The Division 2
7 videos
Updated 1 year ago
I have been playing Division 2 since the beta invite. I love to raid, run missions, and do all the extras. I hope you enjoy watching this fun gameplay as much as I had creating it as content.
The Division 2 Collab with BACfromthedead1
Scottish Viking GamingTonight is Collab night, and tonight we do it right with BACfromthedead1 on The Division 2. Can't wait to see what D.C. Swamphole has in store for us fine conservative men! So sit back, spark a doobie, and relax to the rat-a-tat-tat of endless rounds from my BulletKing! I do not own rights to any music listened to in this stream. All rights are owned by the music's creators and producers. Don't forget to check out our Saturday Spotlight winner dion5us2 for more great content only on Free speech Rumble. Find him here: https://rumble.com/user/diony5us His content here: https://rumble.com/c/Chaos And follow him on X at: https://twitter.com/diony5us2 Loop Background Provided By <a href="https://www.vecteezy.com/video/2007930-abstract-red-white-black-plaid-tartan-loop-pattern">Abstract Red White Black plaid tartan loop pattern Stock Videos by Vecteezy</a>248 views -
The Division 2 Build Builders and the Builds They Build
Scottish Viking GamingWell you guessed it, I am building a build today and working on getting my butt into gear...literally. Trying out some of the new sets and earning matts on the way. I've played Division 2 for 5 years ever since the beta. I love this games mechanics and ease of use for new players and old. So sit back, spark a doobie, and relax the the auto turreted sounds of life losing bodies piling up! I do not own rights to any music listened to in this stream. All rights are owned by the music's creators and producers. Don't forget to check out our Saturday Spotlight winner dion5us2 for more great content only on Free speech Rumble. Find him here: https://rumble.com/user/diony5us His content here: https://rumble.com/c/Chaos And follow him on X at: https://twitter.com/diony5us2340 views 1 comment -
I wana make Incursion my biotch!! Division 2
Scottish Viking GamingToday is the day I get this beast beat. Doing Incursion with friends. Come chill and chat with me. So sit back, spark a doobie, and relax to the sounds of screaming me-me's death rattles.273 views 2 comments -
Every time I think I am out, they pull me back in....to The Division 2
Scottish Viking GamingI'm being a salty muffhugger today, so lets train that anger at some nare-do-wells. It's time to put these bad guys in their place...six feet deep. I'm showcasing some new things and old things today on the new drop from The Division 2. Feeling cute, might run with friends. But I am still going to sprinkle some salt on this bitch non the less. So sit back, spark a doobie, and relax to the sounds of my pew pew spreading freedom seeds far and wide. I do not own the rights to this music, all music is the property of it's respective creator.148 views 1 comment -
The Division 2 is Alive and Well!! 2 Follows is a Bong Rip!!
Scottish Viking GamingYour favorite shirtless Scottish Viking from the Highlands of New York is back. Bringing you the new season of The Division 2. This game has been a dear friend for 5 years now. From mechanics to gameplay to gear and gear builds this game has always been impressive. So sit back, spark a doobie, and relax to the rat-a-tat-tat of my famas leveling the playing field. Enjoy Folks and Welcome.421 views 2 comments -
What's in that bag Bro!?! Clap'n Backs and Squeez'n Sacks
Scottish Viking GamingToday's the Day I introduce you to my main Division 2 character. I have played this game for 5 years and have loved most of that time lol. Geared and ready for Iron Horse and Dark Hours, I have played every position and know every roll. What an amazing game this has been. So sit back, spark a doobie, and relax to the flesh confetti sounds of my FAMAS!322 views -
The Division 2 with "The Real BLM" and SilverEliteMoncle in second seat.
Scottish Viking GamingPlaying a new run of the Division 2 with my best friend SilverEliteMonocle. Getting him in to the game for the first time. I have been playing since beta and enjoy the flexibility of this game very much. Welcome to the show freaks and geeks. Join us in the chat to talk about anything.219 views 1 comment