An Exclusive Interview w/ Michael Tsarion [Part 2]
SOMTV#SOMTV #JoBradley #MichaelTsarion #Unslaved #MTsar #UnslavedPodcast #OccultSymbolism #Psychology #TheGreatAwakening #SaveAmerica #WeThePeople #Interview #UFOs #Mysticism #DarkToLight Michael Tsarion, the iconic author, researcher, and podcaster graces SOMTV for his second time. I'm strongly considering filing the necessary paperwork to legally make Michael Tsarion my uncle -- if such a thing is possible. I frickin' love this man and his mind. I'm so honored to have Michael back on the show today! Yes indeed my friends -- he is here once again and we are diving deep back into the madness of the day! Today's discussion is very wide-ranging as Michael's work is vast and extensive. Occult symbolism, psychology, astrology, humanity's awakening, facing fears and accepting hard truths, UFOs, and so much more. Get your pens and notebooks out for this one -- much to unpack. MichaelTsarion.COM Unslaved.COM SouledOut.TV Get access to exclusive / members-only content for only $3.69/mo ($36.99/yr) When you directly support SOMTV / Souled Out Media -- you are contributing to the Pro-Freedom Movement, supporting Free Speech and Open Discussion, supporting Health Freedom, supporting the Truth Movement, and strongly fighting back against Big Tech Censorship!1.77K views 9 comments -
An Exclusive Interview w/ Michael Tsarion
SOMTV#SOMTV #JoBradley #Interview #MichaelTsarion #Unslaved HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS HOLY. Get frickin' stoked for this one ladies and gents. Today, I am so honored and excited to present to you -- an epic, two-hour-long, in-depth, heavy conversation with one of the most influential forces in our world today -- the great Michael Tsarion. To give him a fair introduction would be to write a tome. This man was making waves on the internet before the tech giants ever even thought of taking over the world. To this day, a quick search for his name (on a fairly open and uncensored search engine) will deliver you enough uploaded, reuploaded, and crossloaded content to mentally chew on for years! Interestingly enough -- Wikipedia scrubbed his name and his works completely. Because they are losers and can't handle the truth. From psychology, to astrotheology, to the hidden history of mankind, to global conspiracies, spiritual adepthood and so much more -- this author, historian, and teacher has got you covered. Books, presentations, documentaries, lectures, etc. -- whatever your preferred medium of intellectual stimulus may be -- this man has published it. It would literally take multiple seasons of the podcast for me to pick his brain about all of the things I'd like to, but for the sake of his SOMTV debut, and to properly introduce him and his work to you all -- I did my best to start off simple and dive deeper and deeper through out the show. Please understand that the fact that this man is still alive and kicking to this day is a miracle in and of itself -- as he is, in my opinion, the truest and realest form of a modern, counter-cultural icon -- and a much-needed one at that. Make sure you check out all of his amazing work! DO IT NOW! http://unslaved.com http://michaeltsarion.com S O U L E D O U T M E D I A T E L E V I S I O N (SOMTV) When you directly support SOMTV / Souled Out Media -- you are contributing to the Pro-Freedom Movement, supporting Free Speech and Open Discussion, supporting Health Freedom, supporting the Truth Movement, and strongly fighting back against Big Tech Censorship! DONATE (various methods) https://www.patreon.com/posts/43787052 THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT!3.68K views 14 comments -
The Occult Royal Families | Conversations On The Fringe
Redpill ProjectThe Occult Royal Families | Conversations On The Fringe What is behind the occult rituals of the royal families? What is meant by blue blood? What are the origins of the divine right to rule? Is there a Nazi connection to the House of Windsor? Was the Queen really a reptilian alien? Do the royal families perform satanic and sacrificial rituals? Here we go.... David Whitehead (DWTruthWarrior) www.dwtruthwarrior.com www.cultofthemedics.com JOIN US ON THE Social Redpill - A Private Social Network - www.socialredpill.com If you like what we're doing here at The Redpill Project You Can Now Show Support And Donate Using Give Send Go! https://givesendgo.com/redpills Check Out All Our Shows And Get Great Information On Guests At www.redpills.tv Use Promo Code: RPP at MyPillow.com to get even lower prices. www.redpills.tv/mypillow My Patriot Supply Be Prepared When Disaster Strikes redpills.tv/patriot The Redpill Project.. Find Us and Subscribe! Web https://redpills.tv Telegram http://t.me/RedpillsTV Rumble https://rumble.com/c/RedpillProject CloutHub https://clouthub.com/redpills GETTR https://gettr.com/user/redpill Foxhole App: https://pilled.net/#/profile/127862 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redpillproje... DLive: https://dlive.tv/RedpillProject HELP SUPPORT The Repill Project! [Tip Jar] Bitcoin: 39Wbf3ScFxegBsqXZoNhiZ5N553HhrbYH9 Ethereum: 0xCAaBDc59CA49eBAC74bF6C5da41B557378e30Da0 #Esoteric #Occult #Mysteries #Spirituality #Fringe #royalfamily#RedpillProject #AncientCivilizations #Conspiracy #Podast14.3K views 41 comments -
The Druids, Chaldeans, Gaels & The Creation of Christianity
CrypticGateMichael Tsarion and Red Ice Creations Radio Nov 25th, 2007 Visuals From: Nomadic Ambience https://www.youtube.com/@NomadicAmbience/featured The Irish Origins of Civilization https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B074CH7YY2?ref_=dbs_p_pwh_rwt_anx_b_lnk&storeType=ebooks --------------------------- Michael Tsarion - PLAYLIST https://rumble.com/playlists/CsAUJ17n_c4 Occult Symbolism - PLAYLIST https://rumble.com/playlists/Jj74nDbRqO4 A View From Space - PLAYLIST https://rumble.com/playlists/Nc89iRv2ZXY --------------------------- Michael Tsarion - The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1yaxiy-michael-tsarion-the-subversive-use-of-sacred-symbolism-in-the-media-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology Part 1 https://rumble.com/v3qcvw1-michael-tsarion-astro-theology-and-sidereal-mythology-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Divination and the Goddess Tradition Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1yj96q-michael-tsarion-divination-and-the-goddess-tradition-part-1.html Hidden Symbolism and Human History - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v40jkgp-michael-tsarion-hidden-symbolism-and-human-history-part-1.html Architects of Control - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v3zlma4-architects-of-control-part-1.html Conspiracy Psychology with Michael Tsarion - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2fb6me-conspiracy-psychology-with-michael-tsarion-part-1.html Weapons of Mass Deception Behind the New World Order - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2exgpa-weapons-of-mass-deception-behind-the-new-world-order-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation https://rumble.com/v2bkby6-michael-tsarion-atlantis-alien-visitation-and-genetic-manipulation-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - The Psychological Dictatorship and Global Control - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2bilb6-michael-tsarion-the-psychological-dictatorship-and-global-control-part-1.html The Post Human World - Michael Tsarion https://rumble.com/v4bd7aq-the-post-human-world-michael-tsarion.html1.49K views 2 comments -
Lucifer & The Dark Side of the Sun - Michael Tsarion
CrypticGateRed Ice Radio with Michael Tsarion April 19th, 2007 Michael Tsarion PLAYLIST https://rumble.com/playlists/CsAUJ17n_c4 Michael Tsarion - The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1yaxiy-michael-tsarion-the-subversive-use-of-sacred-symbolism-in-the-media-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology Part 1 https://rumble.com/v3qcvw1-michael-tsarion-astro-theology-and-sidereal-mythology-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Divination and the Goddess Tradition Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1yj96q-michael-tsarion-divination-and-the-goddess-tradition-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2bkby6-michael-tsarion-atlantis-alien-visitation-and-genetic-manipulation-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - The Psychological Dictatorship and Global Control - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2bilb6-michael-tsarion-the-psychological-dictatorship-and-global-control-part-1.html Weapons of Mass Deception Behind the New World Order - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2exgpa-weapons-of-mass-deception-behind-the-new-world-order-part-1.html Architects of Control - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v3zlma4-architects-of-control-part-1.html Architects of Control - Part 2 https://rumble.com/v3zm7vm-architects-of-control-part-2.html Hidden Symbolism In Human History - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v40jkgp-michael-tsarion-hidden-symbolism-and-human-history-part-1.html Michael Tsarion Interviews -------------------------------------------- Psychology & Sorcery - Michael Tsarion https://rumble.com/v4h5phn-psychology-and-sorcery-michael-tsarion.html Lucifer & The Dark Side of the Sun https://rumble.com/v4bcac2-lucifer-and-the-dark-side-of-the-sun-michael-tsarion.html The Post Human World - Michael Tsarion https://rumble.com/v4bd7aq-the-post-human-world-michael-tsarion.html The Psychology and Symbolism of World Control https://rumble.com/v2i9niw-the-psychology-and-symbolism-of-world-control.html --------------------------------------------2.68K views -
The Post Human World - Michael Tsarion
CrypticGateRed Ice Radio with Michael Tsarion Sept 20th, 2007 Michael Tsarion PLAYLIST https://rumble.com/playlists/CsAUJ17n_c4 Michael Tsarion - The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1yaxiy-michael-tsarion-the-subversive-use-of-sacred-symbolism-in-the-media-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology Part 1 https://rumble.com/v3qcvw1-michael-tsarion-astro-theology-and-sidereal-mythology-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Divination and the Goddess Tradition Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1yj96q-michael-tsarion-divination-and-the-goddess-tradition-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2bkby6-michael-tsarion-atlantis-alien-visitation-and-genetic-manipulation-part-1.html Michael Tsarion - The Psychological Dictatorship and Global Control - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2bilb6-michael-tsarion-the-psychological-dictatorship-and-global-control-part-1.html Weapons of Mass Deception Behind the New World Order - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2exgpa-weapons-of-mass-deception-behind-the-new-world-order-part-1.html Architects of Control - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v3zlma4-architects-of-control-part-1.html Architects of Control - Part 2 https://rumble.com/v3zm7vm-architects-of-control-part-2.html Hidden Symbolism In Human History - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v40jkgp-michael-tsarion-hidden-symbolism-and-human-history-part-1.html Michael Tsarion Interviews -------------------------------------------- Psychology & Sorcery - Michael Tsarion https://rumble.com/v4h5phn-psychology-and-sorcery-michael-tsarion.html Lucifer & The Dark Side of the Sun https://rumble.com/v4bcac2-lucifer-and-the-dark-side-of-the-sun-michael-tsarion.html The Post Human World - Michael Tsarion https://rumble.com/v4bd7aq-the-post-human-world-michael-tsarion.html The Psychology and Symbolism of World Control https://rumble.com/v2i9niw-the-psychology-and-symbolism-of-world-control.html --------------------------------------------2.82K views 1 comment