminate Graphene, Aluminum, Spike Proteins, Toxins, And Parasites https://rumble.com/v6qm5ee-vax-detox-eliminate-graphene-aluminum-spike-proteins-toxins-and-parasites-p.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Plasma Moon, Greater World Map and Macroclimate Change https://rumble.com/v6qo3wi-plasma-moon-greater-world-map-and-macroclimate-change.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 The Entire World Is Waking up to the Moon Landing Hoax and World Enslavement Agenda of the NWO Cabal https://rumble.com/v6qrg94-the-entire-world-is-waking-up-to-the-moon-landing-hoax-and-world-enslavemen.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 The Origins of the Knights of Malta and Templar, Jesuit Order, Freemasons, Khazars and NWO Cabal https://rumble.com/v6qrl0e-the-origins-of-the-knights-of-malta-and-templar-jesuit-order-freemasons-kha.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Our Govts That We Had So Much Trust In Can No Longer Be Trusted! Reform Govts! Reclaim Flat Earth! https://rumble.com/v6qtafg-our-govts-that-we-had-so-much-trust-in-can-no-longer-be-trusted-reform-govt.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Dietrich Klinghardt Links: What s Really Going On Dr Dietrich Klinghardt https://rumble.com/v4nc900-what-s-really-going-on-dr-dietrich-klinghardt.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dietrich Klinghardt - WiFi promotes mould growth, causes autism https://rumble.com/v4xg6qb-397-dietrich-klinghardt-wifi-promotes-mould-growth-causes-autism.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Klinghardt on WIFI - good, bad & the ugly https://rumble.com/v4njgi3-338-dr-klinghardt-on-wifi-good-bad-and-the-ugly.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Physician and scientist Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt talks about 5G and graphene oxide in injectables https://rumble.com/v4n5608-physician-and-scientist-dr.-dietrich-klinghardt-talks-about-5g-and-graphene.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Klinghardt on Light vs Dark, Heavy Metals, Fluoridation, WiFi, 4G, 5G & Toxins, and Remedies https://rumble.com/v4my72f-dr-klinghardt-on-light-vs-dark-heavy-metals-fluoridation-wifi-4g-5g-and-tox.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr. Klinghardt: Cancer cases exploded in last 2.5 years; more aggressive than ever before https://rumble.com/v4my4st-dr.-klinghardt-cancer-cases-exploded-in-last-2.5-years-more-aggressive-than.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Top Tips 4 Detoxification - Interview with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (detox Glyphosate from your body) https://rumble.com/v4nq44q-top-tips-4-detoxification-interview-with-dr.-dietrich-klinghardt-detox-glyp.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 "CDS is an Atomic Bomb in the Hands of Ordinary Citizens" https://rumble.com/v4njhp0-cds-is-an-atomic-bomb-in-the-hands-of-ordinary-citizens.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Klinghardt On How Corporations Is Destroying The Human ‘Soul’ In Four Different Ways! https://rumble.com/v1a2n8k-dr.-reiner-fuellmich-and-dr.-dietrich-klinghardt-corona-investigative-commi.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756 Dr Dietrich Klinghardt: 5G and immunity https://rumble.com/v6myx2c-dr-dietrich-klinghardt-5g-and-immunity.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756880 views -
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FREEDOM - TRUTH - JUSTICEA great video to watch!! Which is good and which is bad ?289 views -
Your glasses are making your eyes worse. A conversation with Cultivate Elevate about eye health.
Biological MedicineMar 10, 2025 #EyeHealth #ImproveVision #NaturalHealing 626 views • Mar 10, 2025 • #EyeHealth #ImproveVision #NaturalHealing In this video Matt from Cultivate Elevate and I cover: How to Improve Your Vision Naturally | Eye Health Remedies, Exercises & The Truth About Optometry Are you tired of relying on glasses or contacts? In this video, we dive deep into natural eye care remedies and proven methods to improve your vision naturally—even if you've already started wearing glasses. What You'll Learn: Natural remedies to heal your eyes and support long-term vision health The best nutrients for eye health—what to eat for clearer vision Eye exercises that may help improve eyesight and reduce dependence on glasses The truth about the optometry industry and how it profits from poor vision How EMFs, toxins, and artificial lighting affect your eyesight The best light bulbs for optimal vision and reducing eye strain Detox strategies that may support overall eye and body health Must-read books to empower you to take control of your eye health Your vision isn’t destined to decline—it’s affected by modern lifestyles and poor eye habits. But you can take action. Learn how to reclaim your eyesight naturally and protect your vision for years to come. Light: Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves Now Light: Medicine of the Future challenges the modern myth that the sun is dangerous to our well-being and claims that technological advancements, such as most fluorescent lighting, sunglasses, tanning lotions, and our indoor lifestyles, may be more harmful than helpful. Integrating scientific research, clinical experience, and his own insights, Dr. Jacob Liberman has worked effectively with more than 15,000 individuals, from the learning disabled and physically/emotionally traumatized to business executives and Olympic athletes. The book discusses the use of light in the treatment of various cancers, depression, stress, visual problems, PMS, sexual dysfunction, learning disabilities, and the human immune system. PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. https://amzn.to/3Dwap3g The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life 5g is being rolled out across the country, despite growing evidence that it is disruptive to our health, our safety, and the environment. The Invisible Rainbow is the groundbreaking story of electricity as it’s never been told before―exposing its very real impact on the biosphere and human health. 100,000 copies sold! Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is ‘safe’ for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before―from an environmental point of view―by detailing the effects that this fundamental societal building block has had on our health and our planet. In The Invisible Rainbow, Firstenberg traces the history of electricity from the early eighteenth century to the present, making a compelling case that many environmental problems, as well as the major diseases of industrialized civilization―heart disease, diabetes, and cancer―are related to electrical pollution. https://amzn.to/3FeUbfA Health and Light: The extraordinary Study that Shows How light Affects Your Health and emotional well being. Paperback – April 1, 2000 by John N. Ott (Author) The story of John Ott's discovery of the role light plays in sustaining physical health is one of the true scientific breakthroughs of the last half century. It is the story of an observant, intelligent man who acted upon his observations and then supported them with scientific exploration. Health and Light has led many people to a greater understanding of the subtle role light plays in maintaining physical and emotional health. https://amzn.to/41H1Bzy517 views 1 comment -
Pepsin will bind to BOTH GO and rGO! [It’s always been about the gut]
OathkeeperCAMirrored from metal4life bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/MVVLIk3Iu53G https://www.civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2023/01/29/pepsin-will-bind-to-both-go-and-rgo-its-always-been-about-the-gut/64 views -
Modern Medicine is Mostly a Scam
MoonshineJonesShort upload from a very aware lady, though i don't know her name or what lecture this originated from, if anybody knows please enlighten me.26 views 1 comment -
Eye Floaters Cure Naturally Natural Treatment for Eye Floaters
Biological MedicineEye Floaters Cure Naturally Natural Treatment for Eye Floaters Mirrored Natural Cures Why Turmeric is Fantastic for Eye Health and Vision https://rumble.com/v61e9tb-why-turmeric-is-fantastic-for-eye-health-and-vision.html?mref=9qiox&mc=7i756872 views -
Boric Acid - A Good Item to Add To Your Prepping Supplies
Free Your Mind Videos----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Also for entertainment and educational purposes. All rights to the original works go to those that hold them, no copyright infringement intended. All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) for commentary, criticism, education and satire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Description/Info Box: --------------------- . Title: Boric Acid - A Good Item to Add To Your Prepping Supplies . If it is good, Gov will make it hard to get - get while you can . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Source: "Think Like A Cop" https://old.bitchute.com/video/1K2hwVcNpcoG/ . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . This channel is not paid by any third party to promote anything You can always donate to me or my channel. All help is very much appreciated. https://paypal.me/kbenweg Or you can give a cup of coffee/sandwich to someone in need... (This would bring me even more joy) . Thank you for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! 🙏 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Subscribe to other channels: . Free Your Mind Videos https://rumble.com/c/FYMVideos Only if Rumble is down (or deletes) videos, those will be posted on the Backup Channels! Backup Channel on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Tim:ab74 Backup Channel on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ThkAWbd3XR2T/ . Christian Teachings And Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/c-1328393 . Sound The Trumpet Ministries: https://rumble.com/c/c-1123613 . Praise & Worship Music: https://rumble.com/c/c-3348236 . Telegram Channel: "Blocked & Banned" https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned => Group chat added where everyone can comment! https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned1 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again! . COMMENT ✅ THUMBSUP 👍🏻 SUBSCRIBE ⚠️ AND BE NOTIFIED 🙋🏼 . COMMENT POLICY: Thanks for watching 👍 Please keep comments on topic and value-add. Comments, where it is obvious the person did not watch the video, will be deleted. Comments containing arrested-developed behavior (nastiness, belligerence, stupidity, trolling, spam, links, etc.) will also be deleted (without notice) and banned from the channel. No self-promotion/advertising! . If my posts ruffled your feathers. Don't be a chicken! Take it before God and make the changes you need to better your life. God bless you 🙏 . Making tantrums about why you're unsubscribing: If i notice your cry for help i will do anything possible (mute/block/ban) To make sure you don't get back here by mistake, for your safety. Opposing views will be posted and feelings will get hurt. So this channel is NOT a safe space for you!! Hope you find better pasture somewhere else . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.15K views 2 comments -
There is no autoimmune or genetic disease! It is Epigenetic!
Biological Medicine(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ ) There's no such thing as an autoimmune disease. All of immunology, of all of the world and all of God is one simple question, self, non self? It's either me or it's not me, even my identical twin. All of this is epigenetic. There's none of this is genetic disease. There's no such thing. There's a primary immune deficiency. No, that's not God, but four generations back, your God will know if your grandmother, my grandmother survived diphtheria. I make an antibody, should I ever see diphtheria as a pathogen in my body. You don't inject it! Judy Mikovits, PhD - 03/03/2024 The Real Dr Judy Show with host Dr Darrell Wolfe: https://rumble.com/v6q2e9c-the-real-dr.-judy-mikovits-show.html695 views