Guitwiz Patriots EditingI’m a fan of Mary at We The People News. Here’s the latest episode with only the most important parts - IMHO! ;-) Enjoy! CHECK OUT MY NEW PLAYLISTS! THE ONE FOR WTPN/SITUATION UPDATE IS HERE: https://rumble.com/playlists/F1q7aiKPBDg Please follow, like, share and comment on my channel: ‘Guitwiz Patriots Editing’: https://rumble.com/GuitwizPatriotsEditing Thanks! I highly recommend Tommy Chong's CBD Drops for a great night sleep. I've been sleeping like a baby for several years now since using his 'Nice Dreams' drops every night before bed! Save 20% using COUPON CODE: CBD20LIFE: https://clicks.trackcb.com/SH2vn TODAYS SOURCES: https://www.infowars.com/posts/2024-is-the-year-the-globalist-nwo-was-mortally-wounded End Music Tangerine Dream WE THE PEOPLE NEWS ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/we_the_people_NEWZ MOD TELEGRAM ***ALL TIC TOK LINKS EMBEDDED IN VIDEO. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE LIGHT BEINGS FOR ASSISTING HUMANITY IN THIS WAR AGAINST THE EVIL CABAL. WE KNOW YOU HAVE SACRIFICED MUCH AND AT TIMES YOUR LIVES HAVE BEEN LOST. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW OUR PRAYERS AND CONDOLENCES ARE WITH YOU AND THOSE LOST. WE SEND YOU LOVE, LIGHT AND PEACE AND HOPE THAT ONE DAY WE WILL MEET YOU AND BEABLE TO GIVE YOU OUR MESSAGE OF THANKS, LOVE AND APPRECIATION IN PERSON. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL BEINGS OF LOVE AND LIGHT HELPING TO RID THE WORLD OF THIS EVIL DARKNESS. NOTE: COMMANDER THOR CAN RELAY MSGS TO THE LIGHT BEINGS AND RETRIEVE MSGS, AND IF ANYONE HAS QUESTIONS OR THOUGHTS, PLEASE ASK HIM AND HE WILL ANSWER IF HE CAN. THANK YOU TO JUDY BYINGTON FOR DAILY UPDATES AND ONGOING COMMITMENT TO SAVING CHILDREN. MAY GOD BLESS YOU! FULL ILLUMINATI HISTORY VIDEO: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLnfLPoQ/ RESOURCES: Reese Reports link on telegram: https://t.me/gregreesevideoreports https://rumble.com/c/c-659545?page=5 https://archive.org/download/reese-report-videos https://archive.org/details/reese-report-videos https://www.infowars.com FREE AUDIO BOOK “STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON” LINK: https://ufos-disclosure.blogspot.com/p/valiant-thor.html TODAYS ADDITIONAL SOURCES: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/ https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/us-politics/index.html https://anonup.com/@KatistheSea3 https://www.rt.com Charlie Ward daily news updates & insider club clips: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pqlCrTAephy6/ ALL DAILY RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR UPDATES: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi ALL NINOS CORNER.TV VIDEOS LINK: https://watch.ninoscorner.tv269 views