The Rothschild’s Commissioned the Creation of the Scofield Bible to Manipulate Christians
WWaking the World upThe ultimate goal is a One World Government and they want the Headquarters to be set up in Jerusalem. Where did Trump move the US Embassy? Jerusalem. For many centuries Palestine was a friendly country with Jews, Christians and Muslims living peacefully together. There was no hatred and no war. The war and the hatred is manufactured, it is created to cause a reaction so there can be a solution provided by the same scum that makes it appear like a “natural” occurrence. This is called the Hegelian Dialectic. The Rothschild’s started investing to create a “State” of Isreal– which is not a country, but is controlled externally – it was at this time that hate was incited between the groups. After centuries of living in harmony, suddenly there was this invasion by forces called Zionists. Zionists are the Rothschild’s hired terrorists, they are the Khazarian’s, The Jews, the Bolshevik’s. Zionists were the ones who wanted to establish a new Israel and make it the center of the One World Government. In order to do this, they had to have the worldwide support of the Christian Community. Before all of this in the 1800’s the Rothschild’s had their minions infiltrate Christianity. There was a man called Cyrus Scofield. He was a convicted criminal lawyer and was an expert in fraud and forgery. He was asked to create a new Bible – the Scofield Study Bible. This was the first bible in all of history to contain footnotes. There was New Doctrine introduced in these footnotes int the American Evangelical Church. It said that there was to be a new political military Israel and that would be the place where the Messiah would come to rule the world. They said that this would be the fulfillment of the promise that God had made to Abraham and the fulfillment that Christ would return to Earth. The Scofield Bible was spread all throughout America and became the Foundation of the current day Evangelical Theology. Nobody was aware that this Bible was funded by Satanists and it was a trick to get Christianity on their side for establishing a New Israel that would become the Headquarters of their One World Government. The Scofiled Bible was published by the Oxford University Press, which was owned by the Rothschild's. This theology was first renounced by Freemason John Nelson Darby, whose family owned the Most Haunted Castle in the World – Leap Castle, where 150 dead bodies were found in the cellars and it is where Satanic Rituals were held. John Darby was an employee of the Rothschild's and he was the one who educated John Scofield. He worked for the East India Company. The Scofied Bible said that everybody who supported this new Israel would be blessed by God and everyone who did not support it would be cursed by God. As always, Fear and Intimidation was used to persuade Christians to be on their side. Source: Sparemethelies -- https://old.bitchute.com/video/s1Ijn5ogxLc0/ ===================================================== PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day. Up to 75% OFF! Hope & Tivon’s EMF Protection Products: https://www.ftwproject.com/our-special-offers/ref/528/ Check out the Special Offers on all the EMF PROTECTION Products – including: 1. Phone & Laptop Shields 2. Pyramids 3. Sleeping Pods 4. Charge Plates 5. GardenSets 6. Shungite Tiles 7. Pendants. END. 12/13/2024 3:00 PM *******************************************************2.23K views 2 comments