Parasitism: Why Do People Steal? By Rainbow
BearAndRainbowRainbow speaks about why so many people are parasitic in their behaviors and why do people resort to stealing, rather than contributing, and what needs to be done to heal the parasitic behaviors and the need for people to steal. https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/rainbows-page/ https://www.instagram.com/bearandrainbow/ Preventing Parasitism https://bearandrainbow.com/preventing-parasitism/ Rainbow's Pot of Gold https://rainbowspotofgold.now.site/home https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers Poll: What Healing & Empowerment Topics/ Events Interest You? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScME_Pqv7YWT5RSzIRhjU2XzEGcZEtg5mQR_qzdOD4donYpvw/viewform VAXX NANO DETOX, RECLAIM YOURSELF & YOUR WELLNESS https://rumble.com/v24e25k-vaxx-nano-detox-reclaim-yourself-and-your-wellness.html https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/donate/ https://bearandrainbow.com/wealth-presentation-strategies/ To contact me, Bear, you can either email me at bear and rainbow @ protonmail.com, or go to https://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowShamanicHealers and go to our inbox to contact me there with your name, phone number, email, the reason you are contacting me, the best time to call you, and where you are located at in order for me, or Rainbow to best serve you. Serious inquiries only. Join Our Mailing List https://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420 _____________________________________________________________________ Remedies Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2p0n08-remedies-part-1.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m Remedies Part 2 https://rumble.com/v2p0p8e-remedies-part-2.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m Detoxification By Purification Products By Rainbow https://rumble.com/v4l51i9-detoxification-by-purification-products-by-rainbow.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m ____________________________________________________________________________185 views 1 comment -
Mold In Your Coffee?
BearAndRainbowMold in coffee is responsible for your dehydration symptoms. Poll: What Healing & Empowerment Topics/ Events Interest You? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScME_Pqv7YWT5RSzIRhjU2XzEGcZEtg5mQR_qzdOD4donYpvw/viewform https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/rainbows-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/donate/ https://bearandrainbow.com/wealth-presentation-strategies/ Sound Money Wallet https://7ksystems.com/L/KwCGt9bEQV USA People's Revolt: Collect Precious Metals https://bearandrainbow.com/usa-peoples-revolt-collect-precious-metals/ Rainbow's Pot of Gold https://rainbowspotofgold.now.site/home To contact me, Bear, you can either email me at bear and rainbow @ protonmail.com, or go to https://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowShamanicHealers and go to our inbox to contact me there with your name, phone number, email, the reason you are contacting me, the best time to call you, and where you are located at in order for me, or Rainbow to best serve you. Serious inquiries only. Join Our Mailing List https://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_27684942096 views -
What strings attached to free bread?
BearAndRainbowWhat strings attached to free bread? Poll: What Healing & Empowerment Topics/ Events Interest You? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScME_Pqv7YWT5RSzIRhjU2XzEGcZEtg5mQR_qzdOD4donYpvw/viewform https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/rainbows-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/donate/ https://bearandrainbow.com/wealth-presentation-strategies/ To contact me, Bear, you can either email me at bear and rainbow @ protonmail.com, or go to https://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowShamanicHealers and go to our inbox to contact me there with your name, phone number, email, the reason you are contacting me, the best time to call you, and where you are located at in order for me, or Rainbow to best serve you. Serious inquiries only. Join Our Mailing List https://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_27684942097 views -
My People! #detox #fast #parasiteCleanse #mindcontrol
BearAndRainbowMy People! #detox #fast #parasiteCleanse #mindcontrol Detoxification By Purification is dedicated to helping you to remove the toxins, poisons, chemicals and parasites that are the main culprit behind physical, mental and spiritual health. Detox Purification for the following conditions: Morgellon Fibers, Nanoparticles, Candida, Parasites, Parasite Eggs, Radiation, Toxins, Fluoride, Viral Shedding/Vax Shedding Covid19, Vaccine Side effects/Spike protein, Pineal Gland, Arthritis, inflammation, Brain fog. https://detoxificationbypurification.com/ _________________________________________________________________________ Detoxification By Purification Products By Rainbow https://rumble.com/v4l51i9-detoxification-by-purification-products-by-rainbow.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/rainbows-page/ https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers To contact me, Bear, you can either email me at bear and rainbow @ protonmail.com, or go to https://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowShamanicHealers and go to our inbox to contact me there with your name, phone number, email, the reason you are contacting me, the best time to call you, and where you are located at in order for me, or Rainbow to best serve you. Serious inquiries only. Join Our Mailing List https://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420202 views -
Detoxification By Purification Products By Rainbow
BearAndRainbowDetoxification By Purification Products By Rainbow Detoxification By Purification is dedicated to helping you to remove the toxins, poisons, chemicals and parasites that are the main culprit behind physical, mental and spiritual health. Detox Purification for the following conditions: Morgellon Fibers, Nanoparticles, Candida, Parasites, Parasite Eggs, Radiation, Toxins, Fluoride, Viral Shedding/Vax Shedding Covid19, Vaccine Side effects/Spike protein, Pineal Gland, Arthritis, inflammation, Brain fog. https://detoxificationbypurification.com/ _____________________________________________________________________ https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers _____________________________________________________________________ Omg do not eat land animals ew!!! Look for healthier sources like Bison Star, etc... http://rehabinc.blogspot.com/2021/11/omg-do-not-eat-land-animals-ew.html REMEDIES PART 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/JdPzrOvonoxu/ REMDIES PART 2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ASLroCNn0k72/ Nano Flea Vid Clip https://rumble.com/v22dzle-nano-flea-vid-clip.html VAXX NANO DETOX, RECLAIM YOURSELF & YOUR WELLNESS https://rumble.com/v24e25k-vaxx-nano-detox-reclaim-yourself-and-your-wellness.html Tis The Season of Kitchen Healing Remedies and Shadow Work (A Must Watch) https://bearandrainbow.com/tis-the-season-of-kitchen-healing-remedies-and-shadow-work-a-must-watch/ Cure Jab Video With Ricardo Delgado https://bearandrainbow.com/cure-jab-video-with-ricardo-delgado/ We The People in China's Masks Part 4: It's Time to Take Off The Muzzel, and Have Freedom To The Fullest https://bearandrainbow.com/we-the-people-in-chinas-masks-part-4-its-time-to-take-off-the-muzzel-and-have-freedom-to-the-fullest/ ( Vaccination topic starts at 2:23:01. ) To Be Vaxx or Unvaxx! https://rumble.com/v2877pa-to-be-vaxx-or-unvaxx.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m Why Nano Tech in Human Bodies? https://rumble.com/v4kqrzc-why-nano-tech-in-human-bodies.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m Keep immune system, vibes high, use borax, & detox... Connect the dots, Morgellon's, purple lights, jab, 15 min cities, hive mind... https://rumble.com/v4gjhm6-keep-immune-system-vibes-high-use-borax-and-detox...-connect-the-dots-morge.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m What If Cancer Is Really, Parasites? https://rumble.com/v4b1b06-what-if-cancer-is-really-parasites.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m Parasites Affect Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and in Addition to Physical! https://rumble.com/v3muh9j-parasites-affect-mental-emotional-spiritual-and-in-addition-to-physical.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m Genetically Modified Mosquitos https://rumble.com/v3ilovw-genetically-modified-mosquitos.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m Deep State Desperation and Breaking Through The Matrix https://rumble.com/v3e4c4r-deep-state-desperation-and-breaking-through-the-matrix.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m (Topic of Parasites starts at 4:14:40. )463 views -
Why Nano Tech in Human Bodies?
BearAndRainbowPoll: What Healing & Empowerment Topics/ Events Interest You? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScME_Pqv7YWT5RSzIRhjU2XzEGcZEtg5mQR_qzdOD4donYpvw/viewform https://www.instagram.com/bearandrainbow/ https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/rainbows-page/ https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers Actual Money & Chocolate Money https://7ksystems.com/s/BSYf94I7m3 To contact me, Bear, you can either email me at bear and rainbow @ protonmail.com, or go to https://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowShamanicHealers and go to our inbox to contact me there with your name, phone number, email, the reason you are contacting me, the best time to call you, and where you are located at in order for me, or Rainbow to best serve you. Serious inquiries only. Join Our Mailing List https://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_27684942089 views -
Keep immune system, vibes high, use borax, & detox... Connect the dots, morgellon's...
BearAndRainbowKeep immune system, vibes high, use borax, & detox... Connect the dots, morgellon's, purple lights, jab, 15 min cities, hive mind... Poll: What Healing & Empowerment Topics/ Events Interest You? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScME_Pqv7YWT5RSzIRhjU2XzEGcZEtg5mQR_qzdOD4donYpvw/viewform Roman Empire Caesar https://7ksystems.com/s/a3R68LqGXH https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/rainbows-page/ Donate to Bear & Rainbow: https://bearandrainbow.com/donate/ To contact me, Bear, you can either email me at bear and rainbow @ protonmail.com, or go to https://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowShamanicHealers and go to our inbox to contact me there with your name, phone number, email, the reason you are contacting me, the best time to call you, and where you are located at in order for me, or Rainbow to best serve you. Serious inquiries only. Join Our Mailing List https://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420 _____________________________________________________________________________157 views -
What If Cancer Is Really, Parasites?
BearAndRainbowWhat If Cancer Is Really, Parasites? The Dr. Lee Merritt's Perspective! Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle: "Been knowing this 4 years, more people are finally waking up!" Omg do not eat land animals ew!!! http://rehabinc.blogspot.com/2021/11/omg-do-not-eat-land-animals-ew.html REMEDIES PART 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/JdPzrOvonoxu/ REMDIES PART 2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ASLroCNn0k72/ Nano Flea Vid Clip https://rumble.com/v22dzle-nano-flea-vid-clip.html VAXX NANO DETOX, RECLAIM YOURSELF & YOUR WELLNESS https://rumble.com/v24e25k-vaxx-nano-detox-reclaim-yourself-and-your-wellness.html Tis The Season of Kitchen Healing Remedies and Shadow Work (A Must Watch) https://bearandrainbow.com/tis-the-season-of-kitchen-healing-remedies-and-shadow-work-a-must-watch/ Cure Jab Video With Ricardo Delgado https://bearandrainbow.com/cure-jab-video-with-ricardo-delgado/ We The People in China's Masks Part 4: It's Time to Take Off The Muzzel, and Have Freedom To The Fullest https://bearandrainbow.com/we-the-people-in-chinas-masks-part-4-its-time-to-take-off-the-muzzel-and-have-freedom-to-the-fullest/ ( Vaccination topic starts at 2:23:01. ) To Be Vaxx or Unvaxx! https://rumble.com/v2877pa-to-be-vaxx-or-unvaxx.html?mref=a9bi7&mc=aza7m https://DETOXIFICATIONBYPURIFICATION.COM Poll: What Healing & Empowerment Topics/ Events Interest You? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScME_Pqv7YWT5RSzIRhjU2XzEGcZEtg5mQR_qzdOD4donYpvw/viewform Soundmoney Wallet https://7ksystems.com/s/gkksysPSMA https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/rainbows-page/ Donate to Bear & Rainbow: https://bearandrainbow.com/donate/ To contact me, Bear, you can either email me at bear and rainbow @ protonmail.com, or go to https://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowShamanicHealers and go to our inbox to contact me there with your name, phone number, email, the reason you are contacting me, the best time to call you, and where you are located at in order for me, or Rainbow to best serve you. Serious inquiries only. Join Our Mailing List https://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420308 views -
Sins of Satanism
BearAndRainbowBear speaks about Satanism from many levels, from Religious to the Metaphysical to the Occult, and how the Elites have been using Satanism to rule the world and how to learn about Satanism in order to counter the malevolent forces behind the Elites, within ourselves, and to conquer and to effectively fight back against the Satanic Globalists so that We all can be free as Americans, and Humanity as we start to Ascend to higher dimensions. Poll: What Healing & Empowerment Topics/ Events Interest You? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScME_Pqv7YWT5RSzIRhjU2XzEGcZEtg5mQR_qzdOD4donYpvw/viewform Roman Empire Caesar https://7ksystems.com/s/a3R68LqGXH https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/rainbows-page/ Donate to Bear & Rainbow: https://bearandrainbow.com/donate/ To contact me, Bear, you can either email me at bear and rainbow @ protonmail.com, or go to https://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowShamanicHealers and go to our inbox to contact me there with your name, phone number, email, the reason you are contacting me, the best time to call you, and where you are located at in order for me, or Rainbow to best serve you. Serious inquiries only. Join Our Mailing List https://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420 _____________________________________________________________________________ SAMAEL - The Secret Identity of Satan [Arcane Topics] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDRyP6Z08ZI Hunter Biden Became The Hunted https://bearandrainbow.com/hunter-biden-became-the-hunted/ Dr. Michael Sala https://Exopolitics.org Charlie Ward https://CharlieWard.com Benjamin Fulford https://BenjaminFulford.net We The People NEWS https://rumble.com/c/Mary David Nino Rodriguez https://rumble.com/c/c-1730641 Ra Imhotep https://www.youtube.com/@13signsastrology/ Pedophile Code Language https://rehabinc.blogspot.com/2020/07/pedophile-code-language.html Take Our Border Back https://TakeOurBorderBack.com 3D To 5D Consciousness https://3Dto5DConsciousness.com815 views -
Stealing, draining interaction, and psychic protection (Louder version)
BearAndRainbowOriginally Published on June 8, 2020. Need clarity, advise, healing, empowerment? Who are you, what are you meant to be doing, what’s holding you back? How do you break through certain blockages holding you back? I, Rainbow, offer consultations, strategy sessions, and readings. To book a private session, go to http://BearAndRainbow.com/contact. Subscribe via email & mobile app at http://BearAndRainbow.com. For access to our psychic protection, personal development, communities, and business trainings, join our https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers when it launches, to be announced. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase “Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow” Kindle Edition, 1st of the series $2.99 usd. Rate & give feedback so others who need it can find it. Buy & or share our book if you're interested/ or someone you know is. Released Friday the 13th, March 13 2020. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420 , or https://bearandrainbow.com/products/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please consider donating to the publishing of our psychic protection trainings in manual, video, and audio forms. Thank you! Donate here, many link options: https://bearandrainbow.com/donate/ https://bear-and-rainbow-llc.square.site/ https://cash.app/$BearAndRainbow --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like http://facebook.com/BearAndRainbowShamansForPersonalDevelopment . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Healing--It Is All That Is” ~https://BearAndRainbow.com19 views